Chapter 457 Unspoken rules in the circle x

“Come on, Shao Chen, Shao Song, I toast you a cup!”

Director Guo raised the glass in his hand and enthusiastically said to Chen Yi and Song Yu.

The two parties who cooperated happily coveted each other, while enjoying food, drinking wine, and chatting about some entertainment circles at the same time.

The real situation of someone’s derailment, the relationship between a male star and a female star has long been misplaced, the relationship between someone and someone is just hype and so on.

The gossip content that these outsiders need to make random guesses is completely transparent in the eyes of insiders, especially those with high status like Song Yu.

Song Yu’s eloquence is also good, telling Chen Yi all kinds of gossip stories, although they are useless, but they sound like a relish and increase their knowledge.

“It’s normal for these stars to divide, divide, and recombine. Why would the cost of divorce be too low?”

Director Guo said with a sigh.

“What do you mean? Guide Guo.”

Chen Yi asked with a smile after drinking a glass of wine.

He doesn’t know much about things in this circle. When facing things he doesn’t understand, he always talks less and listens more.

Sometimes your opinions are so stupid that only 25 will make people look down on you, so it’s better to just say nothing.

Because Chen Yi’s own status is here, everyone is around him, so there is no need to worry about the topic, and Chen Yi does not have to say anything specially.

“There are a lot of things that normal people have to face after divorce, such as the real estate, even if everyone is half-shared, but the house is not sold, the divorced couple will not get a penny.”

“…But if you want to sell it, it can’t be done overnight, unless you sell it cheap, but whoever wants to sell millions of things at a low price, the loss may be hundreds of thousands.”

“You have to say not to sell, the house is half divided, and everyone still has to live together. What is the difference between being under the same roof and not having a divorce.”

“…So for ordinary people, the cost of divorce is too high, and who can guarantee that they can find a better one in the future when they are older? So when it comes to divorce, everyone has to think about it a lot.”

Director Guo entered Chen Yi for a glass of wine and continued: “… But these stars are different. They make a lot of money. Even if they are divorced, they can buy another house with their own property, the original house. Sell ​​slowly.”

“… And these stars are not bad in appearance, they are famous and can make money, and there is no need to worry about no one wants, let alone find a better one, this is naturally to live more freely.”

“Look at Guru Huang and Angel. At the beginning, Angel was a little internet celebrity that no one cares about. After meeting Guru Huang, he chased him with all his heart.”

“…Why go to see on the set in person, or help him hold a party, I won’t talk about it like licking a dog.”(Read more @

“Then, she gained her fame by taking advantage of the fame of Guru Huang. She could earn tens of millions by picking up a picture, and she also started to have her own team. Naturally, Guru Huang was no longer needed.”

“…But, she is indeed beautiful, and Master Huang is not at a loss. There are too many facts in this circle that you use me and I use you. Everyone takes what they need.”

“Do you think this is the reason, Shao Chen!”

Director Guo may have been drinking a little too much, and talked to Chen Yi endlessly. He didn’t keep the door open and he dared to say anything.

“Haha, don’t say it is the entertainment industry, as long as it is related to the interests, which circle is not yours or me, so there is nothing new.”

Chen Yi waved his hand and said, “…but you want to say that the most annoying thing is that the kind of cutout you mentioned just now takes tens of millions. This is disgusting to listen to.”

“…But fortunately, this kind of traffic star was still very hot in the first two years and disrupted the market, but from the market last year and this year, this traffic model has begun to decline.”

“The audience is not stupid, quality is king in the future!”

Director Guo sighed when he heard Chen Yi’s words and said, “…hey, don’t mention it, the older people in the circle are also bored by the misty environment now.”

“… But there is no way, the market is like this, we can’t control it, the main thing is that…”

At the end, Guo Dao was a bit ambiguous.

Chen Yi took his words directly:

“… You can’t tell Guo, I’ll tell you. The reason why the film industry has become like this is not because of capital troubles. Capital is chasing profits. It will not care about your future development. Making money is the kingly way.”

Director Guo directly gave Chen Yi a thumbs up and said: “…or Chen Shao dare to say, I admire you!”

Although the director Guo was very annoyed by Capital, he also knew that Capital was his father, and of course he did not dare to resist the father.

And Chen Yi is also capital to a certain extent, but he can have this kind of idea, not to play and fish, this is what Guo Guo admires.

“Although the main actors of the movie have been determined, there are still many roles available. Shao Chen, do you have any suggestions?”

Director Guo said suddenly at this moment.

This was very euphemistic, but Chen Yi understood what he meant.

Isn’t this just another kind of unspoken rule x!

Who has the highest status in a movie? Naturally an investor, unless you have the prestige of a national teacher.

Although directors don’t like investors’ finger-pointing, directors are not stupid. They know which powers they want to fight for and which powers must be handed over to investors.

What he meant by this was that some of the characters in this movie can be handed over to Chen Yi to choose the roles. Anyway, nothing will affect the movie as a whole. Even if the characters are selected and checked, everyone will open one eye and close one eye. .

And this casting is very content, Chen Yi can easily rely on the power of role selection to carry out unspoken rules x.

How many second-tier and third-tier female celebrities want to show their faces in this big production, even if they are a small role, if Wu Jing finally joins the 747, then these showy roles will be even more popular.

As long as Chen Yi holds this power, he can easily choose his concubine. Some celebrities who are striving for this role will remind me a little that someone will naturally come to him to discuss the script.

Director Guo is not a lotus flower that clears the ripples but does not demonize. In this circle, he knows better what it means to repay plums. When the water is clear, there will be no fish. If you don’t get along with everyone, you will only be excluded in the end.

Chen Yi pondered for a moment and then said: “…Let me think about it.”

This power is big or small, Chen Yi is just thinking about whether to give these roles to people he knows, or to find a small star to play.

When you should enjoy your rights, you must enjoy it. Anyway, you don’t need to be responsible. Chen Yi is not a defender. It is the most important thing to live happily.

Otherwise, what is the use of so much money and power? Isn’t it just to make one’s life happy?

“Sure, then, Shao Chen, tell me when you think it over.”

Director Guo laughed.

Seeing the two chatting happily, Song Yu also intervened at this time and said, “…What big project Chen Shao is doing recently, tell me about Song?”

“Haha, this has to be kept secret for the time being. I will talk about it when I make a doorway, but I want to buy a yacht recently. What can Song Ge do?”

Now that the funds are abundant, Chen Yi of course has to buy himself some big toys to play with, the money is to be spent! .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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