Chapter 485 Nanjia’s Chinese cabbage was overwhelmed

“Go to bed, girl, come, let me kiss you, mua~~”


Listening to Chen Yi’s gentle and sweet words in the headset, Nan Jiyue’s simple and elegant face also showed a happy smile. She also ‘mua’, responding to Chen Yi’s affection, and then turned off the microphone reluctantly.

Men and women who fall into love, no matter how disgusting and tiring they usually feel, they can speak boldly at this time, and they don’t feel embarrassed at all, but feel affectionate.

Nan Jiyue took out her mobile phone to open vx, and typed many words on Chen Yi’s chat interface.

After hesitating for a while, she deleted all of these words again, but left a few greetings of ‘Mada, good night’.

After seeing Chen Yi reply to her ‘good dream, good night’, she reluctantly put down the phone.

As a modern young man, how could he want to go to bed just after 11 o’clock in the evening, especially during holidays, in Nantah’s view, nightlife is actually just beginning.

However, Chen Yi told her before playing the game that he would go out with his elders tomorrow and he must rest early tonight. Even if Nan Jiyue was a little unwilling, she didn’t want to disturb Chen Yi.

Although she knew that if she had to hold Chen Yi to chat with her until midnight, Chen Yi would definitely not complain with her, but that would be really-it’s too much.

Although Nanda talks about willfulness, her willfulness also depends on others. In Chen Yi’s body, she is rare to be considerate and unwilling to let her willfulness affect the relationship between the two.

Moreover, she agreed to Chen Yi and said that she would go to bed. If she did not sleep, it would be a kind of ‘deception’, and the gradual distrust between boy and girl friends started from these little deceptions.

So Nan Jiyue finally decided to turn off the computer and lie down on the bed. As for whether she can sleep or not, let’s play on her mobile phone if she can’t sleep. It can be regarded as fulfilling her promise to Chen Yi.

Thinking of these trivial things, Nan Jiyue stretched her back in her pajamas, opened her bedroom door and walked out.

Although this imperial capital’s house is not the largest in the Nan family, it has hundreds of square meters. When Nan Jiyue arrived in the living room, he saw his parents sitting on the sofa watching TV together.

But even though they are watching TV, in fact, both parents are playing with their mobile phones with their heads down.

When I was young, my parents always said not to always play games and not to be addicted, but when they were actually playing on mobile phones, their parents would also be addicted.

Nan Jiyue’s parents are very busy, but the family environment is very warm, because she is an only daughter, and her parents will spare time to accompany her even when they are busy.

This allowed Nan Jiyue to live a good life since she was a child and was tempted by all kinds of materials, but she did not develop any ills, let alone a particularly big rebellious period. The family of three is very affectionate.

Although Nan Jiyue knew it herself, her father was actually not honest outside.

Hearing the sound of footsteps in the living room, Nan Jiyue’s mother took her gaze away from her mobile phone, raised her head to look at her daughter, and said with concern: “…Is it cold in such clothes? I haven’t slept so late yet. ”

“The temperature in our house is so high, I still feel hot. I fell asleep just after eleven o’clock. You didn’t sleep either!”

Nanda and his mother stubbornly said.

“You girl dare to scorn your mother, right?”

Nan Jiyue’s mother smiled and cursed, but the words were full of warmth.(Read more @

It can be seen that Nan Jiyue looks like her mother. Her mother is in her forties, but she is well maintained, her charm still exists, her skin is still delicate, and she looks like a young woman in her early thirties.

“It’s alright, how can we compare with our girl!”

Father Nan pretended to say something to his wife, and then looked at Nan Jiyue with a gentle expression: “…Daughter, why do you come out of the room without going to bed so late?”

Each room of this kind of mansion has its own bathroom. In addition to the large area of ​​the house, everyone in the family has their own private area. Unlike ordinary small houses, there are too many intersections in life.

Therefore, in general, Nanji Yueda will not come out of her house at night. You must know that her own range of activities can be larger than a normal three-bedroom house.

“I’m a little hungry, I asked Aunt Wang to prepare some fruit for me.”

Nan Jiyue snorted softly, showing great demeanor in front of her parents, very self-willed.

“You can call Aunt Wang directly in the house and ask her to send it to you. Why should you come out by yourself.”

Father Nan smiled.

“I’ve been sitting in front of the computer for a long time. Can’t I walk around and move my body?”

Nan Jiyue was also coquettish to her father.

But it’s more spoiled than arrogant.

“Yes, you can say anything, girl.”

Father Nan’s doting way.

“You know you are used to her every day.”

Nan Jiyue’s mother scolded her husband at this time, and made Nan’s father laugh without speaking.

Usually the son is a mother, and the daughter is the father. Except for the family that favors sons, fathers usually doting on their daughters more.

Nan Jiyue walked through the living room, and was about to go to the nanny room to find the nanny Wang at home. At this moment, she heard Nan mother say: “…Yueyue, are you in love?”

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

Immediately, even Father Nan, who was sitting next to Nan Mother, pricked his ears.

Nan Jiyue was startled for a moment, and then, like a cat with fried hair, said furiously: “…Did Nan’an tell you?”

The first informant she thought of was Nanan.

Nan An and Chen Yi have a very good relationship. They often go out to play together in Shanghai, and it is impossible to hide the fact that Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue have become boy and girl friends.

“What’s the matter with your brother, seeing you smirking there these days, holding your mobile phone and chatting with people when nothing is wrong, your mother, I am here, can’t I see my daughter is in love anymore?”

“…Look at my explosion, don’t you admit it!”

Nan mother teased, an old lady has eaten more salt than you have eaten. After all, you are just my daughter’s expression.

Nan Jiyue smiled and turned red, thinking that she was really stupid.

……. …… …

At the same time, he seemed to blame Nanan, but he got used to it, so it shouldn’t matter.

“Yueyue, where did you meet the stinky boy? Don’t associate with people who are inconsistent.”

Father Nan’s expression was a bit complicated, and he felt depressed by the pig who raised a fat Chinese cabbage.

“Is that the boy named Chen Yi?”

Nan’s mother didn’t feel like Nan’s father, but she asked enthusiastically.

“Mom, how did you know?”

Nan Jiyue widened her beautiful eyes.

“I’m your mother, what I don’t know… It was your uncle and uncle who told me that it was one of your classmates who bought a house at their door, and he was still a boy.”

“…I was curious and asked a few more questions. There is not much news about him on the Internet.”

“Hey, Yueyue, you have the foresight, that young man named Chen Yi is handsome, the family conditions are good, and he is capable, but he is much better than your dad.”

“…But, such a good boy must have a lot of girls chasing her, Yueyue, you have to grasp it, someday Mom will teach you a few tricks.”

“You young people, feelings come and go quickly. If you want to maintain your feelings, you need some means. That young man is a good guy, but don’t let him be like your dad because he doesn’t learn well and mess around outside.”

Unlike Nan’s father, Nan’s face is full of interest in her daughter’s finding a boyfriend, and she talks about experience to her daughters there, and at the same time, the last sentence is pointed, so that Nan’s father on the side doesn’t dare to say anything. .

“Someday, Yueyue, take that young man home to show mom, and mom will check it for you too!”

Nan Jiyue couldn’t bear it when she saw her mother’s interest. She hurriedly said, “I got it,” and she ran to the nanny room. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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