Chapter 470 conquered by you like this


The washing sound came from the bathroom, and Chu Qiang stood in front of the gorgeous marble shelf in the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror.

She pursed her moist red lips, took out the lipstick from her pouch and smeared it. She opened her lips slightly to reveal a pair of scalloped teeth. After opening her mouth carefully, she breathed a long sigh of relief.

I took out the phone and took a look at the time, and found that 20 minutes had passed before she quickly returned to her live broadcast room.

Although the anchor is not present in the live broadcast room, the popularity and popularity has not diminished at all. A full screen of barrage floats past, and Chen Yi’s voice can be heard from the audio from time to time.

Although Chu Qiang left just now, Chen Yi has been watching the live broadcast room, answering limited questions in the barrage.

Seeing Chen Yi as the second generation of the richest, such a real young rich man is so grounded, I can talk and laugh with them who have never met.

This makes these netizens more excited, and at the same time has a better sense of Chen Yi.

Of course, Chu Qiang knew what Chen Yi was talking about with netizens, because when she was serving just now, Chen Yi was looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room with her mobile phone, and then she was chatting with those netizens with Mai in her hand.

It was this scene that made Chu Qiang extremely nervous just now, and she did not dare to make a sound, because she was afraid that her voice would be heard from Chen Yi’s wheat. This would be heard by others. It is estimated that it will be a hot search tomorrow. Booked.

She also complained slightly in her heart for Chen Yi’s practice of her. Chu Qiang is not a woman who completely relies on her physical superiority. No matter her looks, education or ability, she has it.

But facing Chen Yi’s request, she did not dare to refuse, so she could only obediently behave.

Sometimes she was wondering whether it was worth it, but since everything has been done, she has no right to regret.

Chu Qiang’s family is average, and her parents are ordinary working-class people. Sometimes she thinks about working hard to make money so that her parents can lead a better life.

She could only use this method to make up for the shame she felt because of the ethical things she had done.

“The anchor is back!”

“What did the anchor do? Why did you come back so late?”

“Isn’t it thin?”

“Damn, are you disgusting? I feel nauseous to hear.”

“Beautiful girls are fragrant when they shit. You dare to say that Chu Chuzi is disgusting. At first glance, you are not a real fan.”

“Would you like to make you eat shit?”

“If it belongs to Chu Chuzi, I am willing!”

“This person is not saved. Superman, come and seal him up!”


Seeing the jokes made by a group of netizens in the barrage, even though Chu Qiang knew that they were all talking about it, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, so she just said:

“…Is there any management? Help me block this person!”



Immediately, there was another excitement in the barrage.(Read more @

She had been away for almost 20 minutes, and of course Chu Qian knew she wanted to explain, that is, “…I didn’t expect the Imperial Capital to be so cold, so I went downstairs for a while and felt uncomfortable by the cold wind.”

“…I went to wash my face after I came back just now. I’m really embarrassed that Brother Chen made you wait so long.”

This is both an explanation for netizens and Chen Yi. Of course, Chen Yi’s explanation is superfluous, but Chu Qiang must also behave, otherwise it will be suspicious.

“It’s okay, since you’re back, please sing as soon as possible. Why is your voice a little dumb?”

Chen Yi held back his laugh and asked softly.

“Maybe the cold wind accidentally poured into your throat just now.”

Chu Qiang’s face turned red, and she cursed inwardly, you don’t know why I have a dumb voice.

She still feels nauseous and nausea. If it weren’t for eating less at night, she would probably vomit.

“Oh, the sky in the imperial capital is like this. Southerners may not be used to it. Drink more hot water.”

Chen Yi said leisurely.

“Hahahaha, drink plenty of hot water, it turns out that Brother Chen would also say this.”

“I finally found out that I have the same thing as Brother Chen, that is, I always say’drink hot water’ when I care about my sister.”

“But when you ask the girl’Are you there?’ they will definitely reply’Hehe, I’m taking a shower’, but if Brother Chen asks, the girls will rush to say’I’m here!”

“It’s hard to dismantle people!”

“What is Chu Chuzi doing in a daze? Brother Chen has said to drink plenty of hot water, so don’t you hurry up to drink it!”


Seeing so many words in the barrage, Chu Qiang shook her head helplessly.

It can only be said that Chen Yi is really down-to-earth and can play. He can mobilize the atmosphere in a few words. With his skill and appearance, coupled with his ability to speak well, if he is an anchor, he is absolutely top-notch.

Of course, Chu Qiang also knows that with Chen Yi’s wealth status, it is impossible to be an anchor in this life. At most, that’s how to play with their anchors.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

“Chu Chuzi, what did you go downstairs to buy just now?”

“That’s it, what to buy for so long.”

“It’s a necessary item for girls, so don’t ask about it.”

“How did you know that it is a necessary item for a girl?”

“Because I live with Chu Chuzi.”



Seeing the words floating in the barrage, Chu Chuzi’s heart beat quickly, and he quickly looked at the speaking id, but it was not Chen Yi.

If Chen Yi said that I was living with Chu Chuzi, he would definitely fry the pot, but if I wanted to come to Chen Yi’s emotional intelligence, I would not do such a thing.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Chuzi smiled sweetly, took out the milk she had prepared long ago and said, “…I just went downstairs to buy milk.”

……. ….. …

“…I am used to drinking a glass of milk every night. It is good for your health. I suggest you drink a glass of milk every night. In fact, the warm one is the best, but I don’t like warm one, so I can only drink it cold.”

Chen Yi said at this time: “…Drinking a glass of milk in the evening is really good, but I can’t stand the smell of milk. I was not used to drinking it when I was young. My mother boiled milk and I vomited after drinking it.”

“…But girls, it’s better to drink more milk to add protein and calcium.”

Chu Qiang was ashamed and annoyed in her heart, always feeling that Chen Yi had something to say.

“Well, Chu Chuzi sings quickly. After singing, let’s start the next game.”

Chen Yi urged at this time.

“Then what does Brother Chen want to hear me sing?”

“Can you sing “Conquer”?”

Chen Yi said with a smile.

“Hahahaha, did Chu Chuzi hear it? Brother Chen told you to sing to conquer.”

“Do you want to kneel down and sing?”

“Why are you kneeling? What is this?”

“Hey, there are too many young people now, I don’t even know if you kneel down and let you sing to conquer this stalk.”


Although Chu Qiang could hear that Chen Yi’s words were more of a joke, she couldn’t refuse Chen Yi’s request, so she cleared her throat and sang there:

“…I was conquered by you and cut off all retreats. My mood is firm, and my decision is muddled.”

The more she sang, the more Chu Qiang felt that the lyrics were really talking about her current self, and on the contrary, she sang more emotionally. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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