Chapter 458 Right x transaction


Hearing Chen Yi’s words, Song Yu just smiled bitterly, and said, “…Chen Shao, you ask me, I really don’t know how to answer.”

“…Yachts are very cheap. Some mass-produced yachts may not be as expensive as a top-notch sports car, but most people don’t buy that kind of yacht. Buying that kind of yacht is not enough for the annual parking fee.”

“But you have to talk about those customized super yachts. To be honest, I am not qualified to buy them. My father is qualified, but for my father, he would rather buy a suite than this kind of super yacht. .”

“…The elderly rich in our mainland are very low-key in this regard. They rarely buy that kind of luxury goods. At most, they buy private jets. That’s also useful.”

Song Yu shrugged.

The rich in China are no better than those in foreign countries, and even inferior to the Hong Kong Portuguese Capital. The rich in those places are really high-profile and luxurious.

If you look closely at the news reports about super yachts and private jets, you will find that most of their owners are wealthy foreigners or those from Xiangjiang.

Of course, the top rich in the mainland can afford it, but they rarely buy it. Except for those rich who are generally over fifty years old and have very low requirements for material comfort, another reason is the national conditions.

Capitalist is not a good word.

Young second-generations like Song Yu may be interested in super yachts, but they still rarely buy them. The main reason is that they have no money and can’t afford it!

Most of these second generations are relying on their parents. They are too expensive to be the masters. They can still decide for themselves on a supercar with a tens of millions of levels.

But a super yacht that may cost hundreds of millions of dollars, they are not qualified to get involved.

A super yacht of hundreds of millions can only be purchased by a family, and it is not determined by the ability of a second generation.

But Chen Yi is different. He makes his own money. Naturally, he doesn’t need anyone else’s consent to spend any money. Super yachts and private jets are what he really wants to buy.

After thinking of this, Song Yu had great envy and even admiration for Chen Yi.

Just as ordinary people would envy these rich second generations, these richest second generations would also envy Chen Yi, a young and promising person with real financial resources.

Faintly, even Song Yu, the second generation of the richest, who has gone to society and has independent economic rights, also discovered that he and Chen Yi are not at the same level long ago.

Today’s Chen Yi can be called a business tycoon, and Song Yu is still a second generation in the eyes of others.

In the eyes of those who are truly in power and wealth, the status of the two generations, Chen Yi and Song Yu, has long been completely different.

Chen Yi may not know it himself. Now he has gradually been mythological in the second-generation circles of the Imperial Capital and Shencheng. Many people think that he is too ‘enchanting’.

Because of this, there are so many people in the circle who want to know him.

Director Guo on the other side completely shut his mouth at this time. This topic is beyond what he can understand. In the eyes of directors like him, a superyacht is just like a supercar in the eyes of ordinary people——

They are all beyond reach, and they are impossible to afford for a lifetime.

‘This is the life of the real rich. ’(Read more @

Director Guo sighed in his heart.

Although he knew that he wouldn’t be able to earn the cash fortune that Chen Yi had in his entire life, Guo Dao also raised his motivation. Isn’t people living to live a better life and enjoy better things?

In fact, the reason why Chen Yi asks Song Yu about yachts is the same as when people buy things and ask their friends which thing is good.

Some people really don’t know how to choose, but Chen Yi has already made a decision.

Han Yifan has long found a yacht company for Chen Yi, Benetti, a top yacht manufacturer from Italy.

The superyacht company is currently preparing to open the Asia-Pacific market. After hearing that Chen Yi is interested in ordering superyachts from them, it has sent someone from Italy to **.

According to the other party, it is expected to arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

“Chen Shao is going to buy a yacht. What specifications are you going to buy?”

As a young man, Song Yu is of course very interested in sports cars and yachts. He has a lot of sports cars, but he doesn’t have any super yachts, so he immediately asked.

“My budget is about 300 million to 400 million soft sister coins. Actually, I planned to budget about 450 million yuan. Didn’t this invest all the 50 million in Director Guo? Haha, Director Guo, you Don’t let me lose money!”

Chen Yi laughed and said calmly, “…Because I have other investments to do, the funds are not sufficient for the time being, and the amount of money I can mobilize without delaying my investment will be so much for the time being. ”

mb, can you still install b!

Song Yu cursed in his heart. The money that can be mobilized is only three to four billion yuan for the time being? Grass, give us these three or four billion, combined with other film companies, we can make as many films as possible.

Well, listen to the meaning of the big and small, people are just wealthy funds are these, in other aspects it is estimated that more money is invested.

Thinking about it this way, Song Yu thinks Chen Yi is really rich!

As a second generation of the richest, he suddenly envied the richness of others. It is really annoying to compare others. This may be the boss, and he is still so young.

On the other side, Director Guo is watching his nose and nose, pretending that he doesn’t know anything. The cost of making such a “Wandering Earth” is so much money, and for Chen Yi it is just buying a big toy. of.

For a time, whether it was Song Yu or Director Guo, they were actually wondering how much Chen Yi was.

If Chen Yi knew what they were thinking, he would definitely say that he was actually a wage earner, ahem, a system wage earner.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Song Yu was afraid that he would be jealous, but his tone was still sour:

“¨〃…Chen Shao, this type of yacht is really rare in China. When your yacht is built, I must invite Lao Song to play!”

There are few domestic wealthy people who play yachts, and the super yachts of this level that Chen Yi wants to build are absolutely rare in China.

It is estimated that when the yacht is completed and delivered to Chen Yi, countless people will come to Chen Yi to come and feel the real luxury.

In terms of luxury and enjoyment, we still have to look at those wealthy foreigners.

“Okay, when I finish building the yacht, I will be the first to invite Song Ge, but I haven’t said anything about it yet. I’ll talk about it at that time.”

“…We are drunk today, and are we drunk now, do you have any arrangements for Song Ge tonight?”

Chen Yi laughed and asked.

Half a year ago, when he realized the second generation of the richest in Nan’an, Chen Yi still felt that there was a big gap between himself and the other party. At that time, Chen Yi was still spending ten to twenty million withholding money and buying a million watches. You have to count the money.

And now he found that he is no longer in the same position as these second generations. What he now wants to compare with is the real business leaders.

Maybe after a while, the people who are chatting with me will all be the bosses of a certain company and the top officials of a certain department.

People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places. This kind of mountain climbing and the pleasure of seeing the mountains fascinate Chen Yi.

“You have to make arrangements for Shao Chen to be clear, go, and I will definitely satisfy Shao Chen tonight!”

Song Yu blinked, smiled ambiguously, and whispered next to Chen Yi: “…They are all small stars, not well-known, they are not sold outside, saying that they are stars, where are they? A gimmick that shows up in the show.”

“Chen Shao, you know, those are just to raise their own value, and in essence they are just to make up for the show-off.”

“…And all of me are college students such as Beiying, who have no appearance and shape, let them come and accompany us to the nightclub.

“Chen Shao will tell you whichever you like, and I will make arrangements.”

This so-called arrangement is to give you a chance to play a role in the play. The protagonist number one and number two cannot play, but they are definitely those with lines.

Of course, if Chen Yi really fell in love with someone and wanted to praise her, then it would be okay to find you an important female second or the like.

Right x transaction, nothing more than the case. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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