Chapter 432 This is the banknote ability!

The prostitute teacher will agree to his request, which is expected by Chen Yi.

Because the prostitute teacher is a smart person, and what smart people like to do most is smart things. Chen Yi gave him a lot of power, even made himself his background and fulfilled his wishes.

If this is not possible for the teacher to follow him, then Chen Yi has no regrets-because it means that the other party is too stupid.

Obviously, the prostitute teacher is an extremely smart person, otherwise it would be impossible to become a qualified businessman from a retired professional e-sports player.

“In this way, this is the contract I asked the lawyer to prepare in advance. Take a look at the prostitute teacher, and you can also take a photo to show it to a lawyer you are familiar with. If there is no problem, sign it.”

“…Even if we have a contract, we are our own family, and many things can open the skylight to speak up.”

Chen Yi has already prepared everything. He is a person who pays attention to details in every aspect.

Seeing the two contracts Chen Yi had taken out of the Hermes men’s bag he carried with him, the prostitute teacher just joked: “…Master Chen, this is the calculation of my old prostitute. The contract is ready. .”

After receiving the contract, he made a call after taking 25 photos, and sent the photos of the contract from vx to a lawyer he was familiar with.

Waiting for the other’s lawyer to read the contract, Chen Yi was chatting with the prostitute teacher about the fun of live broadcast and competition, especially when he was in ig, he complained about the e-sports environment of those years and missed his youth.

“It’s a pity, that stinky b is completely gone by myself, and I can’t blame anyone.”

The prostitute teacher shook his head and sighed. The relationship between him and someone can’t be said to be very good, but it’s definitely not bad, and everyone is doing things with each other to hype with each other’s fame.

Some things in this parallel world have changed a lot, but some things still happen.

“It’s really a pity. The seafood station is probably crying to death, and it is missing a cash cow. Let’s see if it can be compensated in turn. They often do this anyway.”

Chen Yi also sighed.

The meals prepared by the chefs at the national banquet level were brought up by the waiters.

Most of them look ordinary and bland, but the actual craftsmanship is extremely complicated.

At this time, the lawyer of the prostitute teacher also read the contract and told him that the contract can be signed if there is no problem.

The teacher who was a prostitute was also a refreshing person. He directly signed his name on the contract and said to Chen Yi:

“…Old prostitutes, I don’t like ink marks. I can still take out ten million in cash. Tomorrow, I will pay you the money to Shao Chen!”

Chen Yi smiled and raised his teacup and said, “…The whoring teacher, we are our own now. If you don’t talk secretly, I believe you will be satisfied with this cooperation.”

“…Come on, let’s talk at the dinner table. The Chinese don’t pay attention to this. If we don’t drink, we will use tea instead of wine!”

The prostitute teacher also laughed and drank a sip of tea with Chen Yi, sat down at the dinner table and took a sip of his chopsticks, and praised: “…Don’t say, this state-level banquet chef cooks delicious food, even though I’m a prostitute I can’t eat it anyway!”(Read more @

Chen Yi also laughed, and the atmosphere between the two was extremely relaxed.

It used to be about discussions and cooperation, and the atmosphere was still a bit tense. Now it is a formal cooperation. What we want is relaxation.

“Old prostitute, I was straightforward, so I asked directly, Shao Chen, do you have any plans for OMG now?”

“My idea is to change all the current players. This year’s s match is held in China, which is the best opportunity.”

Although this parallel world is 18 years old, the s competition is only the seventh. This is different from Chen Yi’s impression, a full year difference.

“All changed? Is there a new candidate? I can also advise old prostitutes, but this needs to be faster, otherwise the new season will start after the New Year and there will be no time.”

Teacher whoring frowned.

This is also different from Chen Yi’s impression. In his memory, the transfer period of lpl was in December. The spring game had already started before the Spring Festival, but this parallel world did not start until after the Spring Festival.

This also gave Chen Yi time and opportunity to operate.

“I started the recruitment job before I was looking for a prostitute teacher. I pursued my grades without falsehood, but if I can bring greater fame and commercial value when pursuing grades, this will be successful.”

Chen Yi took a sip of tea and said.

The teacher nodded in agreement. He is also a businessman now. Of course he knows that even if Chen Yi doesn’t care about money and just satisfies his hobbies and likes, he will not lose himself as a businessman.

“To gain fame, the All China Class is a gimmick. Although there are pros and cons, I sent someone to the treasure island to find the Lightning Wolves, and I plan to find Casa from this team as a jungler.”

“…Although this is considered to occupy a foreign aid quota, who dares to say that this is not a full-Chinese class? And Baodao is also a good gimmick.”

Chen Yi shook his fingers and smiled.

The prostitute teacher was amused. Who would dare to say that this is not the all-Chinese class, that is, it is looking for death.

“Young Master Chen is sure?”

This is a concern of the prostitute teacher.

“It’s fine if you have money. If someone’s salary is 500,000 a year, then I will pay him 5 million directly. If you are here, will you come?”

Chen Yi asked rhetorically.

The current annual salary of lpl has not reached the point of exaggeration.

The prostitute teacher clapped his hands and said, “…If I and I come too, it would be a fool if I don’t come!”

“I also contacted we’s mid-single lotion.”

“He has been with us for a long time, right?”

The teacher stopped his chopsticks and said.

“We did a good job in the youth training, but the club is quite picky. As long as a good transfer fee is given, the players are offered a high salary, and the results are lured, this is still very sure.”

“…Such a dream player, it is best to give others the temptation of the’Galaxy Fleet’, but I don’t know if they want it or not. If they don’t want to come, you are looking for another mid laner. Can.”

Chen Yi shrugged.

The prostitute teacher directly raised 727 thumbs and exaggerated: “…Chen Shao is rich and willful!”

“As long as the league becomes an alliance, it is an inevitable result that a large amount of capital will enter it. It is just a matter of time. In that case, I might as well be a crab and a guide.”

“…Even if others blame me for taking the money and breaking the rules, they can only blame them for not keeping up with the times.”

Chen Yi laughed.

Why do everyone hate big capital? That’s why too much hot money enters it and becomes a money game. Except for those with vested interests, everyone will complain.

The current prostitution teacher is also a vested interest, and he certainly supports it.

“In the s5 season, Uzi played for OMG. Last year it was in QG. It seems that rng wants him this year, but it hasn’t been decided yet.”

“…This is also where I want you to help the teacher. I will look for the teacher with your reputation in the circle, and hope that he will rejoin OMG.”

“He may have a bad impression of this team, but the prostitute teacher, you can tell him that the team has changed from boss to manager, from manager to team members, and even promised him to build a new LPL battleship with him as the core. ”

“…I can also give him the highest annual salary in the entire league, but the requirement is that I want the commercial use of his name for the next three years, and I also need him to cooperate with us in some commercial publicity!”

Chen Yi stated his purpose.

You can make a small profit, but I will never lose, and may even make a big profit! .

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