Chapter 497 Invitation from the Princess of Monaco

After seeing the call from Shan Zeng Puncuo, Chen Yi said to Nan Jiyue who was following her: “…I will answer the phone first, and I will take you back to the dormitory later.”

“…Cold? If it’s cold, let’s change the land first.”

When Nan Jiyue saw that Chen Yi was still caring about herself at this time, her heart was sweet, and she quickly urged: “…It’s okay, I’m not cold, there is no need to change the ground, please answer the phone quickly.”

It is now the end of February, and it is approaching the beginning of March. Even in the imperial capital, the temperature is beginning to rise, and the temperature in Shencheng is even higher.

Nan Jiyue knows that Chen Yi’s string of ‘7’ mobile phone numbers are also whitelisted, and will call him. Those who can call him are very important people.

“Um. ”

Chen Yi nodded, walked to the side corner, and pressed the answer button at the same time.

It’s not a girl calling, Chen Yi is naturally generous and will not hide from Nan Jiyue.

Nanda followed Chen Yi and walked aside to a quieter place. Xiao Zhang didn’t say a word, pushing two suitcases behind them like a bodyguard.

“Teacher, what’s the good news for calling me?”

After 25   answered the call, Chen Yi just smiled and asked.

When he wanted to come to Shan Zeng Pingcuo, he would call himself, no wonder it was the business negotiations over there.

“Good news, bad news.”

I heard the helpless voice of this Tibetan equestrian teacher on the phone.

Chen Yi frowned and said, “…Teacher, what is the saying, what is good news or bad news?”

He didn’t understand Shan Zengping’s words.

“That apprentice of mine can also be regarded as your senior sister, haha, they are actually not interested in this kind of thing here, she agreed to sell one of her horses to you.”

“…It is a very perfect Dutch warm-blooded horse, with pure blood and excellent breeding. It is the same parent as Grace who is riding the horse ready to participate in the Olympics next year.”

“She didn’t plan to sell this horse, but when I asked with a shameless face, she promised to sell it to you.”

Shan Zeng Puncuo said on the phone.

Horses are divided into major categories such as warm-blooded horses, warm-blooded horses and cold-blooded horses before they are divided into breeds.

For example, the famous sweat-blooded BMW, that is, the Akhalje Golden Horse of Turkmenistan, is a passionate horse. This kind of horse has a grumpy temperament and is suitable for speed competitions, but not suitable for equestrian competitions.

Warm-blooded horses are relatively mild-tempered and easy to make difficult moves in equestrian competitions.

Even if Chen Yi can reach the full level of his equestrian skills through the system, he will not go against the nature of creatures and ride a passionate horse to participate in equestrian competitions.

After all, the system only gave him equestrian skills, not the ability to communicate with horses.(Read more @

Of course, as a man, he also likes the pleasure of running a horse.

You don’t only raise one horse. There’s no such thing as a “tool man” teacher. When that time comes, let the teacher help him find an Akhaltekin horse with good pedigree, so he can go to the horse when he is fine. Pentium.

“They agreed to sell, which is good news. Is the bad news that the price is too expensive?”

Chen Yi asked jokingly.

“I don’t know if this is bad news. Grace said that if she really wants to sell, she will sell you cheaply for only seven million dollars.”

Shan Zengping’s voice was also a bit toothache.

He is not a particularly rich man, but because he is an equestrian master, he often comes into contact with various excellent horses, so he will naturally know many rich men and nobles.

The result of this is that he listens to transactions of millions and tens of millions every day. After listening to them, he feels that this is not money, but the actual situation is that he is a person who can’t afford the money at all.

It can be said that his life is also very painful.

“It only costs seven million dollars, good fellow, teacher, you just need to use it well! But if it only costs seven million dollars, I can’t afford it.”

“…I have to ask the teacher, is this horse worth the price?”

This is what Chen Yi cares most about.

If you have money, you have money, but you must not be scammed by others. That would make you look stupid.

Chen Yi didn’t know about these well-bred noble horse markets, so he asked this question.

“It’s worth it, it’s worth it! It’s really a bargain. Someone once offered Grace $8 million and she didn’t sell it!”

Shan Zeng Puncuo said affirmatively.

“Then what is your bad news?”

Chen Yi asked suspiciously, this money issue is not bad news.

“Grace said she wants to see you, and only after seeing you can she be sure if she wants to sell the horse to you.”

Shan Zengping’s voice was slightly helpless.

“No, sir, what age is this? Does that lady Casiraki still want to make sure if I am qualified to ride her horse?”

Chen Yi exaggerated.

Unexpectedly, Shan Zengpuncuo pretended to cough and smiled bitterly: “…It may be true, Xiao Chen, don’t you know that, Grace’s family loves horses very much.”

“…Her mother, the previous generation Princess of Monaco, was an Olympic equestrian and won a silver medal, which is why her mother was able to marry her father.”

“The man I told you to buy a horse for eight million dollars was a businessman who wanted to breed. Grace felt that the businessman couldn’t bring out the true value of the horse, so he didn’t sell it.”

“…She is not very short of money. For her, how much money the horse sells is not important, but the important thing is to sell it to the right people.”

Chen Yi nodded when he heard the words.

This is the privilege of being born in a rich and powerful family. She can pay for her dreams.

It can be heard from Shan Zeng Puncuo’s words that this Princess Grace is a horse lover, but 770 is definitely not a qualified businessman.

However, she is the princess of Monaco, and she doesn’t have to go into business and start her own business. It is enough for her to be her own celebrity.

“So she wants to see me? See if I am a qualified person?”

“Well, that’s what I mean, mainly because I keep blowing you in front of her, saying that you are the most talented person I have ever seen.”

“… But these Europeans don’t understand our culture or our euphemisms. She became curious about you at once and wanted to see you to see if what I said was true.”

Shan Zeng Puncuo said with some embarrassment.

Then he quickly added: “…Xiao Chen, I know that you are very busy and you have to go to school, so if you don’t have time, let’s forget it, and I will find other horses.”

“…There are many royal families in Europe that breed horses and there are many traditional families, so you don’t have to worry about finding a good horse.”

He also knew that it was indeed a bit difficult for Chen Yi to travel to Europe because of this. Moreover, Chen Yi was indeed still a student and had his own company to operate. He was usually very busy.

However, Chen Yi smiled and said: “…Go, why not go! Anyway, I ask the school for a leave, it’s not a big deal.”

“…Now that the technology is advanced, it is no problem to use video to remotely control the operation of the company. I am interested in the Ms. Casiraki in your mouth.”

Now that the Princess of Monaco invited herself, she went to a banquet generously. .

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