Chapter 394 Hong Kong Gangster

Chen Yuyan’s face collapsed immediately, the smile that was still permeating before disappeared, and she completely became Officer Chen. The beautiful eyes that looked at Chen Yi were awe-inspiring and sharp, as if they were staring at the suspect.

Chen Yi shivered after being stared at by Chen Yuyan.

A person’s profession can really change a person’s temperament, and it will also leave a deep impression on people.

For example, an English teacher and a math teacher. If it weren’t for the system now, it is estimated that Chen Yi would still be afraid of seeing these two teachers.

Chen Yi has enough IQ and not low EQ. Under Officer Chen’s cold gaze, he immediately knew what Chen Yuyan was angry with.

Regardless of whether it is a police officer, a stewardess or a doctor, it is always the same for girls.

He quickly said: “…Sir Chen, let me introduce you, this is my sister-in-law, Chen Jin!”

“Your sister-in-law?”

Chen Yuyan was startled, a little unbelieving, she looked at Chen Yi suspiciously, and then at Chen Jin who was sitting in the co-pilot.

If only talking about the value of the face, Chen Yuyan and Chen Jin are actually different.

However, compared to the police officer Chen who didn’t dress up much for work reasons, Chen Yi’s sister-in-law’s fluttering and fairy-like temperament, and fashionable dress, looked much more feminine than Chen Yuyan.

Although Chen Yuyan, as an inspector, is not particularly concerned about these, she is also a girl and loves beauty. She only sacrificed for her job.

Seeing a male friend with whom he has a good impression of borrowing his car to pick up other beautiful girls, he is naturally angry.

“Really? Don’t lie to me…”

Chen Yuyan is still a little hesitant, your sister-in-law is too young, and she is so beautiful, shouldn’t this name be your x addiction?

693   Police Officer Chen is very worried about Chen Yi’s character.

Chen Yi turned his head to look at the sister in the co-pilot. He only hopes that his sister will never be like a little girl. He suddenly hugs him and says, “This is my boyfriend.” .

Fortunately, Chen Jin likes to listen to gossip, but she is still very mature. She sits in the co-pilot and smiles with her moist red lips and said, “…Well, I am his sister-in-law, this is my eldest nephew. I usually trouble you, Officer Chen!”

“…My parents got married and gave birth relatively late, so Chen Yi and I don’t seem to have a big age difference, but they do have a generational difference. We have different opinions. I am a few years older than you. You can call my sister.”

Seeing Chen Jin’s generous and elegant manners, Chen Yuyan is not the kind of little girl who loves to be jealous.

She straightened her back and had an awe-inspiring temperament. She had a completely different feminine style from Chen Jin. After hearing this, she let go of her heart and said enthusiastically: “…Then, sister Jin?”

“What is different from each other? She is called your sister. Then I will not call Sir Chen Auntie? Hello Aunt Chen, this year Guigeng?”

Chen Yi yelled in dissatisfaction.

“Keep rolling, who is your aunt? I don’t have a big nephew like you. Drive your car quickly, don’t you want to go to dinner? Today I encountered a bunch of trivial things, and I was so annoying.”

“…My dear nephew, I’ll wrap you a red envelope when the festival is over!”

Chen Yuyan had a fierce temper, and after she opened the door of the driving car, she sat in and gently kicked the back of the seat in front of her.

“I see, Aunt Chen!”

Chen Yi made a heavy tone on ‘Auntie’, “…Auntie, I don’t want to work hard anymore, or you can take care of me!”

“You are too ugly, don’t!”

Chen Yuyan disgusted.

“I’m still ugly? You have to go to the hospital to see an ophthalmologist!”

“You are changing Fang to praise yourself for being handsome, not disgusting!”


Chen Jin smiled as she watched the two hurt each other, showing a soft smile like an old mother.

However, she quickly realized that why she is really like an old lady now, maybe this nephew called “Aunt Chen” just calling herself!(Read more @

The more she thought about it, the more wrong she got.

This meal is still the old place. As Xiangjiang has decades of history, Fulinmen is definitely the first choice for a must-eat restaurant here.

After parking the car in the parking lot, Chen Yi and the three got out of the car and walked to the restaurant door chatting.

Before taking a few steps, Chen Jin just brightened his eyes and trot for two steps wearing high heels ‘Da Da Da’, and said hello in surprise: “…Sister Zhang!”

“How many times have I said it, don’t call me Sister Zhang, this name sounds very old, Jinjin come over and let me see, tusk, it’s still so beautiful!”

After a couple standing at the gate of Fulin met Chen Jin, the lady also shouted in surprise.

This sister Zhang looked like she was in her early thirties. She was well maintained and dressed up very stylishly. She was wavy and wore makeup that was not too heavy or light.

Although it’s not the kind of stunning beauty, it looks pretty after makeup.

Standing next to her was a man Chen Yi estimated to be in his early forties. He should be her husband. But at this age, the gap between the two is a little bit bigger, and the difference between the two is more than eight years old.

The husband of sister Zhang is slightly fat, but he doesn’t touch the fat man. He looks nice, but his eyes are shrewd and he is probably not good at it.

“How many days does Jin Jin plan to live in Xiangjiang?”

“It won’t be a few days before I have to return to the Imperial Capital. My dad and my mom are in a hurry.”

“Then you should spend more time with your sister in Xiangjiang these days. Our sisters have not seen each other for more than a year.”


Chen Jin and Zhang Jie had a chat, Chen Yi and Chen Yuyan also came over.

Sister Zhang looked at Chen Yi hesitantly. This handsome boy was a bit familiar with the truth, and she also saw that she was here with Chen Jin just now. He should be a friend.

She knows Chen Yuyan, although she is not familiar with it, but she has seen it in some social situations before.

She wondered about the relationship between Chen Yi and Chen Jin. If Chen Yiyan hadn’t stood by her side, she might have doubted whether Chen Yi and Chen Jin were boyfriends or not.

After all, he is pretty and handsome. Although Chen Yi looks a little younger, his age is never a problem at this age.

She tugged Chen Jin’s sleeves and asked: “…Who is Jin Jin? Isn’t it the boyfriend you were looking for? After finding a boyfriend, she didn’t even talk to our sisters and knew that she was hiding. Tucked.”

“Fart boyfriend, Chen Yi came to call Aunt Zhang, this is my eldest nephew!”

Chen Jin snorted, and after pulling Chen Yi it was an introduction.

“Your eldest nephew?”

Sister Zhang opened her mouth into an’o’ shape, looking at Chen Jin in shock, her eyes were full of suspicion just like the previous Chen Yuyan.

“It’s really my big nephew, kind of blood relationship, his grandfather and my dad are brothers!”

Chen Jinbai glanced at her and knew that this sister was thinking wildly.

“My nephew, this is Aunt Zhang, this is Uncle Li…”

Chen Jin’s introduction is not serious.

Although it’s okay to calculate by age, this sister Zhang is fine, but that brother Li’s age is called ‘uncle’ so it’s no problem.

“Don’t don’t don’t, don’t call me Aunt Zhang, just call me sister!”

Sister Zhang waved her hand again and again, she didn’t want to grow old aunt for no reason.

Chen Yi smiled mildly, not cautiously, standing beside Chen Jin generously, and said in a cordial tone: “…Sister Zhang, Brother Li!”

Chen Jin stood by and saw that Chen Yi was neither called Auntie nor Uncle Li, but the cheeks drummed slightly.

“Haha, I know you, Brother Chen, you are very famous among the younger generation.”

The slightly fat brother Li patted Chen Yi’s arm vigorously, with a friendly tone. In fact, he wanted to pat the shoulder, but he was not tall enough.

“Shengjie, do you know Brother Chen?”

Sister Zhang was surprised.

“Have you not seen it before, on TV and on the Internet, you still praised how handsome people were.”

Brother Li said to his wife irritably.

Sister Zhang was stunned at this time and said in surprise:

“…It turned out to be that little handsome guy, Jinjin, your nephew is very famous, hey, it’s my sister’s fault. I didn’t recognize it for a while. It’s really Brother Chen, you are much more handsome than what you saw in the online video.”

As a junior, Chen Yi can’t overwhelm the host. He can only smile and slander in his heart. This couple speaks really nicely, changing to praise me for being handsome!

“Brother Chen, you and Yu Yan are friends? We have met several times at parties before. This is the police flower of our Xiangjiang…”

This sister Zhang is exquisite and well-rounded. After meeting and chatting with the sisters she hadn’t seen for a long time, she met Chen Yi again, and then brought Chen Yuyan, who had been silent, into her own topic.

She is not indifferent to anyone, but from the order of sequence, she can also make people feel a kind of close relationship.

Just as a few people were asking for warmth at the gate of Fulin, three luxury cars suddenly drove over.

The Rolls-Royce Phantom in the middle, and the two Gusts in the front and back, look full of posture.

When the waiter at the gate of Fulin met the three cars, he kindly greeted them.

The three cars stopped, and several bodyguards got on and off from the two Gusts at the front and back, and they said at once: “…sorry, let’s let it go, let’s let it go!”

Although he said sorry, his actions were a bit vulgar.

A bodyguard just walked up to Chen Yi and his arms stretched out, causing Chen Jin, who was wearing high heels, to stagger.

Chen Yi’s eyes were quick and fast, and he quickly supported Chen Jin’s soft waist, letting her lean in his arms, frowning.

The brother Li beside him also looked terrified and looked very upset. .

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