Chapter 484 Living with the eldest lady

“Hey, is there anything Sister-in-law is asking for me?”

After turning off the microphone, Chen Yi pressed the answer button on the phone. He sat in the boss chair and turned around, putting the phone to his ear just to ask lazily.

“I’m okay, can’t I call you?”

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard Chen Jin’s anxious voice, but her voice was very good, like a song, even if it was anxious, Chen Yi could listen with a smile.

“How can you, sister, of course you can call me if you are okay.”

Chen Yi’s voice is still lazy.

Chen Jin was also afraid that she would really disturb Chen Yi’s work, and first asked: “…what are you doing, nephew?”

“Playing games with friends.”

Chen Yi glanced at the game screen on the computer and said.

When Chen Yi heard that Chen Yi was playing games, he was not busy with any important work. Chen Jin immediately got excited and said angrily: “…I won’t find you, and you won’t contact me, don’t you remember that you promised? What happened to me?”

“Remember, Sister, you said you want me to go out with you.”

Chen Yi has not yet suffered from Alzheimer’s, and this kind of promise to Chen Jin will not be forgotten.

Seeing Chen Yi still remembering her promise, Chen Jin’s mood improved a lot, even her tone was softened, and Chen Yi said, “…Since you remember my nephew, why don’t you call me?” ”

763   “Hey, sister-in-law, you are looking for me out, not me looking for you out, of course I have to wait for your call.”

“…Actually, I’m kind of weird. You’re only looking for me when my school is about to start. If I’ll be in Shencheng in a few days, you can only go to Shencheng if you really want to do anything with me.”

Chen Yi’s temper to Chen Jin is steady, knowing that her anger is fake, and my sister-in-law has a very good temper, and it is impossible to be really angry because of such a trivial matter.

When Chen Yi said this, Chen Jin was speechless, because Chen Yi was quite right. She was looking for Chen Yi for something, so she should take the initiative.

Chen Jin’s conversation turned around, not here with Chen Yi poor, knowing that she is not poor than Chen Yi, “…good nephew, will you be free tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow? If you are free, even if you are not free, sister-in-law, you said, I must be free!”

“…Say, sister, where do you want me to go with you? Even if you want to go to the White Horse Club, I will sacrifice my life to accompany the lady!”

Chen Yi said bluntly.

“If you go to you, you will know that you are silly, what do I do in that kind of club!”

Chen Jin said irritably.

“Sister, do you really know what the White Horse Club is?”

Chen Yi was shocked.

“How could I not know that little thing about Shencheng.”

Chen Jin said disdainfully.

Chen Yi seemed to be right when he thought about it, although his sister-in-law looked young and beautiful, and her skin was tender, just like an 18-year-old girl.

But she is actually 28 years old, and many of her best friends are in their 30s.(Read more @

Maybe there is the kind of dissatisfied rich woman who is not good enough in her own length, so she can go free and feel free.

Keke, I can’t let my sister-in-law know that she is talking about her age.

“It’s all right, don’t tell you these nonsense, remember to come over to Wolfe’s Steakhouse tomorrow at 12:30 noon, understand?”

Chen Jin didn’t want to talk at some white horse club, so Chen Yi felt like she had been to that place, so she said quickly.

“Okay, no problem, the Wolfe’s Steak House at 12:30 noon, right?”

Chen Yi responded.

“By the way, I will be more handsome tomorrow, the more handsome I will make an appointment, and the dress should be business-oriented, and casual as a supplement. Do you want to mature yourself?”

“…Well, your eldest nephew is actually quite mature. Anyway, I mean you don’t wear those hip-hop style clothes and don’t look like a child who hasn’t grown up.”

Chen Jin asked again.

“Hip-hop style? I never wear this style, but sister, what are you going to do, and you also asked me to dress, just like let me see my parents.”

“…Hey, it’s not right, I have seen your parents, aren’t they my grandfather and grandma!”

Chen Yi continued to be silly and didn’t ask too much about what Chen Jin asked him to do. Today Chen Yi is very confident and believes that he can do well no matter what he does.

Most men are so ordinary, but so confident.

Chen Yi is so awesome, so confident.

“Don’t talk nonsense with you, just remember! I’ll hang up first, you can continue to play games with your friends, my nephew is good.”

After Chen Jin gave Chen Yi’s instructions, she just hung up the phone.

“This girl… is a good-natured nephew when something happens, and Chen Yi is called by Chen Yi when nothing happens.”

Chen Yi shook his head and smiled and put the phone down.

As soon as he reconnected to Mai, Nan Jiyue asked, “…what did your sister-in-law ask you for?”

In Nanda’s mind, Chen Yi’s aunt should be the kind of aunt in her forties, so she asked her peace of mind. If she saw Chen Jin, she might really feel nervous and jealous.

“It’s just that she has something to do with me.”

Chen Yi didn’t say much on this topic, and skipped it casually.


Nan Jiyue didn’t ask too much. This is Chen Yi’s family affair. Although she sometimes has a big temper and willfulness, when it comes to important scenes, she can be more reserved and noble than anyone else.

“By the way, I heard you booked a yacht?”

Nan Jiyue suddenly asked excitedly.

“Yes, it cost more than 100 million U.S. dollars, and the yacht company said it would be handed over to me this year.”

Chen Yi’s tone also has a hint of pride. After all, private jets and luxury yachts are the biggest difference between the real rich and ordinary people.

A small owner with a bit of money in a luxury car can afford to buy it, but a private jet or a luxury yacht can absolutely not be supported by ordinary people.

“One hundred million dollars, so expensive?”

Nanda was also a little surprised at the price, but after all, it was big. What she cared about was not the price, but the appearance of the yacht, and she urged: “…is there a design drawing of the yacht? Show me!”

“Okay, I’ll send it to you via QQ.”

The yacht company also gave Chen Yi the electronic version of the design concept map. He found Nan Jiyue on qq and sent the file directly.

Those who have used vx at work know that many companies require vx for office use, but that is really a pitfall. How can vx be functionally useful with qq.

Nan Jiyue took the file, and after a while, she heard her excitedly: “…Wow, this yacht is beautiful! The design is good, and the aesthetics are good!”

“That is, if it doesn’t look good, who spends so much money on this stuff…When the yacht arrives, we will go out to play!”

Chen Yi didn’t know who he was the first to agree to, and took them out to play.

“Okay, okay, I think you seem to have a small submarine? Then we can also be a submarine and have a look under the sea.”

At this time, Nanda was already thinking about “honeymoon”.

Chen Yi gave a weird smile and said, “…Although the space in the small submarine is not large, it is almost enough. We can also do some loving things under the sea, no, girl~”

Nan Jiyue hadn’t reacted at first, but there are no real innocent girls in big cities these days. She immediately understood what Chen Yi meant, and said, “…you just think about this kind of thing every day. !”

“Because baby you are so beautiful, I can’t bear it when I see you.”

Chen Yi’s all kinds of disgusting and greasy words are straightforward.

But Nan Jiyue, or a woman who would eat this set, immediately heard a big tweak: “…When you get back to school, you can do whatever you want.”

“…You also have a house in Shanghai, and we can live with you when we don’t live in school!”

Nanda began to think about living together at this time. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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