Chapter 465 Yu Zixi’s longing

Yu Zixi’s cheeks reddened, and her heart was pounding. Chen Yi’s words were too confusing, even she was thinking about it in her mind. For a while, she was a little reserved and shy, and didn’t know what to say.

“Zixi, Zixi… are you listening?”

Chen Yi, who was videoing with Yu Zixi, saw that she seemed to be distracted, so she shouted a few words in a row.

“Ah, I’m listening, I just thought of something else, sorry.”

Yu Zixi lowered her head, her cheeks flushed, a little embarrassed, and she looked gentle and pleasant.

It’s a pity that Chen Yi couldn’t see clearly through the video, otherwise she would probably be able to guess what she was thinking about.

“It’s okay, continue with the topic just now. After school starts, maybe you will get used to being watched by a group of people.”

Chen Yi said with a smile.

“I… I am always seen by others.”

Yu Zixi whispered.

After all, she is very beautiful. Even if she has a soft personality, she is always used to avoiding others, but she still receives attention from many people.

To be too maverick will actually attract more attention from others, and only the kind of mediocre person can truly dazzle everyone.

Chen Yi knew that Yu Zixi could not really understand this difference in gaze, so he could only give her a vaccination in advance:

“…This kind of being watched is different from being watched before, so Zixi, you have to be prepared in advance. Being a celebrity is not so good.”

“Especially some privacy issues, and some gossip issues are more troublesome, but you must not care about those things, as long as you know that I am for your good, I will solve the troubles you encounter.”

After hearing what he said, Yu Zixi nodded vigorously, and said with a shy smile: “…Well, I know Chen Yi, you are all good to me.”

Seeing that Yu Zixi trusted him so much, Chen Yi felt a little embarrassed. This stupid girl trusted him so much, but she couldn’t trust others casually, and she wouldn’t know if she was deceived.

It seems that I must tell her more about the gloom of society when I have time.

“Zi Xi, you don’t have to worry about the tubing side. My team will help you get in touch with that side, and won’t let them pay a penny less, and the team won’t hold your money down.”

“… With your current broadcast volume and your reputation in the tubing, your income will increase. Don’t be surprised by the amount of money then.”

“Of course the income was not so high at the beginning, you have to keep working hard.”(Read more @

Normally, the platform will hold down the money for the anchor or the up host for a few months, and then the so-called team or the union will hold it for a few months, and then the money will be in my hands.

In these few months, platforms and labor unions can use cash to generate greater benefits. This is the basic operation of this model.

However, Chen Yi will not be greedy for the money that Yu Zixi makes, so he will allow the team to communicate with the oil pipeline to make the money come to life as quickly as possible.

“I don’t understand these very well, but I know Chen Yi, you are all for my good. I have enough money now, so you don’t have to give it to me so quickly.”

Yu Zixi said softly that even though she was once poor, even if she really values ​​money, she still hasn’t been fascinated by money.

“This is your labor income. Of course, you have to send the money to you as soon as possible… But I have to tell you some things in advance. Even if you have money, you can’t spend it randomly. I will supervise you.”

Men become bad when they have money, and women are actually the same. Money corrupts people as terrible as poison x. Anyone who thinks that he has a strong will may become another person under the poison of money.

Chen Yi doesn’t want Yu Zixi to become a different person because he has money, become extravagant and worship money. If it really becomes like this, then Chen Yi will regret helping her instead.

“Okay, then I will write it down in a notebook when I spend money, and give Chen Yi your check.”

Yu Zixi smiled softly, the dimples on her cheeks looked charming and cute, and her big blinking eyes were naughty.

Chen Yi laughed blankly. When she said that, she felt like she was the one who took care of the house.

“I… If I can really make a lot of money, I want to buy a house for my grandma to live in the county seat and let her live in a building… Then let my sister go to a better school and get a better education.”

Yu Zixi said hopefully.

As a person who has come out of the poverty-stricken mountain, she clearly understands the importance of education, and understands that education is the most important thing.

The reason why many impoverished mountain villages have not succeeded in poverty alleviation is that the older generation has problems with their thinking, and they refuse to receive education and the education of modern society.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

“There is no need for the county seat. You can ask your grandma to live in the second and third-tier cities in the Sichuan-Chongqing area. Those places are more comfortable than your county seat.”

Chen Yi said with a smile.

He didn’t say anything to make Yu Zixi send his grandmother to the first-tier cities. To be honest, the first-tier cities are not suitable for the elderly, except that the medical treatment may be better.

Of course, making money is to change your life. Chen Yi doesn’t think there is anything wrong with Yu Zixi’s ideas.

Could it be that her videos showed the life of the ancient recluse, who lived in the mountains?

How could it be possible? By that time, build a few houses in a beautiful place and plant some vegetation and food materials that you may need.

I usually live in the city and go back to the mountains when I need to record a video. This is true.

……. ….. 0

“The second and third-tier cities in Sichuan and Chongqing, that…the house is very expensive.”

Yu Zixi did not dare to think about the houses that could easily be tens of thousands per square meter, just as most people did not dare to imagine that they could buy a house in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou.

“You have to believe that you can do it. Then I will look to help your sister and mobilize the school so that she can go to a better school in the big city.”

Chen Yi said softly.

And Chen Yi’s words of caring for her sister hit the softest part of Yu Zixi’s heart. Her tone was a bit agitated, even choked up, wiped the corner of her eyes and said:

“…Thanks, thank you, Chen Yi, I also thank you for Yingying.”

Yu Zixi bit her moist lips, as if he had made some determination.

“Okay, Zixi, you still see me outside. I will help your sister arrange as soon as possible. These are all trivial matters.”

“…Now if you can’t afford a house, you can rent a house first, and let your grandma take care of Yingying. With your current income, it’s more than enough to support this family.”

Chen Yi is a vigorous and resolute person, so he arranged for Yu Zixi directly.

She just smiled shyly. Listening to all the arrangements of Chen Yi, she had no comments on his arrangements. No matter what Chen Yi said, she nodded her head and was so cute that it hurts.

Through the vx video, Yu Zixi looked at Chen Yi’s face on the other side of the phone, and her heart was throbbing. The strange feelings and emotions made her extremely impulsive.

Longing to meet him, longing to talk to him, longing… longing for his touch. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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