Chapter 459 The most luxurious yacht in the country

Chen Yi rinsed in the bathroom refreshingly. After he changed his clothes, he saw a woman who was dressed casually in single clothes and looked a little charming walking out of the bedroom, and said softly:

“… Shao Chen, are you leaving?”

The woman’s words are full of flattery, and her eyes are charming, and the spurring meaning is enough to make most men’s soul fascinating.

But Chen Yi is not an ordinary man. He glanced at this woman who was of good shape and looks, and then nodded:

“…Well, an Italian yacht manufacturer will come over in a while. I want to discuss with them about custom yachts.”

The woman’s eyes brightened when she heard it, private yacht. This thing has only been heard in movies and TV series. In reality, there are so many opportunities to see a real private yacht.

She immediately pleased: “…Young Master Chen, do you want me to accompany you?”

“No, it’s not entertainment, it’s just a sale. I asked the butler to bring you lunch. Just tell the butler what you like. The restaurant in this hotel is definitely the best in the Imperial Capital.”

“…I won’t come back tonight. I have something to do after discussing with the Italian side. By the way, I have already told Song Ge about the matter on your side, and he will take care of it for you.”

There is something in Chen 750yi’s words, that means “you can get out of the way”.

This woman was a second- and third-tier celebrity that Song Yu introduced when they went to the nightclub with Song Yu yesterday.

Not particularly well-known, but he has also acted in some online dramas. It belongs to the kind of people who have nearly a million followers on Weibo and are true fans.

However, even if I have appeared in some online dramas, they have not become popular. Naturally, I am very concerned about the opportunity to act. When I went to the nightclub yesterday, I was actually ready to accompany me, and both sides can be regarded as getting what they need.

There are too many beautiful women in this world, just like the charming woman in front of me. Being able to play shows that she is not bad in appearance or figure, and in the eyes of many men, she is an absolute goddess-level figure.

In the eyes of her fans, she may be even more unattainable.

But in Chen Yi’s eyes, this is just fun.

Chen Yi will only maintain long-term relationships with those ‘pure’ girls, or women who are truly talented and temperamental. As long as they can satisfy some of their own desires, they only have a beautiful skin.

The woman heard Chen Yi’s order to evict guests, her eyes flashed disappointment, but she didn’t dare to get angry with Chen Yi, she still flattered and said: “…okay Shao Chen, thank you!”

After agreeing to Song Yu to go to the nightclub last night and be selected by Chen Yi, she was actually too excited. Chen Yi was so handsome that she even wanted to post it upside down.

Especially when she saw that Brother Song in the circle was very respectful in front of this young Chen Shao, she knew that this person had a huge background.

She is a smart woman, knowing that if she can get along with Chen Yi, she will definitely be on the same stage.(Read more @

It is almost impossible not to ask for a relationship between boy and girl friends, but as long as you can stay with Chen Yi for a period of time, it will be infinitely useful.

For this reason, she did everything she could last night, hoping to satisfy Chen Yi and have even a slight fascination with her, but unfortunately this Chen Shao is a hard-hearted man, a real ruthless man.

I am deliberately falling, but the other side is ruthless.

Hey, there will be no chance to ride that supercar that is said to be worth thirty million.

Just like Lin Daiyu’s self-pity, the woman quickly became refreshed. Anyway, she got the opportunity from Song Ge this time, but she must seize it.

Maybe after he became famous again, Chen Shao would be a little interested in him, so he must work hard to improve his status.

To understand this, the woman quickly took out her mobile phone and started taking pictures. There were tens of thousands of suites that night, and she hadn’t lived in this entire life, so she couldn’t waste it, she had to leave a little memorial.

It seems that I forgot to ask the girl’s name.

After walking out of the presidential suite and getting on the elevator, Chen Yi headed to the administrative corridor downstairs to find out that the woman who had been with him for one night yesterday didn’t even know what the other party was called.

Forget it, this is not an important thing.

Chen Yi has long been accustomed to this rich second-generation life. Life is nothing more than wine, food, luxury cars, mansions, spiritual entertainment, and women.

If it weren’t for one’s own career, this kind of life would really consume people’s will.

After thinking about it, Chen Yi came to the administrative corridor, and under the fingerprint of the waiter, he came to a private window position.

There was a policeman in a suit and two foreigners chatting there. After seeing Chen Yi, they both stood up quickly.

The **person said directly: “…Hello, Mr. Chen, I am an interpreter invited by Benetti Company. I am honored to serve you.”

The other two also introduced themselves immediately. They are all commissioners of Benetti Company who came to discuss with Chen Yi, and their status in the company is not low.

Without waiting for an interpreter, Chen Yi speaks fluent Italian: “…There is a saying that time is money, and my business is a bit busy, so please go directly to the topic.”

“Mr. Chen, your Italian is really standard.”

One of Benetti’s commissioners exclaimed.

The translator was full of embarrassment, and suddenly felt as if this business was going bad.

“Mr. Chen, you are so refreshed, please take a look at this.”

The commissioner of Benetti Company placed a thick document in front of Chen Yi and opened it. Inside was a diagram of a yacht model.

“This is a luminosity-class superyacht with a total length of more than 100 meters that our Benetti Company is building. We only manufacture three in total, two of which have already been ordered.”

“… And after hearing that Mr. Chen, who is the only one, you are interested in this last one, the company hastened to send us over. You know, although our company Benetti is a well-known yacht manufacturer in the world. factory.”

“But in the Asia-Pacific region, we have never opened up the market. We urgently need to cooperate with an excellent partner like you, Mr. Chen…”

There are only a few rich countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Although the economy is growing fast, but the development is relatively late, yachts have not yet risen in the wealthy circle. This is an opportunity.

Therefore, many world-renowned yacht manufacturers have spotted this new market and are doing their best to open it.

In normal negotiations, the other party would never say such urgently needed things, but now that the other party has said it, it obviously attaches great importance to this cooperation with Chen Yi.

Chen Yi nodded and motioned for him to continue.

“This luminosity-class yacht inherits our Italian traditional craftsmanship and is equipped with the most advanced yacht technology and luxurious facilities ever.”

“…Trust us, Mr. Chen, we know very well about the private yacht owned by **. If you own it, it will be the most luxurious one in ** at this stage!”

When he said this, Chen Yi was really moved. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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