Chapter 464 I will be responsible for you

“What are you doing, Zi Xi.”

Listening to Chen Yi’s voice from the vx video, Yu Zixi walked to the side and turned off the phone that was recording.

She turned the phone she was holding over and used the front camera to let Chen Yi see what she was doing.

She is still working tirelessly to record the video. After hearing Chen Yi’s request, she was almost doing this during the winter vacation.

Both phones were bought by Chen Yi. According to Chen Yi, if you want to record a video, you need multiple phones to make the video do well.

The money for this phone will be deducted from your future remuneration.

Chen Yi clearly knows Yu Zixi’s self-esteem, so he didn’t say anything to give it to her, but gave it to her as a reward, so that she would agree.

Yu Zixi is no longer a little girl who used to know nothing about the outside world in a poor mountain village. Human beings have a very strong ability to accept it.

In the more than half a year of college, she has been exposed to many things that she didn’t understand in the past, such as video websites, cameras, computers, etc.

These things that were once far away from her life have now become his daily necessities.

After all, it is impossible for modern people to escape from these things. Yu Zixi is not a fairy who only needs to drink the morning dew. She also needs the life of modern people.

In normal times, she would go to watch videos on station b and watch movies on the Internet. Yu Zixi knew what she was doing now and what Chen Yi asked her to do 750.

Isn’t that to be an up master?

However, Yu Zixi is not sure whether he is really capable of being hot, like those big up masters at station b, Yu Zixi is not sure.

She did it only because Chen Yi asked her to do it.

For Yu Zixi, the life of working in a milk tea shop may make her feel more comfortable and make her feel that her labor value has been reflected.

“Are you still recording a video?”

Chen Yi frowned when he saw this scene through the camera, and sighed: “…How many videos did you record during this winter vacation?”

“Except for the two days of the Spring Festival, I have been doing it. I was not used to it at the beginning, the recording was a little bad, and a lot of ingredients were wasted.”

“…But I already have experience now, and most of the time I can record it all at once. The most difficult thing now is the creative preparations in the early stage and how to add the filters in the later stage.”

Yu Zixi said seriously.

She is a very serious person, and she has to do everything well. If it doesn’t work once, she will do it twice, and if it doesn’t work twice, she will do it three times.

If one hour is not enough, she will do two hours, and if two hours are not enough, she will do three hours. It is with such hard work that she walks out of this mountain village and enters a 211 college.(Read more @

The amount of educational resources is really important, especially for this kind of exam-oriented education exams, many people are fighting for a place. .

For children in such impoverished mountainous areas, it is really difficult to get out of the exam. It takes more effort than children in the city to succeed.

“You, you, don’t be so tired. Pay attention to your own body. After half a year of raising up in school, it’s a bit fleshy, so don’t get tired again.”

Chen Yi said distressedly.

Fortunately, Yu Zixi is still young. Although she was undernourished when she was a child, she was very thin, but after half a year of normal nutrition in school, at least the state of malnutrition has disappeared.

“I eat well at home. You paid me so much salary, and the family life has improved a long time ago. Grandma asked me to bring some souvenirs back to school. Thank you.”

“…I have been paying attention to my body so that I won’t be tired. After the Spring Festival during the winter vacation, I have eaten a lot of meat. I have gained two catties of meat~~ Now, I am worried about my change. Fat.”

Yu Zixi said sadly, her voice was very small, and she had a soft and glutinous feeling completely different from that of Yu Jinyu, which made people unconsciously want to feel sorry for her.

The cowardly softness makes the man’s desire to protect eager to come out, especially her voice still has a firm gratitude and trust for Chen Yi.

Chen Yi’s milk tea shop can provide Yu Zixi with a salary of nearly 3,000 a month. For a part-time student, this is really a very high salary, and it is enough to live easily in some third- and fourth-tier cities.

There are not many people in Yu Zixi’s family. Apart from her, there are only her grandmother and younger sister. The monthly salary alone can make her family barely out of poverty.

“Are you still afraid of getting fat? Just like your thin bamboo pole, it’s okay to get ten kilograms of fat.”

Chen Yi was immediately happy, and said with a smile.

“I am also a girl, and I will care about my figure.”

Yu Zixi snorted, Chuanyu’s accent carried a soft flattery.

Full of warmth and lust, Yu Zixi in the past cared more about the small things of life such as firewood, rice, oil and salt. Naturally, he would not care about his body, appearance, or dress.

And after the basic life is guaranteed, she will care about the figure just like the other girls, and it will be stinky.

“I will go back to school after the winter vacation. There will be no materials and tools at that time, and I will probably not be able to make a video.”

“…So I want to shoot more now, and post it slowly later, so that I can get more stock.”

Yu Zixi said softly like this. She picked up one side of the firewood and put it into the earthen cookware that was burning. Even though the screen was across, Chen Yi could hear the crackling of the flames.

Even before his rebirth, Chen Yi had never experienced a family environment like Yu Zixi, and even this kind of things used in the countryside, Chen Yi has hardly seen in reality.

Seeing Yu Zixi burning there, Chen Yi discovered that this girl is really much stronger than he thought, and much stronger than him.

If you get along with each other and put yourself in the position of Yu Zixi, Chen Yi estimates that he will not be able to pass the test of that mountain village. In the end, he can only continue to guard against poverty and become a member of all living beings.

Against the backdrop of the fire, Chen Yi feels that Yu Zixi now is really too beautiful, not the beauty of appearance, but the kind of strong and spiritual beauty.

He took a deep breath and said softly: “…Do you know that you are famous on the Internet?”

“Well, you asked the person in charge of the team I joined to tell me. I don’t understand this, and I don’t care much about being famous. I’m very satisfied with my life now.”

She pursed her lips and smiled sweetly, revealing two shallow dimples, like the same lotus in full bloom, silt out of the mud but not stained, clear and not demonized.

At that moment, Chen Yi even wondered whether it was right to make Yu Zixi famous, and whether the girl really wanted to.

But this idea just passed by in a flash. In this world, many people can’t control their lives.

Perhaps now Yu Zixi doesn’t really like doing these things.

But if doing this can change her family conditions and make her sister and grandma live a better life, Yu Zixi will probably do it even if she doesn’t like it, and will do it very seriously.

Think about it carefully, will everyone like your current job? In fact, most people don’t like it, but you can’t live without work, so you have to force yourself to do it.

this is life!

“Next, I will let the team push you in China. Because of the foundation of the oil pipeline, it is better to do it in China, but Zixi, you may get used to the life of a celebrity in the future.”

“…But don’t worry, I will be responsible for you!”

Chen Yi said seriously.

Yu Zixi’s path was chosen for her, so Chen Yi also chose to be responsible for her to the end. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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