Chapter 491 Throbbing for a moment

The movie “Red X Action” is intense and exciting, and there is no urine point throughout the whole process.

At the beginning, Chen Jin was still going to watch a movie while leisurely eating popcorn and drinking coffee.

But when the early stage of the movie was over, and after entering the battle scene, Chen Jin was already nervous, and she had forgotten where the popcorn was.

Especially when some too bloody images appeared, she trembled even more, and subconsciously held Chen Yi’s hand sitting next to her, staring at the big screen with her beautiful eyes.

The Dolby Cinema screen is huge and the sound is perfect, making it immersive.

Chen Yi held Chen Jin’s white and smooth catkin with her backhand, and squeezed her ten fingers, feeling the warmth and the slight sweat on the palm of her hand due to tension.

Chen Jin didn’t even notice that she was shaking hands with Chen Yi at this time.

Since Chen Yi has watched this movie many times, most of his attention is not on the movie, but on Chen Jin who is next to him, rubbing the back of her hand with her thumb from time to time to relax her.

The two held their hands like this for more than an hour, and after the movie was over, Chen Jin exhaled for a long time.

Only then did she notice that the hand she and Chen Yi were holding, the sweat on the palm of her hand even made her feel a little sticky and uncomfortable.

She wanted to withdraw her hand without a trace, but Chen Yi held it too tightly and she couldn’t withdraw it at all. She was a little embarrassed to say that she had no choice but to think that she didn’t know and let Chen Yi hold it like this.

Of course, Chen Yi, who has been following Chen Jin, knows her little action just now, and he secretly laughed. Since you don’t know, then I should even think of it as ignorance.

It was already past four o’clock in the afternoon, and it was too early for dinner. The two of them held hands in this way and went to sit in an English afternoon tea restaurant on the top floor of Taikoo Li.

A pot of fruit tea and many English desserts on a three-dimensional dinner plate don’t taste very good, but it costs hundreds of yuan for such a broken thing.

In addition to the Victorian decoration of the shop, which looks gorgeous, this kind of place is also suitable for petty bourgeoisie to come over and take a photo.

After tasting a piece of scones, Chen Jin gave up and complained: “…This stuff eaten in Britain is already unpalatable enough, but I didn’t expect it to be even worse in China.”

“…I thought this thing could be improved in China.”

Chen Yi ate a piece of macaron and felt a little too sweet. He also put the macaron down, just drank fruit tea with Chen Jin, and laughed: “…Isn’t this the main thing just the original flavor.”

“…If you say that everything here is improved, the petty bourgeoisie won’t come. If you say that the things here are British, they will be rushing.”

“Even if it tastes bad, you have to swallow it in order to pretend to be a photo.”

Chen Jin giggled with Chen Yi’s words. She remembered the movie she had just watched, and said: “…This movie is really good, and the online ratings are accurate. That hot scene is not lost to Hollywood productions at all.”

Chen Yi also nodded and said: “…Well, this movie is supported by the military, so only those bloody plots can pass the trial. It can also be regarded as telling people about the cruelty of war, the tenacity of soldiers, and the hard-won peace.”

Because the family is in the army, Chen Jin has respected soldiers since she was a child. She also exclaimed: “…Yes, war is so cruel.”(Read more @

“The director Lin Chaoxian is very powerful. I have seen his previous “Mekong”. He has a good grasp of the rhythm and scenes. It is simply the domestic Michael Bay.”

“… Apart from the rush of the final plot of “Operation Red x”, there are no major shortcomings. To be honest, if it weren’t for the previous “War x2″, the box office of this movie would have been higher.”

“Unfortunately, because the subject matter is the same, there is a problem with the order of the release time. Although the box office of this movie is not low, it is impossible to have the same topicality as “War x2″ at the beginning.”

Chen Yi said regretfully.

In his view, “Red X Action” is much stronger than “War X2” in all aspects, the scenes are more realistic, and teamwork is more worthwhile than individual heroism.

But unfortunately, the fortunes are not good, because the release time is too late, so it can only be subordinated to it.

Chen Jin looked at Chen Yi’s talk and laughed, “…what you said is a bit like a thing, and people who don’t know think you are a critic in the movie circle.”

“Haha, I am now a half-movie person. I just invested in a movie not long ago.”

Chen Yi laughed haha.

“Oh? What kind of movie do you invest in. Tell me about the name. I will definitely support it when it is released, but if it doesn’t look good, I will scold you and you will refund the movie ticket money.”

Chen Jin teased, teasing her nephew.

“Hey, sister, you are too much. I’m just an investor, not a director or an actor, not a screenwriter. If the movie is rubbish, you should go to them to pay for the movie ticket.”

Chen Yi complained. After a pause, he said again: “…The movie is estimated to be on stage for the Spring Festival next year. This is a big investment, and it will not be too bad to think about it. Sister, you can be bold. Go and see.”

“As an investor, you are not even sure whether the movie is good or not?”

“I’m just an investor, and not a producer. I’m responsible for paying the money and collecting the money after the movie has the box office. I don’t care about everything else…”

Chen Yi waved a big hand, as if Laozi only recognized money and didn’t care about the others.

Seeing Chen Yi’s funny look, Chen Jinjiao laughed and said: “…heh, as an investor, you can still have unspoken rules, right?”

Chen Yi was choked back at what he said. He glared at Chen Jin who was smiling provocatively, and he also said: “…Sister, why are you from a military family? You are so scared to watch a military movie. ”

“…Hold my hand over there and don’t let go. I’m going to tell the uncle if he has to scold you to death.”

Seeing Chen Yi revealing her shortness, Chen Jin was furious and said: “…I haven’t been a soldier yet, and I’m still a woman. I was scared by the bloody scenes in the movie. What’s wrong with shaking your hand?”

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Jin was a little embarrassed again. These words reminded her of what happened in the cinema just now.

I didn’t think there was anything before, but now I think about the warmth of Chen Yi’s palms and the ambiguity when the two of them are shaking their fingers. Her heart is pounding, and Xue Bai Qiao’s face is slightly flushed.

She took a sip of fruit tea to hide it, but she throbbed for a moment.

Chen Yi smiled this time and did not answer.

After being silent for a while, Chen Jin asked softly: “…you are going to go back to school in Shencheng.”

“Yes, I don’t think I will return to the Imperial Capital during the summer vacation. I have to stay in Shencheng all the time, unless it’s some work problems.”

“…Sister, if you miss me, go to Shencheng to find me.”

Chen Yi blinked at Chen Jin and said with a smile.

“Who is going to Shencheng to find you 0.0, what shall I do with you.”

Chen Jin first pretended to be disgusted and said, then he paused, and then said: “…but I may happen to have a job in Shencheng next.”

“…If I am in the past, I will tell you in advance, you have to treat me well.”

Hearing Chen Jin’s words, Chen Yi was taken aback, and said in surprise: “…Sister, do you still have a job?”

“I am not a social idler. Of course I have a job. I occasionally go to auction houses to do some appraisal work. I like antique jade very much. This job is suitable for me.”

Chen Yi just remembered at this time, his sister-in-law seemed to have said that she had a job in an auction house.

But at that time Chen Yi thought that her job was just a spare job. Shouldn’t a celebrity like her be in trouble every day.

Unexpectedly, she turned out to be a working people.

This shows that my sister-in-law is capable of supporting herself, at least not a waste person. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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