Chapter 451 I will be responsible for you!

Nan Jiyue was a little dry and dry. After hearing Chen Yi’s words, she subconsciously licked her lips.

As an adult, as an adult woman influenced by the modern Internet, the meaning of Chen Yi’s words is obvious, but Nan Jiyue can’t do it even if she wants to pretend that she can’t hear it.

Some surprises, some uneasy.

At the moment when she agreed to become Chen Yi’s girlfriend, Nan Jiyue was already prepared for what would happen between the two.

After all, Chen Yi is a carnivore rather than a herbivore. As a girlfriend, she has the obligation to meet some of Chen Yi’s requirements between men and women.

She had already prepared for this, but she didn’t expect to come so soon.

Nan Jiyue was pleasantly surprised by Chen Yi’s desire for herself, which proved her charm as a woman.

But at the same time, she was a little nervous and afraid, afraid that Chen Yi was just playing with her, just wanting to have some relationship with her.

If Nan Jiyue had been with a boyfriend before, she might not have been so entangled. Faced with an indisputably handsome man like Chen Yi, she might have gone to the hotel with him a long time ago.

But just because she was the first time, and she was still a big girl, there was such a trace of hesitation.

Of course, Nan Jiyue is not hesitating to have a relationship before marriage. Her home is not too traditional.

But after all, it is one’s most precious thing, so it is delivered to others, there is still a trace of fear.

It’s just that when Nan Jiyue felt the breath of Chen Yi’s head against his neck, when she turned her head to see Chen Yi’s handsome face, all the entanglements and fears were nothing. Wing and fly.

Love is a very mysterious thing. When two people love each other, they are really willing to pay for each other.

As long as I have, as long as you want.

And at this moment, Nan Jiyue wants to give Chen Yi, even what she thinks is the most precious thing, can become a bridge between herself and Chen Yi.

If you don’t give the most important things to the person you love the most, who else can you give it to?

In a trance, Nan Jiyue didn’t know how she got into the car and sat in the main driver’s seat.

“What are you thinking about, silly girl…”

Chen Yi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, fastened his seat belt. He turned his head to look at Nan Jiyue, who was holding the steering wheel but started the car but was not in gear, and asked with a smile.

“No, I didn’t think about anything.”

Chen Yi’s voice made Nan Jiyue clever, her eyes were a little evasive, and she turned her head to look out of the car window, not daring to look at Chen Yi.

Chen Yi smiled secretly in his heart and shook his head: “…concentrate, don’t drive into a trance and then crash, then the two of us are going to fight the desperate mandarin ducks.”

“Who is going to be a desperate mandarin duck with you!”

Nan Jiyue groaned, she held her hands on the steering wheel and took a deep breath, but she still didn’t get a gear to move forward, as if it was Chen Yi’s words that made her feel scared, she was still very sorry.

“Girl, look at me.”


Hearing Chen Yi’s words, Nan Jiyue looked at him subconsciously, and then she felt that a face was quickly approaching herself, bringing a strong pressure.

Her body instinctively wanted to dodge, but Chen Yi’s hand had already been placed on the back of her head, pulling her pretty face towards herself.(Read more @

Nan Jiyue lightly said ‘um’ and closed her beautiful eyes, and the two kissed together like this.

After a long time, Chen Yi let go of Nan Jiyue, whose cheeks were flushed, and stared at her with a smile.

I was shy during the freshman year, and patted Chen Yi lightly, with little strength and full of shame.

“I just inquired with that Zhang Mengmeng.”

“Why mention Zhang Mengmeng, is it jealous?”

Chen Yi looked at her with a smile.

Nanda’s expression was disapproving at first, and then he twitched: “…Well, I’m just a little jealous.”

Tsundere is cute in anime, but if that kind of character appears in reality, it will definitely kill her popularity.

Nanda is very arrogant, and she is also very charming in front of Chen Yi, but she is definitely not arrogant. She understands her feelings very well, and she must admit it when she should admit it.

Just like now, she admits that she is jealous.

Looking at Nan Jiyue’s pursed lips and perfect delicate features, and looking at her somewhat arrogant little face, Chen Yi felt happy.

If a girl is jealous for you, it means that she cares about you. If a girl is not even jealous of you and is cold and cold all day long, then it is not cute at all.

Cute, but a girl’s patent.

“Even if you are jealous, you have to find the right person. Zhang Mengmeng is inferior to you in all aspects. Don’t belittle yourself as a silly girl.”

“…You, you are the best in my heart, no one can compare to you.”

Chen Yi secretly apologized to Zhang Mengmeng in his heart, anyway, as long as he can make a lot of fun, Chen Yi can say anything.

At this time, no matter how many women’s names Nam Jiyue utters, Chen Yi will definitely say that you are the best, my favorite!

Sure enough, what Chen Yi said made Nan Jiyue feel happy. He even said that, didn’t he just care about himself.

“I really didn’t expect that you were so ordinary in high school. I heard Zhang Mengmeng and your classmates say that you are a little transparent in the class…”

“…But you are so handsome, why no one pays attention to you.”

Nan Jiyue blushed, her tone a little excited, as if she was happy to inquire about Chen Yi’s past.

“I was not handsome when I was in high school. Have you heard that the male big eighteen has changed? If you met me in high school, you would definitely dismiss it.”

Chen Yi shook his head and said.

“How could it be that they can’t see your excellence.”

Nan Jiyue was not convinced.

Chen Yi didn’t say a word. Although he was very happy to be praised so much, Chen Yi knew about his family affairs.

In terms of Chen Yi’s appearance, family background, ability, and so on, it would be humble to say that Nan Jiyue would be dismissive of herself, and she absolutely couldn’t remember herself as a person.

But after all, it was Chen Yi from the past, but now he has changed.

“Don’t mention those things in the past, anyway, I just want you to see the best me, you, don’t ask me about the past, I’m afraid I will disappoint you.”

“…I hope that I will always be the best in your heart. I can shield you from wind and rain no matter what happens.”

Chen Yi said softly, raising her head and rubbing her large hair, pulling her head over, and pressing her chin against her forehead.

“What are you talking nonsense, in my heart you are the best, no one can compare to you.”

Nan Jiyue said softly and emotionally.

The two were so tired and crooked in the car for a long time, and Chen Yi whispered: “…Let’s drive.”


Nan Jiyue replied, and then she plucked up the courage to ask: “…Where do you want to live? Ritz-Carlton?”

She knows that Chen Yi most often stays at 0.0 is the Ritz-Carlton.

“No, no, the hotel is not close to here, so let’s find a good one nearby.”

Chen Yi shook his head quickly.

A joke, the bitch still lives in Ritz-Carlton now, if you take Nanda over, if you accidentally bump into it, then you will be the only one who will be able to catch the water.

On the way to the hotel by car, Nan Jiyue suddenly asked: “… Chen Yi, do you like me?”

“Of course I like it, stupid girl, I know what you’re worried about, but I just looked for you. When I first saw you, I was tempted by you.”

“…I was thinking at the time, how can there be such a beautiful girl in this world, it is really amazing.”

“You promised to be my girlfriend, do you know how happy I am? So I will be responsible for you too!”

Chen Yi used a man’s fascinating knowledge-rhetoric.

Girls are hearing animals, and what they need most is verbal comfort and a sense of security. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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