Chapter 410 Are you playing “The Legend of Condor Heroes”?

Chen Yi and Chen Jin are busy in the presidential suite on the top floor of the Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong.

Mr. Tony, who had been invited by Hong Kong, was blowing his hair and finishing the styling for the two of them.

There is a Christie’s auction tonight. The name is ‘20th Century and Contemporary Art Evening Auction’. Chen Jin came to Xiangjiang to participate in this auction.

Her initial plan was to come over two days before the auction, but because she knew Chen Yi, the big nephew, she got in early ~ two weeks after her interest came.

It’s just that Chen Yi has been busy short trades for the past two weeks and has no time to accompany her.

Chen Jin wouldn’t be lonely either. She has a lot of friends here, and there are few female girlfriends who need work.

Every day we go out together, find a place to eat some cakes and chat, or go to see some operas or dance dramas, it is exactly the kind of celebrity life that people think of.

In fact, many girls from rich families live like this.

Except for a small number of women who are really interested in business and may work in their own family industry, most women are doing nothing all day long, looking for things to pass the time. This is the so-called celebrity.

“Mr. Chen, Ms. Chen, what do you think of this look?”

Tony stood behind him and asked respectfully with a smile on his face.

Chen Yi shook his head, and after examining it in the mirror, he nodded and said, “…Yes!”

The Tony smiled and bowed quickly, and left with his assistant with the device.

Christie’s auction is not a dinner party, nor is it an Oscar walk on the red carpet. Naturally, there is no need to wear that kind of dress or the like. If you really wear that kind of formal clothes, others might be surprised.

But even so, it is still necessary to sort out his appearance. As long as Chen Yi participates in some public activities, he will find someone to organize himself.

After Tony left, Chen Yi just put on his suit.

Men are good for this, no matter what the occasion, a suit is absolutely fine.

While in Shanghai, Chen Yi had already ordered a few suits, but this time he did not bring them to Xiangjiang. This is a ready-made product that he bought directly in Xiangjiang for 100,000 yuan.

And this kind of suit with a price of up to 100,000, Chen Yi estimated that he would never wear it again after wearing it once.

This kind of life sometimes made Chen Yi sigh. It was really something he didn’t dare to think about in the past. He only wore one hundred thousand clothes once, and he took it for granted.

After he got dressed, he walked out of the bedroom, and his eyes lit up when he saw his sister-in-law.

At this time, Chen Jin was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, tidying up her clothes.

In winter, Xiangjiang was not as cold as expected, so she did not wrap herself tightly.(Read more @

The light white long skirt reaches directly above the knees, with a series of fine silk tassels on it, and underneath the skirt are a pair of long snow-white legs without any strands.

The skin was delicate, straight and slender, and white and dazzling, so Chen Yi couldn’t help but look at it a few more times.

The upper part of the one-piece dress is similar to a small suit, with two diagonal long collars, and inside is a tights with a darker tone than white, which looks capable and decent.

The brown wavy hair that had just been blown by Mr. Tony was dangled in a magnificent manner, revealing pendants like jade ear beads.

And on the outside of this dress close to the summer, a long black dress is put on as a coat. The black and white collocation will never be out of date and will never go wrong.

This dress can be said to be elegant in fashion, neither too formal like an evening dress nor too ordinary.

After finishing the folds of her clothes, Chen Jin turned her head and looked at Chen Yi, smiling sweetly: “…How about this dress?”

Withdrawing his gaze from the dazzling white legs, Chen Yi directly gave a thumbs up and praised: “…Sister, you really know how to dress and match, and that’s nothing more than that of celebrities.”

Indeed, in the past few days, Chen Yi almost always wears different clothes every time she goes out. These clothes are not brought by her, but bought now.

The clothes I bought today will be worn tomorrow, and the clothes I bought tomorrow will be worn the day after tomorrow. This also makes Chen Yi feel that even if a woman has money, she sometimes likes to go shopping.

After receiving Chen Yi’s compliment, Chen Jin looked happy, her big eyes narrowed into crescent moons, she greeted Chen Yi and said: “…Let’s go, the time is just right!”

Walking downstairs with my sister-in-law, the concierge car was ready. After the two got in the car, the driver drove the Phantom onto the streets of Xiangjiang and went to the auction house.

The Christie’s auction house is a very classical British building. After arriving at the destination, Chen Jin subconsciously took Chen Yi’s arm and walked next to him to the auction house.

Before the auction house, there were people coming and going, but the number was not as large as expected. Some people wore more formal clothes, and some people just wore ordinary shirts.

Unlike people who think that people who come to participate in auctions are rich, in fact there are very few really rich people who come to participate in auctions.

Even if you have a work you want to shoot, you usually send someone to auction it. You must know that the auction process is actually very boring, and people who are not interested can’t sit there.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

There are of course rich people like Chen Yi who come to participate in the auction in person, but usually they are bored to participate in an auction to pass the time, or come with someone like Chen Yi.

In addition to the bidders, there are naturally many people from the antiques and art circles participating in the meeting. They themselves do not participate in the bidding and do not have the financial resources.

However, participating in the auction will know the current price of art, the value of porcelain and antiques of a certain dynasty, etc. These are the first-hand news of the collectors circle. People who mix in this circle must participate in various auctions.

As for auctions full of stars and wealthy people, you can only see them at large charity auctions.

After strict security checks, Chen Yi and Chen Jin each received their own brand.

Participants in the auction will verify their assets before the auction, and then they will be able to obtain such a grade to prove their strength and qualification to participate in the auction.

……. 0 …

The grades are all four-digit numbers, and you can choose this number yourself.

Before the brand was occupied, most people liked to carry a ‘6’ or an ‘8’ in it, but Chen Yi likes the number ‘7’, so his number is also ‘7777’.

After passing the security check, before entering the auction hall, there is a museum-like booth. The exhibits inside are all collections of Christie’s. This is why the security check is strict. You must know that the value of these exhibits is not low.

“Brother Chen!”

Just when Chen Yi and Chen Jin walked side by side and headed to the auction hall while talking and laughing, Chen Yi heard a surprise sound.

He and Chen Jin stopped and turned their heads, and they saw a young man in a suit who looked like a jerk in every way, beckoning to trot over here.

This person is exactly the Yang Tiantian that Chen Yi met when he came to Xiangjiang last time.

“I feel like Brother Chen from a long way. When I approached, I found it was Brother Chen. Brother Chen didn’t tell me when you came to Xiangjiang, so that the younger brother could not entertain you.”

After Yang Tiantian came to Chen Yi, he complained.

When he noticed Chen Jin next to Chen Yi, he was shocked and asked tentatively: “…Ms. Chen Jin?”

Then Yang Tiantian looked at Chen Yi again and blurted out, “…Brother Chen, your new girlfriend?”

“This is my sister-in-law!”

Chen Yi said angrily.


Yang Tiantian’s head is full of question marks, is this a new and popular name for men and women? Or are you playing “The Legend of Condor Heroes”? zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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