Chapter 411 Art auction

“My sister-in-law, understand? My sister-in-law!”

Chen Yi said word by word, correcting Yang Tiantian’s chaotic thinking.


Yang Tiantian finally understood. He looked at Chen Yi with a weird expression, as if he couldn’t believe the relationship between the two.

Chen Jin curled her crescent in her beautiful eyes and smiled while covering her mouth. She was not angry at others’ misunderstanding of herself as Chen Yi’s boyfriend, but rather happy.

Chen Yi is only 20 years old in May of this year. Others say she is Chen Yi’s girlfriend. Doesn’t this mean she is very young.

Women always care about their age.

“Okay, don’t mention this, but Yang Tiantian, how do you know my sister-in-law?”

Chen Yi didn’t say much on this topic, anyway, it was him who had the advantage, even the sister-in-law didn’t care, even he didn’t care.

It was just that Yang Tiantian knew Chen Jin, he was also a little surprised.

“Ms. Chen… Brother Chen, your sister-in-law is still very famous in our industry. She is a special appraiser of Sotheby’s and has a wealth of appraisal experience on modern oil paintings and domestic antique porcelain.”

“…But Aunt Chen doesn’t work at Sotheby’s auction house, she just counts as a part-time job, and sometimes appraises other auction houses.”

Getting used to calling, Yang Tiantian also called sister-in-law directly.

Listening to Yang Tiantian’s words, Chen Yi looked at his sister in surprise.

Unexpectedly, my sister-in-law is quite capable. I thought she was just like those socialites as a white rich and beautiful who was running around to kill time every day, but now it seems that my sister-in-law is an elite.

Seeing Chen Yi’s surprised eyes, Chen Jin was a little proud, but first she glared at Yang Tiantian and said: “…what is my name, sister, I am so young, you should be called your sister!”

“Don’t don’t don’t, he wants to call your sister, then my generation is injustice and inferior generation, Yang Tiantian, you call her sister-in-law!”

Chen Yi waved his hand quickly and said.

Yang Tiantian looked at Chen Yi and then at Chen Jin. He felt that no one could be a sin, so he stopped talking.

Chen Jin was holding the jade hand of Chen Yi’s arm and secretly placed it on his waist, twisting it with a woman’s traditional skills, making Chen Yi grin.

But seeing the staring eyes of sister-in-law, he didn’t dare to say anything.

Yang Tiantian treated the two of them as invisible to their “flirting and swearing”. It was a private matter of his family.

He took out a business card from his pocket and handed it respectfully, saying: “…Ms. Chen, this is my business card, please accept it.”

Chen Jin usually doesn’t care about this kind of close man, but when she sees that Yang Tiantian is Chen Yi’s friend, she also accepts it.

She was noncommittal about the appraiser’s name on the business card, but the company’s name made Chen Jin look at Yang Tiantian twice, “…You are from Huahui International?”(Read more @

Although Huahui International is inferior to international auction houses such as Sotheby’s and Christie’s, it is also ranked high in Hong Kong.

Yang Tiantian hurriedly smiled and said, “…My father is the chairman of the company, so I just got a name.”

Chen Jin nodded secretly when she heard this. That’s right. It is normal that the person Chen Yi knows is the second-generation young master of a large company.

The reason why Yang Tiantian is so respectful to Chen Jin is naturally not that Chen Jin is really a well-known appraiser.

After all, Chen Jin is still too young. Even if she has a very good teacher, her own abilities are also strong, but she is still slightly inferior to those well-known masters.

But Yang Tiantian heard from his father that this Ms. Chen has an extraordinary background and a very high position in the family. Now that Chen Yi and Chen Jin are actually relatives, he is amazed.

The three talked and walked into the auction hall. Chen Yi came to the auction for the first time. He was cautious and followed Chen Jin to the front row of the pile of seats. Yang Tiantian also hurriedly sat next to them. .

“You, the prince of Huahui International, why did you come to the Christie’s auction?”

Chen Yi asked curiously.

When Yang Tiantian heard what he said, he explained: “…to do this business is to understand the current market conditions of artworks.”

“…For example, if a master’s paintings are sold at a high price, then his other paintings may also rise, or if a certain porcelain is sold at a high price, then the same type of porcelain may be sold.”

“Although these specific materials can be found after the auction is over, our industry still likes to come to participate in the auction in person.”

“… Brother Chen, look at the people sitting at the back. They don’t necessarily have money. They can’t afford most of the lots here, but they will come to participate in all the auctions they can come and try to get them as much as possible. qualifications.”

“It’s worth seeing the genuine products with your own eyes. If you have a chance to pick up the leaks later, you say yes! But the chances of picking up the leaks are actually quite low. Generally, it means picking up a small amount of tens of thousands of dollars. Gadgets.”

Chen Yi nodded as he listened to Yang Tiantian’s words, and he probably understood something about these collection circles.

But he didn’t expect Yang Tiantian to be very serious, not a second-generation ignorant, so he really wanted to inherit the family business.

Before long, the auction venue was almost full of people, and even the aisle on the side was full of people.

Chen Yi glanced at it roughly. There are many foreigners, more Chinese, and almost all things are mixed together.

On the white high platform in front, there is a bright light in the middle, and the Christie’s logo is printed on the stage.

Below is a high palm wood platform, where a foreigner is standing in a suit. On both sides of the foreigner there are two booths with four notaries sitting on it.

On both sides of the high platform are two large screens. This is where the photos of the exhibits will be displayed for a while. Modern auctions will no longer bring those expensive exhibits to the stage…

As a veteran auction house, the auction items here have been appraised by many experts, and almost all are genuine. Of course, there will be times when fakes are sold out, but the possibility is very low.

These art buyers do not necessarily understand collections. Some of them are collections that appreciate in value. Therefore, it is not easy for some small auction houses to sell expensive artworks because everyone does not trust those auction houses.

The auctioneer didn’t talk nonsense, and there were no extra performances here. After a little introduction to the artworks to be auctioned today, the auction started straight away.

“Lot No. 301 comes from Mr. Huang Yuxing’s work “Museum”. This is an acrylic painting created in 2016. The estimated price is between 250,000 and 550,000. The starting price is 200,000, and the lowest price is 10,000 each time…”

Following the words of the auctioneer, this acrylic picture appeared on the big screens on both sides, and there were many currency signs beside it, including soft sister coins, US dollars, British pounds, euros, Japanese yen and so on.

These are real-time exchange rates, so that people in different countries can know the price of this work in their own currency at the time of auction, so that people can make accurate judgments whether it is worth buying.

The only thing that made Chen Yi frown was that the foreign auctioneer spoke English from start to finish, but he thought that this was Xiangjiang, and Chen Yi’s brows were soothing. Xiangjiang, this is quite normal.

As the auctioneer called out to start the auction, someone immediately raised their four-digit number and entered the offer at the same time.

“6055, 250,000!”

“5600, 300,000!”

“1661, 320,000!”


The auctioneer speaks quickly but speaks clearly, which shows his strong business ability. 0.0

There are many people in the vicinity who are holding phones. Those who have already processed the bidding and cannot be present use the phone to bid. Those who call are all bidding on behalf of the bidder.

Before the auction, many buyers have intentions for a certain work. When this work is auctioned, these proxy bidders will call the owner to conduct a real-time auction.

Most wealthy people don’t come to the scene like this. After all, the time of the wealthy is more valuable.

“Huang Yuxing is a native of the imperial capital. He graduated from the Central American Mural Painting Department in 2000. His works are still very well-known.”

Chen Jin introduced the author of this work to Chen Yi. Chen Yi heard that the author is only in his 40s this year.

As a living painter and still so young, his works can sell for hundreds of thousands, which is really good.

Of course, Chen Yi also knows that, in fact, despite the fact that this painting has sold for hundreds of thousands, the real painter can’t get much money. The auction house makes money.

In the end, this “Museum” was sold at a price exceeding the estimated price of 50,000, which is 600,000. .

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