Chapter 468 Betray her female anchor

Chu Qiang watched nervously at the hand that was gently flapping on the hem of her skirt. With every rhythm of that hand, her heartbeat speeded up in vain.

Although for Chen Yi to let her come to the imperial capital, Chu Qiang had already guessed what would happen, and was prepared for it.

But after all, she is a girl who hasn’t even talked to her boyfriend. Even if she is prepared for certain things, she will still hope that it will be more romantic.

There is also the reservedness of the girl, and the long-term education has given her a cognition of morality.

She knew that this was actually wrong, but she deceived herself in her heart, using various methods to make herself accept all this, looking for many excuses.

And Chen Yi’s excessive initiative made her frightened, and she hesitated for a while.

Fortunately, Chen Yi understood her thoughts and withdrew his hand.

No matter what it is, I will be nervous when I do it for the first time, even with a bitch-like personality, let alone Chu Qiang.

But as long as you get used to it, this is the fun of guidance and training.

Chen Yi started the car, drove out of the parking lot, and entered the main road after paying the fee.

He glanced at Chu Qiang who was sitting on the co-pilot with his hands clenched and dare not say a word, and then chuckled lightly.

As a well-known anchor, Chu Qiang interacts very well with fans on the Internet. She also knows that people who please “Big Brother” can’t be the kind of girl who will always be silent.

The reason why she didn’t dare to speak might be because of inferiority.

There was already a huge gap in status between the two sides, and what Chu Qiang was doing now was tantamount to betraying herself. She probably was afraid that Chen Yi would look down on her and dare not speak out like this.

Chen Yi likes to lead such a little white sheep into his own clutches. He took the initiative and said: “…The price has been negotiated with Hutooth from the teacher.”

“…The price matches your current position. It is already a high salary, and Hutooth will give you enough recommendations after agreeing.”

“In the next two days, the person who prostituted the teacher and Huyatai will send someone over and ask you to sign two contracts, one for the Huyatai and the other for the teacher.”

“…You can rest assured that there is no problem with this contract, and I can’t let you suffer. You can just check it out and sign it when the time comes.”

When Chen Yi took the initiative to bring up the topic, Chu Qiang knew that she couldn’t remain silent. She took a deep breath, gathered the hair around her temples, took a peek at Chen Yi and asked:

“…Don’t I need to go to the Hutooth Headquarters?”

In the past, when platforms competed with each other, in order to show their sincerity, the platforms would go to find the anchor in person.

Now as the Warring States Period has passed and the situation has stabilized, the contract prices signed by various anchors have also come down, and the anchors are beginning to ask for the platform.

Although some of the top big anchors still have Hutooth station specially sending someone to sign the contract, there are very few anchors of this level, so they can only be at the level of a prostitute.(Read more @

With Chu Qiang’s current popularity, he was not qualified to let Hu Chitai send someone personally.

“Do you want me to visit their headquarters in person? Ha, they don’t have the qualifications yet.”

Chen Yi laughed, his tone flat.

Now how many people are eager to know him Chen Yi, especially in the circle of the richest second generation, they are about to blow Chen Yi out.

There are no silly people at Hutooth, knowing that the person behind Chu Qiang is not the prostitute teacher, but this young Chen Shao, of course, he must take the initiative to send a high-level executive to show his favor.

This mysterious background is not a king, one is business and the other is politics. This difference is still very big, especially since Chen Yi has shown his ability and value, enough to make many business leaders take the initiative to associate with him. .

Listening to Chen Yi’s seemingly calm but arrogant words, Chu Qiang couldn’t help but look at him more.

At this moment, Chen Yi’s chic posture gave her a great sense of security, especially after seeing Chen Yi’s handsome profile face, Chu Qiang’s heart jumped again.

It’s just that this time it was a kind of shyness, with a trace of worship.

“Your contract will expire in a few days. When it expires, go to Hutooth. Before it expires, you should complete the contract on the National Treasure Channel and broadcast it well.”

“…Xiao Wang has a good face, although he may not care that his anchor breaches the contract now, but in case he is forced to bite someone, it is better to abide by the contract honestly.”

Driving this Rafa Benz on the road, because it is the end of the Spring Festival, many people have already returned to Beijing by plane, but there are quite a few cars along the way.

“Is the headmaster’s situation so bad?”

Chu Qiang and Xiao Wang are not particularly familiar, but they do know each other. Hearing Chen Yi’s words made her feel a little bit unbelievable, “…With his father’s wealth, this loss of money should be nothing.”

Chu Qiang was puzzled.

“Haha, it seems that you don’t know how much Xiao Wang owes. He signed a gambling agreement before, and people in the circle post it. He estimates that he owes about 2 billion, which is 2 billion in cash!”

“…If you don’t have his father, you can’t afford to sell him!”

How much is Xiao Wang’s actual net worth? Anyway, it is definitely not as much as the current Chen Yi. As for the 6 billion net worth, it has nothing to do with cash.

Even if Chen Yi owes two billion now, he is temporarily unable to pay it back.

“〃 Not to mention that Xiao Wang’s father is not doing well now. The capital flight has failed, and he can only sell all kinds of assets to plug the hole. Even if the old Wang has 2 billion in cash, he will not return it to his son.”

“…The money is needed in an emergency, and you can’t go out in one go. Look at it, Xiao Wang will definitely be an old man, just want to delay it!”

“If you drag it to the court to enforce it, and when you restrict consumption, you will pay back part of it, and then continue to drag it until the next creditor asks him to enforce it or restrict consumption, and pay back the money little by little.”

The two billion in cash will be paid directly by fools. As long as it can be delayed, interest alone can reduce a portion of the debt, and those creditors dare not push it too far, nor dare to really demand interest.

If Xiao Wang comes to bankruptcy and will not give you a penny, that will really make people cry. Anyway, Xiao Wang is in debt and not Lao Wang.

There are too many people who have become Lao Lai but still lead a luxurious life.

Chu Qiang secretly smacked her tongue, she couldn’t imagine the scene of a national husband being an old man.

But looking at Chen Yi’s vowed manner, she also believed it unknowingly.

Inexplicably, she felt pity for Xiao Wang in her heart, but she laughed at herself immediately. Even if the other party owed two billion, it was still a family property of hundreds of billions, and she had no right to pity him.

Immediately, Chu Qiang felt a sense of happiness in her heart. If she hadn’t believed Xiao Wang’s nonsense at first, she would still be honestly at the seafood station. Today’s situation is absolutely different.

“You haven’t broadcast the poem in the last few days?”

Chen Yi asked at this time.

“Well, it’s not live broadcast anymore, I have already asked for leave in advance, and there is nothing to broadcast anyway.”

Chu Qiang pursed her lips and said in a low voice.

The corner of Chen Yi’s mouth twitched, revealing a strange smile, and said: “… Let’s go live tonight, I thought of some fun games.”

Listening to Chen Yi’s loud, unrejectable words, Chu Qiang opened her mouth, but did not dare to refute.

But faintly, Chu Qiang was also a little uneasy in her heart, always feeling that Chen Yi would use her live broadcast to play tricks. .

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