Chapter 471 Brother Chen, my role model!

“Ya’er, Chen Shao, you take the girl to play games without me, the old prostitute is going to be angry.”

Chen Yi just played a live broadcast game of Kneeling and Singing Conquer with Chu Qiang. He was about to continue playing the game. Chen Yi saw that the prostitute was also live, so he pulled him over.

“Haha, isn’t this calling the prostitute teacher? Come on, now it’s three missing one. Take a look at the prostitute teacher and find someone to come over?”

The night is still long, anyway, Chu Qiang will definitely not be able to run today, so Chen Yi is not in a hurry.

Besides, he was at the time when he was holy as a Buddha, so he didn’t have any thoughts at all. Thinking that he hadn’t played games for a long time, he just prepared to play seriously for a few hours.

I think Chen Yi’s biggest wish back then was to do nothing every day, play games and read novels at home all day long, and go out or travel when tired of staying at home.

Of course, you have to have money every month, not too much money, just tens of thousands is enough.

At that time, Chen Yi thought that if he won the lottery, he would save the money for interest and live a life like this until he died.

Now he was born again and became a real rich man, but Chen Yi found that this kind of life could no longer be lived.

Whether it is for the promotion of his social status or for the subordinates who work for him, his current work is very busy.

Now that he has time to play games, it is also a kind of relaxation for Chen Yi.

The prostitute teacher heard Chen Yi’s words and said: “…Then Young Master Chen, wait a minute, I will find someone to come and play with us.”

“… Shao Chen, are you asking me to find a girl for the old prostitute, or a good player?”

In the teacher’s live broadcast room, he asked while flipping the vx.

“Don’t be a girl! Chu Chuzi’s game skills are average, and yours is also average. You have to find me another girl who can’t play. I can’t play this game anymore.”

“…I finally want to play games and relax. Don’t put pressure on me.”

Chen Yi heard the teacher’s words and said quickly.

Song Hana said that playing games is to win. Only if you win the game can you relax. Losing the game will only make you more anxious. Chen Yi hopes that he has a god teammate, not a pig teammate, no matter how good the game is.

“My role model!!”

“My role model!!”

“What is my role model, this is not a normal operation.”


In the barrage, a bunch of people are brushing, resolutely not to play games with girls, let girls get out, this is really a role model for my generation!

“Hehe, okay! Old prostitute, I will definitely find you a technical thief for Chen Shao!”

Chen Yi said that his skills were poor, and the prostitute teacher directly admitted that his skills were really bad.

It’s okay to play a lol, but PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds fps games, unless you have an fps basis since you were young, you really need to look at talent.

Of course, Chu Qiang wouldn’t say anything. On the contrary, Chen Yi was looking for a high player to come over, but she was relieved in her heart.(Read more @

To be honest, although she and Chen Yi did some unethical things during the live broadcast just now, she didn’t understand Chen Yi’s character at all.

In case Chen Yi’s personality is like Xiao Wang, she will be scared as long as her teammates make mistakes or lose the game and yell.

Especially her skills are really average. If she makes a mistake in the game and is scolded by Chen Yi, she will cry out for fear that she will be aggrieved.

“Mr. Whoring, how’s the team going?”

Chen Yi asked suddenly at this moment.

The prostitute teacher who was using the vx contact was shocked and didn’t respond for a while. I don’t know why Chen Yi would mention the team at this time.

However, the prostitution teacher has a keen business sense, and soon learned what Chen Yi meant. He wanted to take advantage of the large number of people in the live broadcast room and put an advertisement.

With the addition of the prostitute teacher, the combined popularity of his and Chu Chuzi’s live broadcast rooms has exceeded 12 million. Although the popularity is not the number of people, such a high popularity means that the number of people is definitely quite large.

And at this time, taking advantage of the live broadcast, some things will be revealed, and tomorrow will definitely be posted in the post bar, the game circle, major websites, and even the b-site up owners will immediately spread the matter out in the form of news.

This is equivalent to an advertisement for OMG that is about to take off.

Because the news broke in the live broadcast room, not the official announcement, these news are still some rumors, and when they are announced on the official website, they will be another advertisement.

The teacher admires Chen Yi in his heart.

This kind of time is really the most suitable time to break the news. He didn’t even think about it before to advertise for free, and he wanted to hide the matter and wait until the official announcement to give everyone a surprise.

After understanding this, the prostitute teacher carefully considered the words and said: “…Ya’er, I just remembered what you said, Shao Chen, I haven’t told you about this yet.”

“…Uzi has agreed to join, and I have already contacted the treasure island. The other party is very likely to join. I have already discussed with we for mid-range.”

“If you place an order, I haven’t found any useful ones in lpl for the time being. Chen Shao, you also know about lpl. We really don’t have any special orders. Even if there is, it is not for sale.”

“…So I can only go to the sub-league to find someone. It happened that someone was spotted by jdg. I also think that player is good. Talk to him and he is more willing to join us.”

“This top laner played well in ldl, and I think it’s also quite talented. It’s absolutely fine to practice a little bit in lpl.”

The prostitution teacher is also smart. He did not reveal all the news, but confirmed half of it, and left half for people to guess.. …..

For example, tell the exact news about Uzi, don’t care how Uzi is criticized, but this traffic is absolutely no problem, this news alone is enough to detonate the game circle.

But Baodao said that they had discussed it, and they gave people an ambiguous guess. Many people would guess which team and player they were looking for.

As for the mid laner and the top laner, the mid laner almost tells who it is, but there will still be a trace of suspense. After all, we still have a youth academy, and the top laner will make a lot of people guess the name.

In this way, the information is explosive and obscured enough to make people scratch their heads, and it can immediately bring huge discussions and traffic.

Chen Yi secretly applauded in his heart, but the prostitute teacher didn’t talk about other aspects. This is indeed unique in the business field. Chen Yi’s thoughts were brought out. You must know that the two had not discussed how to say it before.

The teacher’s words caused the barrage of the entire live broadcast room to explode.

“Fuck? What did I hear? Teacher whoring is forming an LPL team with Brother Chen?”

“We’s mid laner, isn’t it Xiye?”

“Maybe it’s a mid laner in the youth training team. We won’t let Xiye go, right?”

“That’s hard to say, we are so poor, why not sell it if we can sell it at a good price.”

“Why do you want the mad demon of the uzi team? Teacher prostitution and Brother Chen, you are confused, your team will be destroyed as soon as it is formed!”

“Who is the player on Treasure Island? I’m very curious, and I’m also curious about the top laner.”


Seeing that the barrage was fermenting, the prostitution teacher continued his efforts and said: “…Hey, I haven’t told everyone about this, just now I’m talking to everyone about 0.0.”

“…I and Chen Shao have joined the lpl in partnership. This is the realization of my wish for a prostitute for so many years.”

“Old prostitutes I have been caring about the field after retiring, always thinking about doing something. Everyone knows that old prostitutes I have a ym team in ldl.”

“…It’s a pity that I haven’t been marked with lpl for so many years. I regret that I have given up on my old prostitute.”

“But Chen Shao approached me some time ago and said that he has a team for me to join. I thought about this and this is the opportunity I’ve been waiting for, so I agreed.”

“…As for the team, it’s not a newly formed team, but a team that everyone is familiar with. I don’t sell old prostitutes, it’s omg!”

With a bang, following the prospering teacher’s very affectionate words, the entire live broadcast room was directly exploded.

“59e is here to report!!!”

“59e is here to report!!!”

The whole barrage is full of this sentence. .

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