Chapter 490 Aunt, you have so many things!

The Sanlitun area around Gongti is the most active place for young people in the imperial capital. Naturally, there are many kinds of leisure and fun.

Such facilities as movie theaters are even more dazzling.

But the traffic jam here is also real. Navigating a movie theater with the best fit and decoration, Chen Yi drove there while chatting with Chen Jin.

“Sister, that Xiao Han~ what’s the matter?”

Chen Yi leaned on the steering wheel with one hand and glanced to his side-just as he asked.

Chen Jin sat in the co-pilot, her long legs in slacks stretched out, eye-catching, high heels on her feet, flesh-colored short stockings on her jade feet, and faint green veins could be seen on the back of her feet.

She was wearing a white sweater on her upper body, holding her jacket in her hands, and from time to time she gathered her sideburns of hair, and occasionally glanced to her side, watching Chen Yi drive.

After hearing Chen Yi’s question, she just pursed her lower lip and opened her mouth slightly, “…you know, that is my college classmate. I have been chasing me for a few years in college.”

Chen Jin doesn’t have any pride. It is common for her to be chased by others. Moreover, given Chen Yi’s various conditions, there are definitely more girls chasing him than men chasing him.

“Continue to chase you after graduation?”

Chen Yi asked with a smile.

“Well, I went back to China after graduation. He went to the United States for further study and kept in touch with me. He has confessed several times.”

Chen Jin shook her head, but also a little helpless, “…I have tactfully refused so many times and he still doesn’t give up, which is also a bit annoying.”

“Then you just cut him off and cut him off.”

Chen Yi teased.

“Why is it an old classmate of the university? Isn’t it too much for me to do this, besides, it is considered infatuation when people have been chasing me, and they didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. At most, they often vx to find me.”

Chen Jin shrugged her fragrant shoulders, “…so there is no way, it doesn’t work if I refused so many times, I can only find a way to make him retreat.”

Chen Yi nodded secretly when he heard the words.

That Xiao Han’s family environment should be good, and his education is quite good. Although he is a little arrogant and a little bit arrogant, most people are probably arrogant if he has his achievements.

He didn’t do any excessive stalker to Chen Jin, just confessed in words, and coupled with the relationship with his old classmates, his sister-in-law is actually very gentle, and it is understandable that he can’t be cruel to speak harshly to him.

“Then Sister, you ask me to be a tool person.”

Chen Yi said jokingly.

“I use you to be your blessing, well, you are not happy anymore!”

Chen Jinbai gave Chen Yi a glance and snorted.

“I am happy, of course I am happy, who else is chasing you? I will make an appointment next time and watch me kill them one by one.”

“…Even if he is a boxing champion, I will go to the ring and beat him into a pig head, so that you will be scared when he sees sister-in-law in the future.”

Chen Yi’s mouth has no way, and he said nonsense there.(Read more @

However, Chen Jin really believes in Chen Yi’s words. At Xiangjiang, didn’t he just beat out a fighting champion in the ring, or was he the runner-up?

Chen Jin also knows that it is not good to call out Chen Yi without telling anything, and then it is not good to treat people as a ‘tool man’. She immediately said a little coquettishly:

“…Oh, I can’t find a handsome and capable man like your eldest nephew. Xiao Han is not bad in every way. It is not easy for him to retreat.”

“You said that if I were to find someone rich, he might think that I was interested in other people’s money, looking for a handsome but underexperienced person, and can’t cut his mind, probably still thinking about me.”

“…The great nephew you are such a good person can make him retreat, I guess he won’t be embarrassed to contact me again in the future.”

Chen Jin’s voice was a little soft. Once Chen Yi had spoken well, she almost learned to hug him and twist her body.

Chen Yi was also happy to be praised by her, and raised his brows: “…Then I am so good, sister, are you going to fall in love with me?”

When Chen Jin heard the words, he just gave him a white look, and said with disdain: “…Go go, play in the mud, you are a little ass kid in my eyes.”

This is of course a joke, or that Chen Jin doesn’t know how to answer Chen Yi’s question and can only cover up the past in this way.

“That Xiao Han doesn’t know the situation of your family, sister-in-law?”

“Of course I don’t know. Do I still tell people that my father is a high-ranking official of the President? If I really do this, it will be impossible to get out.”

This is also true. The best way to protect those noble children is never to send a bunch of bodyguards, but to hide their identity from the beginning and pretend to be an ordinary person, or at most, to pretend to be a small second generation with a little money.

There are many such people in the country, as long as they are not particularly lucky, they will not be in danger.

It is estimated that, except for those friends in one circle, most of the friends and classmates he has known for so many years do not know her true identity.

The two people said and laughed at the cinema. Even in the vicinity of Gongti Sanlitun, it is not so easy to see the supercar, not to mention this super rare Rafa.

The roar of the engine attracted the attention of passers-by. Chen Yi parked the car in the parking lot, and after getting out of the car with Chen Jin, he paid no attention to the gazes that came over.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

In the past, I was proud of the envy of others, but now Chen Yi is completely used to it.

“Have you decided what movie to watch?”

The two came to chat along the way. Although they watched the movie together, they didn’t decide what to watch.

“You go buy something to eat and drink, I’ll see any good movies here.”

In the lobby of the movie theater, Chen Jin sent Chen Yi to buy things, but she found a massage chair, took out her mobile phone and started looking for movies on the app to buy tickets.

“By the way, don’t buy me those carbonated drinks. I get fat after drinking that stuff. I don’t want to lose weight.”

Chen Jin’s eyes were on the phone, and she told Chen Yi.

“I see, aunt, you have so many things!”

Chen Yi didn’t have a good air.

……. …… …….

“Hurry up, go!”

Chen Jin replied subconsciously, but as soon as the words were spoken, he realized that they were wrong, but it was impossible to take them back.

She blushed immediately and guilty of not daring to look up. Fortunately, Chen Yi didn’t laugh at her again this time, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

Chen Jin was originally dressed in fashion, and her temperament had a sense of ecstasy. Coupled with her long beauty, many passing men in their teens and twenties watched her frequently.

However, there are still a few men in China who dare to come over and ask for a vx call.

Not long after, Chen Yi came over with a bucket of popcorn, a cup of Coke and a cup of coffee, and when she saw Chen Jin still playing on her mobile phone, she asked, “…have you found a good movie?”

“Just this “Red X Action”, I think the ratings are quite high, have you not seen it?”

Chen Yi stood up from the massage chair and looked at Chen Yi.


Chen Yi shook his head.

In fact, he has watched this movie several times, but he is not a straight steel man, of course he will not say he has watched it at this time.

Seeing that Chen Yi was holding a lot of things, Chen Jin stretched out his jade hand and said, “…I’ll hold it for you.”

“No need, I can hold it myself.”

Seeing Chen Yi saying this, Chen Jin didn’t force her. She bit her lip gently with her teeth, her heart shook her arms around Chen Yi’s arm, and she leaned against him.

Seeing Chen Yi’s surprised eyes, she just turned her head and didn’t dare to look at him, and said: “…Aren’t you pretending to be my boyfriend today? Give you some benefits. Hurry up and have fun!”

Chen Yi was really cheating, and didn’t say anything, otherwise my sister-in-law might have pushed him aside when she was shy. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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