Chapter 445 Missy’s Kiss

“Where are you?”

Li Boxuan looked at the message sent by Brother Song in vx, and was a little surprised for a while, and hurriedly sent a message to reply: “… Brother Song, I am in the KTV near the Gongti, what can you do?”

As a member of Peking University’s External Relations Department, Li Boxuan will of course also follow other members and even ministers to carry out outreach work.

Although Peking University is different from other schools, the work of outreach is relatively simple and easy, but this simplicity is not because large companies are rushing to pay for Peking University. It is also necessary for members of these outreach departments to look for opportunities everywhere.

This Song brother was met by Li Boxuan during a certain outreach work.

Brother Song’s father is a well-known business tycoon, and his most famous industry is a certain Emperor Capital Film and Television Company.

This company has developed rapidly in recent years, and it is faintly possible to occupy the top spot in the domestic film and television industry. It was when Li Boxuan was doing outreach work in this company, he met the son of this company, that is, Brother Song.

Li Boxuan’s ability to enter Peking University shows that his IQ is high enough, and that he can also enter the student union at Peking University in a post that requires social interaction, which shows that he has sufficient EQ.

Because of this, Li Boxuan knows what it means to know such a elder brother. With luck, he might become his own noble person, and at some point in the future, he will become a man.

And even if you have some brief exchanges with this Song Ge, you know something that you can’t touch from him, and you can use it as your own bragging capital when you chat with other people.

‘I have a friend who is a rich second generation’, ‘I know so-and-so’, ‘what’s the daily life of my rich second-generation friend’, etc. are almost used by many people.

Anyway, “I have a friend” is just a sentence.

However, even though I had a familiar face with this Song Ge, and was lucky to add the other’s vx, the two did not have any communication in the past, and Li Boxuan did not dare to take the initiative to talk to others, fearing that they would be annoying.

Anyway, the other party kept his vx without deleting it, which is enough for the face. As long as the opportunity is found in the future, there may be no possibility of in-depth communication with Song Ge in the future.

But now that Brother Song took the initiative to send a message, Li Boxuan even felt flattered.

“You just took this picture?”

Seeing Song Ge sent another new message, Li Boxuan didn’t have the time to see beautiful women at this time, so he quickly replied:

“…Yes, Brother Song, my friend’s high school classmates reunion, I also stopped by to take a look, this picture was just taken by me.”

What Li Boxuan thought for the first time was, could it be that the girl named Nan Jiyue I photographed was too beautiful, Song Ge wanted to come and meet?

It shouldn’t be the case, this Song Ge is quite decent.

Just as Li Boxuan was thinking about it, Song Ge said concisely: “…what is the number of the ktv box? Is it gone now?”

“The box number is 103. It’s not going to leave Brother Song, I guess it won’t leave for the time being.”

Although he was surprised how Song Ge’s tone was a little anxious, Li Boxuan didn’t think much about it. It was already very exciting for him to be able to communicate with Song Geduo, so he knew it all.


After Song Ge finished speaking, the vx just stopped making a sound. Li Boxuan was struggling for a long time and didn’t dare to ask back, so he could only quit vx and put the phone back in his pocket.(Read more @

On the other hand, Zhang Mengmeng also calmed his mind, gave full play to his all-round and exquisite ability, and began to arouse the atmosphere.

The arrival of Nan Jiyue did not affect much, but other people were also very discerning and did not talk to Chen Yi too much, leaving more personal space for the two of them.

However, after everyone had a drink, the atmosphere became lively, and they had to grab Chen Yi to chat and play games.

“I drove over today, so I stopped drinking.”

Chen Yi waved his hand to refuse.

Who knows that Nanda said at this time: “…It’s okay, I’ll drive you back, you can drink whatever you want.”

Chen Yi was a little unaccustomed to seeing Nanda suddenly so behaved. I thought this university would only be willful, but I didn’t expect that he would also look at the atmosphere.

Since Nan Jiyue has said so, the face of his high school classmates still needs to be given. Chen Yi also called for wine, and everyone drank it together.

Wine is not a good wine. They are a group of poor students. They drank the black side of the popular goods. Although Chen Yi drank a lot of good wine and knew about wine, he felt that the wine was inferior, but he did not show how rich he was. Drink with everyone.

It’s boring to drink alone, Zhang Mengmeng stopped singing at this time, and came over to play “Truth or Dare” with everyone.

These high school classmates used to be good children, even KTV came few, and didn’t know how to play. Zhang Mengmeng explained how to play.

Hold the bottle of wine after drinking, and point to whoever loses. Choose one of the truth or the big adventure.

Everyone used to be familiar with classmates, and became excited after drinking. The questions asked at the beginning and the big adventures were relatively restrained, but soon they became more and more open.

This kind of pure luck game, Chen Yi will naturally lose.

“Chen Yi, who did you like in high school?”

That girl named Li Wei happened to be her turn to ask questions and turn the bottle. Seeing Chen Yi choose the truth, she immediately asked with interest.

The classmates all followed suit. Everyone looked at Chen Yi with excitement. Only Nanda was in a subtle mood.

But she quickly saw that Chen Yi liked who he liked when he was in high school. The reason why he liked others was because he didn’t know himself!

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

Quite narcissistic, his mood suddenly cleared up.

After Chen Yi pondered for a while, he smiled and said, “…I really didn’t like anyone in high school, but if you have to say what you care about the most, that’s Sister Mengmeng.”

“…No way, who is Mengmeng sister is the most beautiful in our class!”

I can’t find any problems with this. It praises Zhang Mengmeng for being beautiful, but it won’t cause Nanda’s dissatisfaction.

But Li Wei didn’t let him go and didn’t believe him: “…How is it possible, Chen Yi, you don’t have a crush on you?”

“At that time we were all studying hard, who would think about it!”

Chen Yi spread his hands, seemingly helpless.

Hearing what he said, the others were quite convinced.

After leaving Chen Yi temporarily, everyone continued to play. Those who didn’t want to play games just sang or ate snacks there.

Nan Jiyue sat next to Chen Yi, with a pair of jade arms holding his hands, her chin resting on Chen Yi’s shoulders, as if she was satisfied with his answer, watching the interesting answers in the game from time to time, she was there. Smiled.

……. …. 0

Her lips are very close to Chen Yi’s ears, and her ears feel the heat from Nantah University and the fragrance of the hair, which makes Chen Yi feel a little confused.

Not long after, the wine bottle pointed to Chen Yi again. This time Chen Yi chose a big adventure. The girl who turned the bottle was also brave and said directly: “… Chen Yi, dare you to find a girl on the scene? One bite!”

When the voice fell, there was a burst of laughter in the KTV immediately.

This is actually forcing Chen Yi to kiss Nan Jiyue. After all, this is his girlfriend. Would he dare to kiss other girls in front of his girlfriend?

In fact, Chen Yi is daring, but he is not stupid and would not do this. It is estimated that he can get mad.

Secretly making a thumbs-up gesture to this girl, Chen Yi turned his head to look at Nan Jiyue, whose pretty face was flushed and whose chin was still on his shoulder.

Nan Jiyue also seemed to have guessed something. Her heartbeat speeded up in vain and her eyes were a little dodged. Before she could react, Chen Yi bowed her head and kissed the corner of her mouth.


A group of people applauded and laughed, and the whole KTV was noisy.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of KTV’s room, which suffocated the lively atmosphere.

When everyone was dissatisfied and thought it was a ktv waiter, the door was opened directly and a 25-year-old man walked in.

The man saw Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue at a glance, and said hello: “…Chen Shao and Nanda, brothers keep talking about gathering, and I haven’t seen you reply. It’s okay for you to come out and play by yourself.”

Having said that, the man also smiled ambiguously at Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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