Chapter 433 The strongest king

“The mid laner, jungler, and ad are decided for the time being. Of course, there are alternatives. After all, I can’t guarantee that these people will be willing to come.”

“… Sometimes money is not a panacea, is it?”

“As for the order, it is a little bit troublesome. We need an all-around player. It doesn’t have to be the best in all aspects, but at the very least we can go to c and resist pressure.”

Chen Yi and her teacher talked freely, telling their opinions.

The prostitute teacher looked at Chen Yi in surprise, and couldn’t help but said: “…Young Master Chen, you know a lot.”

“Haha, if I play a lot of games, I naturally understand. Why do games like lol only have apc and adc? In fact, in a five-player game, there are only two real cores.”

“…This is caused by the game mechanics, because the pawns are just a little bit, the total amount of money is limited, the two c-bits are already close to saturation, as long as there is more than one, there will be problems.”

Chen Yi talked about his understanding of the game.

As for the so-called trident of 18 years ig in his impression, it is actually because this team loves to fight, and all the extra money is obtained by killing. This will make the c position become three, so that three Points can develop.

But this kind of play is a tightrope, good-looking is good-looking, but as long as there is a problem in one link, the whole game will collapse immediately, which is why ig can win and everyone can lose.

Moreover, this style of play requires too much individual operation, and requires pre-line suppression and strong team-making ability.

But no professional player will always be at its peak. As long as one of the top, middle, and bottom players loses strength, the entire system will collapse instantly.

So the final solution for ig is to make the mid-laner broilers become the grazing and squeezing blood type. In the middle and late stages, they don’t want to be economical anymore, and they all give way to the upper and lower sides.

So let Chen Yi choose, he will definitely not choose the.shy, Abin’s type of offensive is too strong for the top lane.

When you have the ability to carry the game in the middle and lower, you must not choose too aggressive on the road, but more versatile!

As soon as the prostitute teacher heard it, he knew that this young master Chen was really not an ordinary player, he really understood the game.

“Chen Shao, what is your rank ` `?”

The teacher asked subconsciously that he had only played PUBG with Chen Yi before, and he had never played lol during the live broadcast.

“It’s easy to say, the king of Hanbok!”

Chen Yi’s answer made the prostitute’s eyes widened, “…Ya’er, Chen Shao, you are much higher than my rank.”

“What? Teacher whoring, you are like a master now?”

“Master is a great hammer, I am barely a diamond now!”

The two looked at each other and both laughed.(Read more @

“Unfortunately, there are too few domestic orders, especially good orders. This has to let the prostitute teacher find someone to find. As for assistance, I remember that rng’s ming used to be your employee, right?”

“…I don’t know how his current contract is. Ask the prostitute teacher. If the contract with rng expires and has not been renewed, you can find him.”

Regardless of what happens after two years, the strength of this support player in the past two years is still reliable, and it can be regarded as the Queen’s support for stains.

“Okay, if Ming doesn’t sign the contract, I can call it back, but if it’s dirty, his reputation is not so good now. How did Chen Shao think of him?”

The whoring teacher lays down the ticket in one go.

“I dare not say that the stain is the world’s first adc, but the strength is definitely one of the world’s top ones, and what I am after is actually his commercial value.”

“…We are partners, so I will tell you straight. We are businessmen after all. As long as the team’s performance can be guaranteed, we naturally want to maximize our business.”

“That’s why I asked the teacher to look for stains and ask him for commercial use rights in the next few years. I dare not say anything else, but in terms of business, you should trust my vision for the teacher.”

Chen Yi slowly explained to the prostitution teacher that he had also invested 10 million yuan and lost his entire team. Of course, Chen Yi wanted him to understand.

“I believe in Chen Shao’s business vision.”

The prostitute nodded and said, “…Since Chen Shao has said so, I will definitely dig out the stains. Now he is the lowest point in his life, and the possibility is still very high.”

“…I just hope that his temper has changed.”

Chen Yi smiled when he heard the words: “…’Team Breaking Frenzy’, I have also heard of this name, but he was so young at that time, and his character was a bit irritable and understandable.”

“…After some social beating, he must be mature now, young man, let him have a chance.”

Chen Yi is obviously only a young man who is just about 20 years old, but it makes people feel that he is not surprised at evaluating others.

“We’re discussing the coaches, and then the analysts, the team employees, please take care of the teacher.”

“…I will not break my promise to the teacher. This team belongs to the two of us. Apart from finances and legal affairs, I can give you everything else, so I hope that the teacher will take it seriously!”

Chen Yi constricted his mind and said very solemnly.

“Don’t worry, give it to the old prostitute. For the old prostitute, I finally got the lpl team. Of course, I will give my heart. When I go back, I will post on Weibo. By the way, I will also talk about it during the live broadcast, and give our team another wave of fame. .”

The prostitute rubbed his belly and answered Chen Yi seriously.

He is very well-known in the e-sports circle, and if he personally end the promotion, it would be equivalent to saving a lot of advertising costs.

“¨ 〃 I heard that Wei Shen, who had retired from LGD, is going to play PUBG. Whoring teacher, are you not familiar with him? See if you can dig him up and cooperate to build a PUBG team.”

“…Our club can’t just focus on lpl, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is now on fire, and we have to intervene. If we have money, we must make it!”

Chen Yi just said when he thought of it.

The prostitute teacher hardly considered it, and said straightforwardly: “… OK, I’ll go talk to him and see if it can be done.”

His shares are the shares of the entire club. If there are more teams under the club’s name and profit, the prostitute teacher can also make money.

Moreover, the more famous the team, the higher his position as a shareholder in the e-sports circle. This is related to his own interests, so he can’t help but work hard.

“Then this is all over to the prostitute teacher, but you should also pay attention to your body and don’t get tired.”

Chen Yi toasted a cup of tea instead of wine.

“Chen Shao’s words are comfortable, don’t worry, I know my body and I will pay attention to it!”

The prostitute teacher also hurriedly responded.

“I have a few seedlings in the ym team. Since ym has no chance to be promoted to lpl, let us be a youth academy, and then I will rent those seedlings to other lpl teams to try the water.”

“…If we are worthy, we will sell it directly or stay on our own. In fact, there is a “Left Hand” under my name. There is a club bidding for 3 million. I did not sell the old prostitute. .”

“I think he is worth more than this.”

The prostitution teacher also did not hide, and introduced some of the outstanding players under his name to Chen Yi, and the two discussed together whether they should sell or keep them.

From this point, it can be seen that the prostitute is already a successful businessman, and he is not emotional, which makes Chen Yi feel at ease when he cooperates with him. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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