Chapter 463 Bitch’s cleverness

“Bitch, aren’t you a student of Shen Opera? You can be considered as a student from a class. Do you want me to give you a role to act in a movie?”

Chen Yi lying on the sofa, squinting his eyes and enjoying Yu Jinyu’s service, suddenly asked.

Yu Jinyu was startled for a moment, and just chuckled: “…Did the golden master’s father let me play the heroine?”

“P’s heroine is to give you a character who can be photographed and has a line. It is definitely a big production. It is very likely that it will be the Spring Festival next year. Are you interested?”

Chen Yi laughed and cursed, and said as he watched the bitch’s waist not twisting.

“Hey, if it’s not the heroine, then I won’t go.”

The bitch slumped down with her tender body, hugged Chen Yi’s neck, and said coquettishly while lying in his arms.

It’s just that her expression is full of eagerness.

Although there are various reasons why a bitch was admitted to Shen Opera, as a student of Shen Opera, how could he not have the idea of ​​acting in TV dramas and movies.

There are even many girls who are holding star dreams, hoping that they will be an instant success.

As a sophomore, if you can have acting experience and opportunities in your student life, you might not be able to continue in this industry in the future.

It’s just that Yu Jinyu knows that those who simply rely on their own abilities and talents to enter this circle are ultimately rare, and even more because of luck.

Most of the students of Shen Opera will end up doing nothing, or they will leave the circle and become mediocre.

This is why many girls would rather sell themselves in exchange for opportunities, because it is really too difficult and too difficult to get ahead in this circle by virtue of themselves.

Just like the little star Chen Yi met a few days ago, what he did was actually the same.

Is Yu Jinyu lucky to meet Chen Yi? Say yes or no.

Compared with those of his classmates, she did get more opportunities, but the actual situation is that Yu Jinyu actually sold herself.

The only difference from those women is that they sold themselves to many people to have a chance to blog, while Yu Jinyu only sold herself to Chen Yi.

Thinking about it this way, Yu Jinyu felt that she was actually quite lucky.

“Papa, did you invest in a movie ` `?”

Yu Jinyu hugged Chen Yi’s neck, lying on Chen Yi’s body, wearing light-colored socks on her feet, kicking her white calves back and forth, and asked curiously.

She never thought that Chen Yi would be related to the film industry.

“Do you know Jingxi culture?”(Read more @

Chen Yi asked.

“Of course I know that this production company has been in a boom in the domestic film industry in recent years. How many celebrities want to have a relationship with them.”

As a student of Shenxi, it is impossible for Yu Jinyu to know nothing about the things in this circle, just like some of her seniors. I don’t know how many people want to know the executives of this company.

She thoughtfully said: “…Daddy, do you know them?”

“Last time I met the son of the chairman of this company in Shanghai, he came to me and asked me if I wanted to invest in a movie.”

“…I thought about this investment at that time, it was reliable, and I thought that bitch, you are Shenxi, I can be regarded as the producer with a little power in this investment, so I asked for a role for you.”

“Don’t think about the heroine or anything. I am not the main investor after all. When I have the opportunity to invest in movies with them next time, I will get you a better role.”

Chen Yi’s face was not red and his heart was not beating, and he was telling lies. Where did he invest for Yu Jinyu, he was completely attracted by the box office of the movie “Wandering Earth”.

But Yu Jinyu doesn’t know this, because Chen Yi has never been involved in the film and television industry in the past. She thinks Chen Yi really invested in movies for her.

For a while, the bitch was moved, and her soft waist was about to twist down, looking at Chen Yi with watery eyes, and said, “…I can do whatever the master father wants me to do today~~”

Yu Jinyu gave birth to a small amount of vanity and pride. How many people in their school want to connect with the executives of other companies.

But his own financial father’s father directly knows the son of the boss of another company. This is the difference between status and class.

Even if she stayed by Chen Yi’s side, Yu Jinyu knew that she was unattainable.

At this time, Yu Jinyu was already thinking about how to go to the school group to pretend to be x, and she could show off in front of her roommates.

Thinking of the envy of a bunch of seniors, there may be people who come to please her, and whore is also proud of her.

Listening to the bitch’s coquettish voice, Chen Yi raised his brows and said, “…Why, I don’t want it in normal times?”

“Hehe, how could it be possible, as long as the master’s father asks for it, I am willing to do anything!”

The bitch said winkingly.

“Hmph, this is almost… OK, go and change into the new clothes I bought for you, and go to a place with me.”

Chen Yi patted her and said with a smile.

“Where are Jinzhu’s father taking me?”

“parking lot!”

“You really have more and more tricks.”

Even though he said that, the bitch still changed clothes honestly.

“I will tell the director your name when the time comes, and there will be a staff member to inform you to go to the interview, but it is just a formality.”

“…The crew will also take care of you as much as possible, and will not embarrass you, but don’t play any tricks, bitch, try to cooperate with other people’s work.”

Chen Yi asked.

But he felt that with the bitch’s intelligence, she would not do stupid things. She knew what she should do and what she should not do.

“Don’t worry, I’m not a big man, so I don’t have a little temper to play with others. If it weren’t for you, my father, I wouldn’t want to be a temporary worker for other people’s crew.”

The bitch also knows well. Although her acting skills are qualified online and her looks are beautiful enough, there are many beautiful and hardworking girls, and not everyone has a chance.

She clearly knows who gave her opportunity and also knows whose face she represents when she goes out. She doesn’t want to make her impression worse in front of Chen Yi.

This is also Chen Yi’s favorite bitch. She never does unnecessary things. She knows how to place herself well and know what she wants to do.

When the bitch changed her clothes, Chen Yi took her directly to the hotel’s underground parking lot. Chen Yi had already been optimistic about the terrain before.

“Chen Yi, is my video okay?”

Even in poor counties, there are strong signals, and we have to say that the basic facilities of our country’s base stations are really powerful.

Yu Zixi used vx to stream the video with Chen Yi, and she showed a shy smile, with two small dimples on her watery and white face, she asked timidly like a child waiting for praise.

“Well, Zixi, you did a good job, and some of the good ones are beyond my expectation.”

Thanks to Chen Yi’s praise, Yu Zixi’s smile became brighter and brighter. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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