Chapter 409 Chen Yi of Deyi Shuangxin

[Lv6 upgrade task: upgrade a skill of art or sports, but not limited to art and sports, to level 5. 】

【Task reward: After completing the task, the reward is unknown. 】

When seeing this system task, Chen Yi was taken aback.

“What’s the situation? Suddenly it has nothing to do with money? Start to let me go into other fields?”

Chen Yi looked at the system mission statement thoughtfully.

The first few levels of system upgrade tasks are all related to money. For example, Chen Yi spent 10 million yuan at the beginning, and then let Chen Yi build a company with a turnover of more than 10 million yuan.

The last task is to use legal and reasonable means to earn 100 million U.S. dollars, which is more than 700 million soft sister coins.

Chen Yi used a short-selling method and made nearly two billion in two weeks, thus completing the task.

But no matter what, the tasks of the first few levels are almost related to money, as if it is for Chen Yi to learn to spend and make money, so that he can complete the basic guarantee of material, and there is always material worries.

And this new upgrade task has nothing to do with foreign objects, but allows Chen Yi to cultivate a level 5 ability.

It is as if the system has begun to cultivate him in all aspects, not just confined to ‘money’.

“It’s interesting.”

Chen Yi thought that the name of this system at the time was ‘Senior God Hao Yang 703 Cheng’. Although Chen Yi was quite scornful of the word “Senior”, because the things were all bright and shiny on the surface, but they might be rotten behind them.

But now it seems that the system requires Chen Yi not only to have money, but also to have other abilities to match him, so as to enrich himself.

“This is called the all-round development of morality, intelligence, physicality, art and labor? Or is it an old artist with virtue and art?”

I murmured in my heart, but the task must still be done.

It is true that after the system upgrade, his monthly salary will double again, and by the 6th level, there will be 4 billion funds in each year.

Although the material enjoyment of Chen Yi is already sufficient now, no one will dislike more money. The more money Chen Yi wants to do, the higher the success of what Chen Yi wants to do.

Now Chen Yi even has a kind of making money not for himself, but with a subtle sense of mission for society.

Moreover, this task is said to be difficult, at least in terms of difficulty, it is almost as easy as spending 10 million.

Because in order to complete this task, Chen Yi needs to do only one thing, and that is—persistence!

The highest level of each skill is 5, and the first three levels are amateur level, as long as you are willing, you can complete it in a week or two at most.

But starting from level 3 onwards, the required ‘experience’ is very high. At least Chen Yi has to practice a skill every day, to do one thing, and he can finish it after a few months of persistence.(Read more @

This is why Chen Yi was not prepared to practice a certain skill before.

Because people only have twenty-four hours a day, except for sleeping time, if Chen Yi wants to reach the full level of the three skills, then he can say nothing this year.

There is no time to enjoy, no time to spend money, or even no time to pick up girls.

Chen Yi is reluctant to do this kind of thing. Moreover, he is just at the beginning and development stage of his career. If he is to practice those skills, even the company will not have time to take care of it.

For Chen Yi, this young man, this is impossible to do. This makes Chen Yi certain that it is impossible to have both fish and bear paws.

If you want to enjoy and do business, you have to give up some cultural and ability pursuits.

Chen Yi’s initial plan was to start a business when he was young and spend money to enjoy it. When he was forty years old, he was bored and ready to retire. Then he would learn these things and become a hermit.

It’s just that the system task now makes him have to do it in advance.

“Fortunately, it just allows me to upgrade a skill to level 5, and spend up to 3 to 4 hours practicing every day.”

“…I have other free time to manage the company’s affairs, and enough time to play games, hook up girls, and spend money to play.”

It only takes three to four hours a day for Chen Yi to be acceptable, but persistence is really difficult. Who can guarantee that he can spend so much time every day to persist in doing one thing.

It’s like making people keep running every day and keep working out for two hours. It’s really too difficult.

Well, if just playing games, Chen Yi thinks he can do it easily.

But obviously the system cut off Chen Yi’s idea of ​​fishing. It requires Chen Yi to be upgraded to level 5. It is something that is relatively boring and most people will not like it.

“The question now is, I have to decide a skill direction, is to practice a piano to train myself to become a world-class master, so that the girls love me to die?”

Chen Yi thought for a while, but couldn’t decide for the time being.

As for using the ability of piano and violin to deceive girls, there is no need at all. This is just a bonus item, not a basic item.

What is the basic item? According to ancient terms, it is called Pan Lv and Deng Xiaoxian. According to modern terms, it is ‘high, rich and handsome’.

These are the basic conditions for girls to like themselves. As for music literacy, talents and the like, people who are not high, rich, or handsome need to think about it.

They have no external conditions, so they need to create external conditions.

And Gao Fushuai did this only by adding some points to the basic points.

For a while, Chen Yi couldn’t think of what he was going to learn, so he didn’t think much about it for the time being. Anyway, it was not in a hurry.

He took out his mobile phone to open vx, found the teacher’s vx number, and sent a message in the past: teacher prostitute, I have something to do with you, it is about the lpl league, if you are interested, you can come to the Imperial City to find me after a while.

This is Chen Yi’s original plan. After acquiring an lpl club, he will cooperate with people who are knowledgeable in the e-sports industry. This industry will not allow Chen Yi to make much money, but it can satisfy Chen Yi’s liking for it.

The prostitute teacher is naturally the most suitable candidate for cooperation. If Chen Yi is really in this industry, he will definitely visit Shencheng in person.

But for Chen Yi now, the e-sports industry is just a vassal of his huge cause. He will do his best, but he will never spend too much energy.

Therefore, even an e-sports celebrity like a prostitute teacher is not qualified to let Chen Yi put down and find it in person.

The opportunity has been given to you. If you are interested, if you are willing, then come and find me. If you don’t care, then I have some backup candidates.

Although money is not omnipotent, it is omnipotent at certain times and places!

After sending this message, Chen Yi didn’t care about it, but sent another message to Chen Yuyan: “…Sir Chen, I’m all done with this business, make an appointment to practice!”

When I came to Xiangjiang last time, I promised Chen Yuyan. This time I came to Xiangjiang and they helped me a lot. Even with Chen Yi’s cheeky, I felt a little embarrassed and decided to fulfill my promise.

Chen Yi did not wait for long. Chen Yi received two messages, one from Chen Yuyan and one from her teacher.

“You set the time!”


“When Shao Chen is free, I will buy a ticket for the old prostitute and go to the imperial capital to find you!”

Seeing this, Chen Yi nodded with satisfaction. The success of the prostitute is not pure luck. He knows how to seize opportunities, and he is also good at seizing opportunities.

There are not so many things, and I don’t ask you why, I just come to see you.

Perhaps this may waste his time and energy, but the opportunity is so fleeting, even if it is only one-tenth of the possibility, try.

And this prostitute teacher did it. .

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