Chapter 393 The upper cobwebs, complex relationships

Chen Yi and his sister-in-law left the airport, went to the airport parking lot, and found the BMW 3 Series that he had borrowed.

Open the trunk and put the lv box in it. Chen Jin, who is also familiar with the road, sat in the co-pilot and fastened his seat belt.

The BMW 3 Series is not a very good car, but Chen Jin doesn’t care what car she rides. Although she has been pampered since childhood, led a big life, and is doted by her family, she has not particularly high material needs.

Seeing Chen Yi sitting in the driving, she suddenly became vigilant, and asked in a low voice, “…My nephew, you rarely come to Xiangjiang?”

“Yes, this is the second time.”

Although he had been to Xiangjiang several times before he was born again, it was indeed the second time after he was born again.

Chen Jin immediately looked terrified, she was about to unfasten her seat belt, and said in horror: “…Then if you can drive a right-driving car, let me do it!”

“Relax, you see, I can drive to the airport, absolutely no problem!”

Chen Yi didn’t give my sister-in-law time to react. He was already igniting the car, putting the gear on and letting the car move.

Seeing that Chen Yi had started the car, even if Chen Jin was worried, she had no choice but to fasten her seat belt.

Seeing the car leaving the parking lot, she sniffed, and looked suspiciously at Chen Yi who was driving, “…The owner of this car is a girl, right?”

Chen Yi was taken aback, glanced at her, and muttered, “…Sister, are you a dog? You can smell it.”

Chen Yuyan doesn’t like to hang all kinds of gadgets in her car, so it is impossible to tell whether the owner of this car is male or female only from the interior, but Chen Yi did not expect that her little aunt could sniff it out by her nose.

“Why does my eldest nephew talk to your sister-in-law and me!”

Chen Jin glared at Chen Yi pretendingly, and then explained: “…The smell of this perfume has not disappeared, and this smell is known to be a girl’s perfume.”

“…You still have a friend in Xiangjiang?”

Chen Jin immediately raised her gossiping heart and looked at Chen Yi excitedly.

“What do you mean by Xiang Hao? What you use… is my friend… ` ` …”

Chen Yi briefly told his sister-in-law about how he met Ducha Chen.

“Then you guys still have fate, how about big nephew, do you think it is good? Are you interested in them?”

“Good-looking is good-looking, but sister-in-law, what are you doing? Do you want to match me? I warn you, don’t mess around, I have a score in my heart!”(Read more @

Driving the vehicle, Chen Yi was all vigilant and warned Chen Jin, for fear that this sister-in-law would come in disorder.

He saw Chen Jin sitting on the car seat with two slender legs overlapping.

The elegant ankles and slender legs are slightly bent, forming a beautiful arc.

After taking a look, Chen Yi quickly withdrew his gaze, but the girl is always very sensitive. Chen Jin noticed Chen Yi’s gaze, but she didn’t mind when she arrived. Her black and white eyes blinked and she had an idea immediately:

“…Your friend is getting off work, so why don’t we go to the police station to pick her up, let’s go to dinner together?”

Chen Yi frowned, and hesitated: “…Sister, didn’t you make an appointment? It’s not good if you bring an outsider.”

I have a blood relationship with Chen Jin, so I’m not considered an outsider, but I have a problem with Officer Chen. Although they are also surnamed Chen, they can’t be regarded as relatives.

“Didn’t you say that Officer Chen’s father is a deputy police officer? Maybe you still know the person I want to see in a while.”

Chen Jin said in a conclusive way.

“Sister, who are you going to see in a while? Give me a plausible letter, so I can prepare.”

Chen Yi was very curious about who his sister-in-law knew in Xiangjiang, and seeing that the relationship was good, he went to eat with them as soon as he came to Xiangjiang.

“You may not know her, but you should have heard of her grandfather, whose surname is Zhang, one of the veterans who took office in the Senate, ranked seventh.”

In a word, Chen Yi immediately had the old man’s information in his mind.

Now that you are in this circle, you must have a general impression of the people in power and the family for the past two decades.

That was a member of the former Senate.

Although he has now retired from the Senate Council, as long as a person is still alive, he will still hold part of the energy and power in his hands.

“She took the Hukou of Xiangjiang. She is now the director of CCB International Assets. She is also the vice president of Xia Qinghui and the director of the Xiangjiang League. She and her mother have a relationship with the current chief executive officer of Xiangjiang. It’s also pretty good.”

Listening to my sister-in-law, Chen Yi knew that the relationship was complicated. CCB International Assets Co., Ltd. knew what organization it was just by looking at its name.

The titles of other vice-chairmen and board directors seem to be idle, and they are named after them. The most important thing is that they still know the current female consul.

“Sister Zhang’s words are actually okay. It doesn’t hurt to get to know her, but you can manage the relationship with her husband and eldest nephew.”

“…He is one of the members of the Pengcheng Council and the vice chairman of the Pengcheng Entrepreneurs Association. He is a director of seventeen listed companies in Xiangjiang. He may be helpful to you in business.”

Listening to my sister-in-law’s endless talk, Chen Yi was silent in his heart.

This is the barrier of the class, the relatives and other interpersonal relationships in it are really intricate, like a giant spider web at the top.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the spider web.

My wife’s grandfather used to be the chief executive officer of Pengcheng, and he was the vice chairman of the Pengcheng Entrepreneur Association, and he was also one of the members of the parliament. Who would believe it if you say that there is nothing tricky about it.

Thinking deeply, forget it, still don’t want to delete it.

“Then I will call Sir Chen and ask her to go to dinner with her.”

After listening to my sister-in-law, Chen Yi also believed that the Zhang sister and his wife in her mouth might actually know Sir Chen.

Then it doesn’t seem abrupt to ask to eat in the past.

Chen Yi immediately called Chen Yuyan and asked her to go to dinner. During the three days in Xiangjiang, Chen Yi had eaten with Chen Yuyan almost every night. Supervisor Chen didn’t even think about it. He just agreed.

He drove the car directly to the dedicated parking lot of the Chen Yuyan working police station. Chen Yi and his sister-in-law sat in the car and chatted, waiting for Chen Yuyan to leave work.

It didn’t take long for Chen Yi to see a heroic lady trotting out from the entrance of the police station through the car window.

Chen Yuyan found her car at a glance, and when she ran there, she saw Chen Yi pulling down the window. She was confused and asked: “… Didn’t you say Chen Yi go to the airport to pick up people? I thought you wouldn’t be here at night? .”

As soon as he finished speaking, Superintendent Chen saw the strange and beautiful beauty sitting in the co-pilot of his car, and Yingwu’s pretty face sank immediately.

Okay, Chen Yi, who cares if the person I borrowed the car to pick up is such a big beauty? And also brought it here for me to see, what does this mean? ! .

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