Chapter 467 Chu Qiang’s nervousness

Chen Yi has always done things simply and neatly, especially when he promises to others, he will do things as quickly as possible.

With Chen Yi’s circle of friends and network, for many families, the troublesome matter of changing school status is hardly any difficulty for Chen Yi now.

This kind of trivial matter can be easily solved even by Chen Yi’s relationship with his friends.

After Yu Zixi sent her and her sister’s detailed household registration documents, Chen Yi directly trusted his relationship and found people related to education in the Sichuan-Chongqing area, and even did things without spending any money. solve.

Now how many people are thinking about getting to know Chen Yi and being able to form a relationship with him. When they heard that Chen Shaoyou was looking for someone to help, the number of people who came to help Chen Yi on their own initiative even exceeded Chen Yi’s own imagination.

Yu Ziying’s matter was resolved so easily. Chen Yi spent money to rent a small two-bedroom apartment in a certain city in Sichuan and Chongqing, and ordered Yu Zixi to take her grandma and sister to live in when he had time.

And tell her that her sister’s transfer job has been completed, and then go directly to the school to be transferred to complete the formalities.

Chen Yi doesn’t need to worry about this kind of thing. There are too many people on his hand. Just find a careful girl and staff to do it for him. Any subordinate will not try his best to complete the work ordered by the big boss.

Moreover, even in the company, nowadays, many people want to work directly for Chen Yi. Who calls him too generous, and the bonus is high enough.

Especially for the group who went to Xiangjiang, when they heard that these people were making a lot of money, many people were envious and jealous, and wished that the person who would be exhausted was themselves.

As long as the money is enough and too much to be completely rejected, even 007 will be rushed to do it. The reason why those 996s are criticized is because they still give less.

Companies like ali do indeed have higher salaries than other Internet companies, but they are only relative and not too outrageous.

And Chen Yi’s generosity really makes everyone willing to work hard for him.

After the seventh grade, the Spring Festival is coming to an end, and those who return home will gradually return to the metropolis, and Chen Yi is almost a day away from the start of the semester after get off work.

On this day, Chen Yi drove his Rafa to the Imperial Capital International Airport again.

But this time Chen Yi did not go to the gate to greet him. Instead, he sat in the underground parking lot and waited with the warm air on.

“Well, after you come out of the airport, cross a road and walk to the opposite parking lot. I’m in the position of C34, a red Ferrari.”

After sending such a sentence in vx, Chen Yi just put the phone aside, he unfastened his seat belt, put his hands behind his head, and listened to the song played by the car stereo.

Slowly, I got used to such an extravagant life. It has been extremely difficult to go back to the past. Today’s Chen Yi’s only idea is to protect his current life, and to continue this extravagance for the rest of his life.

The system is the bottom line and the last warning line. Because this thing is too mysterious, Chen Yi can’t guarantee that it will disappear someday.(Read more @

Owning your own career and social status is an important coat and double insurance, so that even if the real system disappears one day, you can rely on your ability and career to continue to maintain such a life.


After snapping his fingers, Chen Yi was satisfied with his caution. Now that the system is performing its capabilities, he must make good use of the system and create multiple protection measures for himself.

But you can’t rely on the system for everything that is stupid, and finally it becomes a wasteful person without a system.

Just as Chen Yi was thinking in this quiet environment, it didn’t take long for him to see a young girl approaching.

An orange jacket, underneath is a light-colored khaki silk dress.

The long skirt is divided into two parts, the upper part is thick, covering the thighs, and the lower part is translucent. If you can see a pair of white calves and black leather high heels on your feet.

The girl in front of her was walking around carrying a dior lady’s bag and a pair of sunglasses on her head.


Chen Yi clicked on the horn of the car and scared the girl, but after seeing Chen Yi’s car, she just trot up.

The scissor door opened, and the girl stepped cautiously into the car, holding the bag in her hands in both hands, and sitting there quietly with her legs close together.

She is Chu Chuzi, that is, Chu Qiang. She was once the anchor of the seafood station. She is quite famous in the industry and even known as the four major singers. However, since she left the seafood station and went to the national treasure station, the days have gone downhill. .

Nowadays, all the anchors of National Treasure Channel are panic. The news that various National Treasure Channels are about to close is rampant. In the beginning, National Treasure Channel will refute the rumours, but recently it has never ignored these words.

From this, as long as it is a normal person, it can be inferred that this live broadcast platform, carefully built and managed by Comrade Xiao Wang, is not far from its complete collapse.

Now is the final madness. How many anchors are trying to find their next home, and the only places they can go are actually Hutooth Terrace and Seafood Terrace.

“Shao Chen…”

Chu Qiang, who was sitting in the co-pilot, called Chen Yi nervously. She lowered her head and did not dare to look at Chen Yi. Two fingers were wrapped around the belt in her hands, which showed that her heart was not calm.

“You are still wearing sunglasses.”

Chen Yi said with a smile.

Chu Qiang quickly took off her sunglasses, revealing a beautiful face with meticulous makeup.

Her facial features are biased towards that kind of otaku and goddess, that is, it looks like a sharp face with melon seeds, but also has the purity of a student.

With her petite figure and Japanese dress, it can be said that she is the favorite of the student party and people who like the second element.

“I’m not too big or young, and I’m a bit well-known. I’m afraid of being recognized at the airport, so I wear sunglasses.”

Chu Qiang quickly explained, although she didn’t know why she had to explain to Chen Yi when she was wearing sunglasses.

Seeing the man sitting next to him holding the Ferrari steering wheel with one hand, Chu Qiang also sighed.

When she first met, she was recording a video with the dean in 753. Chen Yi met in Ferrari’s shop. At that time, Chen Yi was dressed very low-key and ordinary, and his appearance was not as dazzling as it is now.

At that time, Chu Qiang just took one more look, but didn’t care, until Chen Yi directly ordered a Ferrari. At that time, Chu Qiang still wondered whether it was the ‘repair’ invited by the dean.

It wasn’t until the end that Chen Yi was not a trust. He was indeed a second-generation, and it was still a very powerful second-generation that was comparable to Xiao Wang.

After that, the status of the two parties has completely changed. Chu Qiang has been trying to please Chen Yi. Sometimes Chen Yi is in the live broadcast, and her live broadcast room’s popularity has skyrocketed, making her even more excited.

As for the tens of thousands of dollars that Chen Yi accidentally rewarded, Chu Qiang didn’t care.

She is an educated and knowledgeable woman, knowing that it is more important to have a good relationship with Chen Yi than that little money.

But who would have thought that time has changed. This young man has become more and more powerful. He has been on China Television News and has a lot of fans on the Internet because he has been working on public welfare projects.

Even the Ferrari I’m sitting on is not the 812 of the year, but a Rafa aperta with a price of 30 million and only three in the country.

And what about yourself? It’s like a dog in the bereavement, but it doesn’t even know where to go.

“take it easy.”

Looking at Chu Qiang’s cramped profile, Chen Yi just said with a smile, and at the same time stretched out a hand and placed it lightly on her veil.

This made Chu Qiang even more nervous. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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