Chapter 469 I’m going to make a hair!

“I’m going, Chu Chuzi actually broadcasted it. Didn’t it mean that the broadcast will not be broadcast in the past few days during the Spring Festival?”

“I heard that the National Treasure Channel is no longer available. Did Chu Chuzi find his next home? What else is going on live broadcast? Hurry up and find a new job.”

“The National Treasure Channel is not working anymore? Not so, I always think there are a lot of people watching the National Treasure Channel.”

“Most of them don’t pay. Do you know how high the bandwidth cost of the live broadcast platform is? It’s just a loss-making business, and the principal can’t hold it.”

“It shouldn’t be? Isn’t the principal’s father very rich?”

“That’s his father’s money, not his.”

“Superman, there are people here who are ranting, and don’t ban him quickly.”

“Hehe, don’t overtake it. It is estimated that Chao Guan is resigning and is looking for a new job. How can there be a free title.”


Chu Qiang turned on the computer and the live broadcast software, and saw the barrage from the live broadcast room while debugging, and smiled helplessly.

In any case, she has also been broadcasting live on the National Treasure Channel for almost a year. It is impossible to say that it is impossible to have no feelings. She is also flustered watching the platform fall.

Sometimes Chu Qiang was thinking, or she should not do the live broadcast at all, and just find a place to work. It is not difficult to find a job while she is still young and has not forgotten her knowledge.

It’s just that it is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality.

Those on the live broadcast platform are tens of millions at every turn, and the signing fee of hundreds of millions is very exaggerated. If you think with your ass, you can also know that it is a gimmick of the live broadcast 753 platform.

If you look at the financial statements, you know that the platform would have gone bankrupt if the signing fees for real anchors were so high.

In the real situation, the income of the anchor can not be so high, and it can reach the tens of millions of levels, and it is already the top head anchor.

Although Chu Qiang is not the top-level anchor, he earns millions of dollars when he is the hottest. If he gives up working as an anchor, it is basically impossible to earn one million a year.

This is precisely the reason why she has come to this point and cannot choose.

With a light sigh, Chu Qiang has been live broadcasting for a long time. Of course, she wouldn’t be shy in the live broadcast room. She smiled sweetly and said, “…I am planning to take a holiday these days during the Spring Festival.”

“…But I don’t have anything to do today, so I will broadcast it to everyone~”

The sharp-eyed fan immediately noticed that it was wrong, and sent a bullet screen and asked: “…Chu Chuzi, you are not in your live broadcast room?”

Chu Chuzi used to broadcast live at home, transforming a small house into a live broadcast room, and many people have become accustomed to her live broadcast room.

“Really, I haven’t noticed if I don’t say it, isn’t Chu Chuzi at home?”

“Where did Chu Chuzi go? Look at the background like a hotel?”


Seeing the question of the barrage, Chu Chuzi closed her sideburns’ hair and said with a smile: “…I’m in the imperial capital now. I was planning to travel, and I just got off the plane today.”

“…I didn’t have anything to do at night, and I didn’t want to go out, so I broadcasted it to everyone in the hotel. Because I was not at home, some of the equipment might not be so good, so don’t care about it.”(Read more @

After listening to Chu Qiang’s words, many fans didn’t think there was any problem, and immediately responded:

“Chu Chuzi has come to the imperial capital? I am also in the imperial capital, please meet me by chance!”

“If it was a few days ago, you can go to see the Imperial Capital Temple Fair, but now the temple fair is gone.”

“Where is Chu Chuzi going? Go to the square or climb the Great Wall?”


Chu Qiang ignored these questions, but directly opened the PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds game, pretending to watch vx and said: “…Just now Brother Chen said that he wants to play the game, I’ll go see how he is preparing.”

Chu Qiang, who said this, changed the title of the live broadcast room to ‘Play a few games with Brother Chen’.

Although the National Treasure Channel cannot afford to pay for bandwidth, the bandwidth is not calculated on a daily basis, but on a monthly basis. The live broadcast platform can still be available until it is completely stopped.

And this is just a problem of the platform’s funds, not the problem of the platform’s traffic. If it hadn’t been pitted by Lao Jia, Comrade Xiao Wang wouldn’t have been so miserable.

As Chu Qiang changed the title of the live broadcast room, the live broadcast room immediately became hot, and the popularity of the broadcast reached more than four million in an instant.

Just like Xiao Wang, as long as Chen Yi plays games with someone on the Internet, that anchor’s live broadcast room can immediately reach the top.

“Hahaha, it turns out that the golden master’s father is here, no wonder Chu Chuzi you want to broadcast it.”

“I’ll just say, how can someone like Chu Chuzi who is always a pigeon suddenly be so diligent.”

“It’s been a long time since I saw Brother Chen playing games with Chu Chuzi, but occasionally I saw Brother Chen playing games with Teacher Chu. I thought Chu Chuzi was abandoned.”

“My family, Chu Chuzi, looks better than the prostitute, right? Chen’s aesthetics should be fine.”


The barrage was joking and joking, almost filling the entire screen.

Unlike Xiao Wang, because Chen Yi has a mysterious background, no one knows who his parents are.

Moreover, since Chen Yi became a celebrity on the Internet, everything he did was positive. Whether it was a charity event or the capture of gangsters who went to China Television News, plus the fishing boat promotion, Chen Yi has a very good impression among netizens. .

Chen Yi himself has no dark history, and he mainly promotes his own entrepreneurship. Therefore, in the hearts of many netizens, his second-generation rich identity is relatively weak, and his identity as an entrepreneur is relatively strong.

Chu Qiang turned on Mai at this time, and said in a sweet voice: “…Brother Chen, I’m already on the number, so I will pull you.”

“Well, but it’s boring to just play games, or else, if I take you to eat chicken, how about you sing a song to make everyone happy?”

As soon as Chen Yi’s voice fell, I saw that the barrage in the live broadcast room was full of remarks such as “Brother Chen is mighty”, “Brother Chen is right”, “If you eat chicken, Chu Chuzi will sing” and so on.

Chu Chuzi’s face turned red at this time, but because filters were used during the live broadcast, the fans did not see her abnormality.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Chuzi began to play the game seriously.

After several months of development, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds game has become popular all over the world, with the highest number of online users reaching nearly 5 million every day.

Although as time goes by, many people will play this game, and the technology has improved significantly, but because there are too many novices, the dish b still occupies the overwhelming majority.

Even if Chen Yi had no systematic skills before he was reborn, he could easily eat chicken during this period, not to mention he is now a professional player.

Although Chu Qiang plays well in lol, it is possible that girls are relatively inferior to fps games. Her PUBG skills are better than ordinary people, but she does not meet the standards of major anchors at all.

However, under Chen Yi’s leadership, he still easily ate the chicken.

When I saw the first one, I successfully ate the chicken, and there was a lot of joy in the barrage, making Chu Chuzi sing quickly.

Chu Chuzi looked at the time at this moment and exclaimed: “…It’s a bit late, I’m afraid the convenience store downstairs will close in a while.”

“…I’ll go downstairs to buy some things first, and I’ll sing later when I come back.”

Her voice fell, and it flashed through the barrage:

“Isn’t Chu Chuzi going to cheat?”

“It’s not that it’s not that Chen is here, how could she be fooling around, saying that Chu Chuzi’s live broadcast content does not include singing.”

“That’s right, Chu Chuzi thinks he really wants to buy something, let someone buy it first.”


In the barrage, Chu Chuzi’s temporary request for leave was very open.

And Chu Chuzi asked Chen Yi cautiously: “…Brother Chen, would you please wait a while? I go downstairs to buy some things, it may take ten minutes.”

Chen Yi said indifferently: “…Go, go, I’m not in a hurry, as long as you don’t do your hair.”

“Haole, thank you Brother Chen!”

After speaking, Chu Qian didn’t turn off the live broadcast, just picked up one side of the clothes and put it on, as if he was going to buy something.

When she got out of the house, what she saw was the living room of the hotel, and Chen Yi sat on the chair in the living room and looked at her with a smile.

Chu Chuzi immediately flushed, but she took a deep breath and slowly walked to Chen Yi, her eyes drooping and knelt down. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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