Chapter 482 I found the treasure!

Seeing Chen Yi’s expression, Shan ZengPuncuo also guessed what he was thinking. The forty-year-old Tibetan laughed and said, “…Hey, Xiao Chen, don’t you believe it!”

“…I know a lot of European royal families, and doing my job is related to equestrianism, and I have to deal with those people.”

Chen Yi thought for a while and felt that what he said was right. Although equestrianism is more developed in Europe, this sport is still a noble sport, and most of them are played by families with a long history and heritage.

Since this Mr. Shan Zeng is the vice-president of the domestic equestrian association, he has a good status in clubs like the Xiangjiang Jockey Club, so it is only natural that people have a wide range of friends.

Chen Yi suddenly felt that he had found a treasure.

“I’m actually the equestrian teacher of Princess Grace Casirach of Monaco. She taught her equestrian skills when she was young, so I can count as her basic teacher.”

Afraid that Chen Yi still doesn’t believe it, Shan ZengPinchao explained it again.

“Mr. Shan Zeng, take the liberty to ask, since European equestrianism is so developed, there must be a lot of equestrian teachers over there, why would the royal family of Monaco invite you to be the teacher of the princess?”

Chen Yi asked curiously.

He actually believed Shan Zengping’s words a long time ago. The Olympic equestrian coach will not lie about these 25 aspects, but Chen Yi is still a little surprised.

“Xiao Chen, it’s normal for you to be weird. In fact, I will become Grace’s equestrian teacher and it’s just right.”

“…But you can never question my equestrian level!”

Shan Zeng Puncuo suddenly said with some pride: “… Twenty years ago, I was actually a national equestrian. I have won championships in many competitions, and I can be considered a bit famous internationally.”

“… But more than 20 years ago, it was not as good as it is now. There were actually several Tibetan equestrians with me at that time, but in the end they were all unable to participate in the Olympics because of horses.”

“This is also the regret of my life. Sometimes I am quite envious of Hua Tian. He was almost unable to compete because of horses, but he was able to raise funds online and eventually succeeded in the competition.”

“…If I were to be more than 20 years younger, it would be great. I am now at this age. I can usually ride horses, but I can’t do it if I want to compete with young people again.”

Shan Zeng Pingcuo sighed and sighed, quite a pity that he was untimely.

The economy of country c was just emerging more than 20 years ago, and it is not the same as it is now. At that time, the Internet was also just emerging.

In this era, it is impossible for the country to pay attention to an Olympic project such as equestrianism, let alone make a big investment. In the end, it can only regretfully give up.

Shan Zeng Phuntsok said that he has won many championships in other equestrian competitions, but for an athlete, what he desires most is to win a medal in the Olympics.

It’s a pity that as this Tibetan compatriot said, he is already old and it is impossible for him to participate in competitions in his life.

He can only hope that his younger generations can travel around the country in this way, and at the same time, he has taken over the Olympic equestrian coaching task entrusted to him by the country.

For a while, Chen Yi admired him very much. In this view, he was not the kind of master sitting in the office pointing to the sports events of the country, but the actual combatist who really worked on the front line.(Read more @

“Listening to you, I’m so excited, I can’t wait to go for a gallop on the court now.”

Chen Yi pursed his mouth and sighed.

“Haha, Xiao Chen, if you really have this idea, then my effort will be worth it!”

Shan Zeng Puncuo was somewhat relieved.

“Teacher Shan Zeng, please contact Monaco about horses. If I can find a suitable horse, I can find a relationship and ship it to the country as soon as possible.”

“…As for the training location in the future, it is still in Shencheng. I will go back to Shencheng to go to school soon. Most of the time I will be there, and my company’s business is mainly in Shencheng.”

Chen Yi is a vigorous and resolute person. Now that he has made a decision, he will do it quickly without delay.

And his “Teacher Shan Zeng” also made Shan Zeng Puncuo stunned.

Chen Yi smiled at this time: “…Since you want to help me train, that’s my teacher. This teacher makes me feel at ease.”

Although self-study can also become a talent, Chen Yi has tried that if he is taught by a good teacher, his skills will be upgraded faster.

Shan Zengpingcuo smiled when he heard this, “…Okay, Xiao Chen, you have called me a teacher, can I still not agree?”

“…But I have to declare in advance that although I don’t like to engage in closed training, it will not always delay your time and affect your normal life.”

“However, when conducting equestrian training, I will strictly demand you, and I hope that you will not go fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, and you have let down your talent for nothing!”

Shan Zengping said seriously.

“Don’t worry about that, I think I am a very self-disciplined person.”

Chen Yi is not afraid of what he says, but rather proud.

Once Chen Yi was not self-disciplined, but after having the system, he has become more and more self-disciplined. This is probably because he can see the benefits of ‘experience points’, which gives him a sense of accomplishment.

Daily running exercises, go to the gym to keep in shape, spend part of the time reading, and when it’s time to enjoy, you will enjoy it with all your heart.

It can be said that Chen Yi’s life is very fulfilling now. There is neither the huge pressure of those entrepreneurs nor the spiritual emptiness of those second generations. He feels that his life is full of meaning.

“Xiao Chen, if you say that, then I’m relieved. You can wait a moment.”

After saying that, Shan Zengping took out his mobile phone and opened an app to start the operation.

Chen Yi glanced at it. It was the app for the ticket purchase. He was shocked and asked, “…Teacher Shan Zeng, what are you doing?”

“Buy a ticket to Monaco. I have to go through these two days. I can’t tell about the horse on the phone. I have to go there in person, and I am sincere.”

“…I will give you information when I discuss with the Monaco royal family. As for how to transport the horse to the country, you don’t need Xiao Chen to run this little thing. Teacher, I will help you solve it.”

“Why do I have a position in the General Administration of Sports? It’s okay to give a green light. At most, there are some quarantine requirements.”

Shan Zeng Puncuo said while using the app.

763  Chen Yi said at this time: “…Teacher, let me book your ticket. Monaco is also in southern Europe. The flight time on this route is not short, and it is more comfortable to take first class.”

“Hey, don’t use it, it won’t bother you, Xiao Chen, to tell you the truth, teacher, I can reimburse you, if you book me first class, I won’t be able to reimburse you.”

“…I said that riding a horse is not more tiring than flying? Although I am in my forties, I am very fit and healthy. That little flying time counts.”

Shan Zeng Pingcuo waved his hand and made a joke.

Before long, I saw him put away his phone and said to Chen Yi: “…Okay, I have already bought the ticket, which is the day after tomorrow. I will try to get things done within a week, and then I will give Xiao Chen a message! ”

Seeing this, Chen Yi knows that this teacher is also a resolute actionist, but Chen Yi likes such a person.

Hey, it will cost money again.

Chen Yi calculated silently. Before, the yacht deposit only cost 100 million yuan, so Chen Yi is still quite ample in cash now, and the large expenses will not be spent until the yacht is handed over.

Then there are Pinduoduo and Douyin, which I created. In the early stage, I need to burn my own money. After I have made a certain result, I will look for investment, which can also increase the valuation.

These tens of billions are really not spent, and in the next period of time, I will have to control my spending a little bit.

Well, the so-called cost control is to spend tens of millions every month on eating, drinking and having fun.

Chen Yi thought about it, simply eating, drinking and having fun, spending tens of millions a month is more than enough, and there is definitely a surplus. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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