Chapter 408 System rewards and new tasks

“Lao Qiu, you did a good job this time, I’m very satisfied.”

“…According to our previous agreement, I will inject 300 million yuan into your fund, and the financial and legal personnel will be assigned by me. There is no problem, right?”

Back in the office, Chen Yi sat in his office chair and said to Qiu Lei.

Qiu Lei held back his excitement and nodded vigorously, “…All the materials you have prepared, Mr. Chen, would not have been possible if I didn’t have those materials.”

Although Chen Yi also gave him a bonus, the money is estimated to be in the millions.

However, Qiu Lei is more concerned about the investment Chen Yi has given him than the money he has put into his pocket.

Most people may care about the cash that can be spent, but for people with dreams like Qiu Lei, getting investment is what he values ​​most, and he cares more about his own business.

Hearing Qiu Lei’s compliments, Chen Yi just smiled and did not speak.

Because Qiu Lei was right, although he did a good job in this short-selling transaction, he almost achieved his best and emptied the wealth of the flying eagle farming and animal husbandry.

But the reason for all this is the information and intelligence provided by Chen Yi.

In fact, this is a fundamentally unfair war. From the beginning, Chen Yi was the victor. The only difference was how much loot Chen Yi could get.

There is a saying called ‘if you are involved in a fair war, then this shows that your tactics are a shit’.

The meaning of all tactics and strategies is to make this war unfair.

“Well, I will ask someone to call you the money later and pay in batches. The total is worth 300 million!”

Chen Yi raised his hand and gestured to the number 3.

This time, Qiu Lei has proved his ability, and Chen Yi can safely hand over the money to him to operate.

Especially the stability that Qiu Lei showed in this transaction is what Chen Yi is most satisfied with. He doesn’t need Qiu Lei who can use the 300 million yuan to bring him wealthy assets. The possibility of that kind of thing is too low. The risk is too great.

He just hopes that Qiu Lei can make the rate of return exceed inflation, so that this asset can grow steadily, and he doesn’t have to worry about it at all.

If Qiu Lei’s fund becomes bigger, then Chen Yi, as a partner and investor, will also gain more wealth.

This is how capital rolls up and makes oneself richer.

However, the defensive heart is indispensable. In addition to dispatching his trusted financial and legal affairs, Chen Yi also gave the money to Qiu Lei in installments instead of giving it to him in one breath to minimize the risk.(Read more @

This is the prudence that a superior person must have, who can trust a person, but the most important thing is not to give that person the opportunity to betray.

After giving instructions to Qiu Lei, Chen Yi said to Han Yifan: “…Other employees can rest, but Yifan can’t do it. Some things have to be done by you ` `.”

“…This office can be rented out. Then you can find someone to do the trivial things about how the employees return to Shanghai.”

“I was just told by someone on the southern side of Henan that I had successfully acquired the home appliance competition club’omg’.”

“…You should have heard of this club’s name, even if you haven’t heard of it, it doesn’t matter.”

“After that, you return to Shanghai to study the domestic e-sports industry, especially the lpl league. According to the domestic situation, write a proposal according to the North American NBA and submit it to the lpl organizing committee with a report on the alliance.”

“…As the boss of OMG, I am naturally qualified to do this kind of thing.”

Chen Yi gave an order and arranged all the next work.

As the boss, he must learn to delegate power and assign tasks, and it is impossible to do everything himself. He has the idea of ​​lpl alliance, but investigating materials, writing reports and papers, etc., is left to subordinates to do.

As a top student graduated from an Ivy League college in North America and Han Yifan, who has many years of experience in investment banking, this kind of thing is absolutely easy for him.

If you don’t count the system and just look at the simple diploma, Chen Yi is really not as strong as Han Yifan, even everyone in Chen Yi’s team is an elite of the elite, those who graduated from Qingbei are completely incomparable.

“Good boss, I wrote it all down!”

Han Yifan held a pen in his hand and recorded the tasks ordered by Chen Yi in his notebook.

Other employees have gone to rest and have to work. Han Yifan not only does not complain but is very grateful, because it means that he has the trust of Chen Yi, and Chen Yi also gives him some power.

Of course, the most important thing is that although he has been exhausted from last November to the present, Chen Yi has given too much.

After this time, bonuses were distributed. In addition to the taxes paid, Han Yifan calculated it by himself. At least he could get a reward of more than 6 million yuan. This is no problem for buying a house in the super first-tier cities.

If the money is still working as in the past, how long will it take him to earn it, but after a few months of work with Chen Yi, he has completed one of his life pursuits, and he can’t wait to sell his life to Mr. Chen.

Should I go to Shencheng to buy a house next or go to the Imperial Capital to buy a house? Well, let’s see in which city Mr. Chen will have more business activities next, I want to follow Mr. Chen!

I have to continue to work hard to bring my parents to the big cities as well. As for the money I made in the past few years for my parents to buy houses in small cities, don’t worry!

Han Yifan has established goals for himself.

Chen Yi waved the excited Han Yifan and Qiu Lei away, and finally had time to take a look at his own system.

The system has been upgraded to level 5, half of the system has been completed, and the monthly’salary’ has changed from 80 million to 160 million after the upgrade.

In one year, it is about 2 billion.

Two billion a year, what kind of concept is this? This kind of pure income actually represents Chen Yi’s total asset level is already in the tens of billions.

This is really nothing, and it’s hard to spend money on mixed eating and death.

The enjoyment that can be achieved in this world is that, two billion dollars a year is enough to live the most luxurious life.

However, Chen Yi has a dream. For him now, money has become a mere number. How he uses these numbers to become stronger and gain more power is what Chen Yi cares about now.

The salary given by the system Chen Yi will not be taken out when there is no shortage of money, but will be stored in the system, because Chen Yi does not know whether he needs to use soft sister currency or US dollars at that time.

If the U.S. dollar is needed, the ‘Federal Reserve’ function given by the system allows him to turn the money into U.S. dollars for use. After all, the domestic soft currency is easy to use, but the U.S. dollar is the universal currency in the world.

“¨ 〃 The material security of life is completely sufficient. Well, the core algorithm rewards for this short video are also available.”

There are some inexplicable questions in Chen Yi’s mind, that is, the most important core algorithm in the field of short video.

Although he doesn’t understand it, it’s ok to hire a group of people, give them in stages and register patent rights.

The next step is to take the business to the next level, with the goal of becoming the top ten in China and the top 100 in the world and gaining greater visibility.

Um? Is the task of upgrading the system at the next level a bit different from what you originally thought?

Seeing the new task, Chen Yi raised his eyebrows. shape.

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