Chapter 481 European royal princesses

Hearing Chen Yi said that he was willing to join the Olympic national equestrian team, Shan Zeng Puntso was overjoyed.

But he seemed to hesitate to Chen Yi, so he asked nervously: “…Xiao Chen, you can tell me anything that is unspeakable. As long as I can help, I will try my best to help you.”

After gritting his teeth, Shan Zeng Puncuo said again: “…Even if you have financial difficulties, Xiao Chen, I can give up this old face, and I can go to some people for sponsorship.”

“…Just like the founder of this equestrian club, he is a person who loves equestrianism, and he is also a rich man of the older generation in China. I went to talk to him and can also fund part of the funds.”

Chen Yi’s talent is only seen in Shan Zengping’s life. He really doesn’t want such a good seedling to slip away from his hands.

Therefore, even if he uses his old face to control people for money, he is willing to do it.

Seeing Shan Zeng Pingcuo’s gritted teeth, Chen Yi also sighed in his heart. He could see that Shan Zeng Pingcuo was a person with a bit stubborn personality, and this kind of person would generally have a strong self-esteem.

But now that Chen Yi can join the national equestrian team to participate in the next Olympics, such a self-esteem has even put down his face.

It can be seen that he really loves equestrianism, he cares about his Olympic equestrian coach’s responsibilities, and he is doing all he can to accomplish the tasks assigned to him by the country.

“Mr. Shan Zeng, this is not a question of money, and I am not short of money.”

Chen Yi laughed secretly. With his monthly cash flow, the average rich man is really not as rich as him, because Chen Yi has naked cash instead of assets such as stocks and bonds.

Especially since Shan Zeng Puncuo said that the owner of this equestrian club is a rich old generation, it is very likely that he is not as rich as he is.

Those people who are really rich in China have relied on the Internet to get up, and most of the wealthy old generations in China are doing businesses.

Although the older generation of companies that can survive until now are strong people, but in terms of assets, they are no better than the current Internet giants.

Even the industry Chen Yi wants to engage in is the Internet.

Finance and the Internet, this stuff comes too fast!

“Then Xiao Chen, if you have any problems, we can solve them even if there are difficulties, but the premise is to let me know what the difficulties are.”

The Tibetan uncle’s personality is a bit impatient, urging Chen Yi again and again.

“It’s the horse’s problem!”

Chen Yi paused and said, “…Mr. Shan Zeng, as you know, equestrianism is a sport that unites people and horses. In addition to human skills, horse racing is also an important part.”

“…The domestic equestrianism is relatively backward, and there are no people who want to breed excellent breed horses. If you want to participate in the competition, you obviously need to have deep feelings and long-term practice with your beloved horse during practice.”

“If it’s domestic, if someone has any good horses, I might be able to buy them on the face of my face, but we don’t have those excellent stallions suitable for Olympic competitions in our country.”

“…So what I’m thinking about now is where to get a good horse. If it doesn’t work in China, it can only be abroad, but I don’t have any personal connections abroad.”(Read more @

“The Olympics will start next year. It is best for me to have a horse of my own as soon as possible so that I can practice together with horses.”

Chen Yi stated his purpose.

There are some good horses that you can’t get even if you spend money. After all, those who can afford these expensive horses are all people who don’t need money.

If you want to buy horses from these people, money or something is the second thing. People need connections.

Hearing Chen Yi’s words, Shan Zengpingcuo actually let go of his heart, but he didn’t give up and asked again:

“…Xiao Chen, it’s really not a question of money? If you are short of funds, just tell me, I can help you invest.”

Chen Yi waved his hand and said with a smile: “…It really has nothing to do with money. I’m not afraid to tell you that I ordered a yacht worth 100 million US dollars only two days ago.”

“…No matter how expensive a horse is, can it be worth 100 million dollars?”

A joke, I need to ask someone for money to buy a horse. Isn’t that too shameless.

You have to say that Pinduoduo, an industry that needs to burn hundreds of millions of dollars, is a pleasure to burn other people’s money, but just buy a horse.


Shan Zeng Puncuo took a breath. He once asked Chen Yuyan that he knew Chen Yi was rich, but Shan Zeng Puncuo didn’t understand how rich he was.

Now he finally understands, good fellow, this young man directly spent 100 million dollars on a yacht. This is not rich anymore, it is too rich!

At this time, Shan Zeng Puncuo felt that his struggle with money was indeed an insult to Chen Yi.

He chuckled and said: “…No matter how good a horse is for 100 million U.S. dollars, the most expensive horse is the one of the UAE princess. The price is about 50 million soft sister coins, less than 10 million U.S. dollars. .. …..”

Seeing that what Chen Yi cares about is not money, but other aspects, Shan ZengPingcuo is also relieved.

For him, money is the biggest problem, but looking at Chen Yi now, I am afraid that money is the least problem for Chen Yi.

He finally confirmed: “…If I can find you a good horse, Xiao Chen, do you really agree to join the Olympic national team?”

“Mr. Shan Zeng, you can value me like this. If I refuse, I can’t justify it. Moreover, this is also a glory for the country. I can’t give back to the society. I can still compete with the country for honor.”

Chen Yi said very solemnly.

Seeing that Chen Yi’s mental consciousness is so high, Shan Zeng Pingcuo sighed, this is really a good guy!

As everyone knows, Chen Yi regards him as a tool man.

Anyway, I need a certain skill to reach the full level to upgrade the system, so that the monthly salary can reach an astonishing 320 million.

If you are able to compete for honors for the country while completing the system tasks, you can still have a name in history, which is simply a good thing with one stone and three birds with one stone.

Can he disagree!

“Okay, then I will ask Xiao Chen one last time, do you have any upper limit on the price of horses?”

Shan Zengping asked cautiously, Chen Yi is rich if he is rich, but it does not mean that Chen Yi is willing to spend too much on a horse.

“Money is not a problem. If Mr. Shan Zeng can find me a good horse of the same level as the UAE princess, it would not be a big deal for me to pay 10 million US dollars.”

Chen Yi waved his hand, as if he didn’t want to talk about money with his brother.

Hearing this, Shan Zengpingpuncuo immediately felt confident.

It’s not bad for money, so you can choose whatever you want!

Seeing the expression of this Tibetan compatriot, Chen Yi knew that he had a goal, and immediately asked curiously: “…I can ask Mr. Shan Zeng, who are you going to find?”

“There are not many families that breed excellent breeds of horses, and it is even harder to find a suitable one, but I happen to know a suitable horse.”

“…It is now in the hands of Princess Grace Casirach of Monaco. I can help you ask, Xiao Chen, you must know that many royal families in Europe raise their own horses!”

Just increase the confidence of the way.

Chen Yi was stunned when he heard it. I didn’t expect you to be so ordinary, but you still know the royal princess, and you are still a real princess. .

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