Chapter 498 Marry her, you don’t have to fight for the rest of your life!

Hearing Chen Yi’s agreement, Shan Zengpingcuo was overjoyed, and even his voice became louder unconsciously.

“Okay, Xiao Chen, don’t worry too much. Just come over this month. You can finish your business first.”

“…I will not leave in Monaco for the time being, and I will wait for you here.”

Chen Yi smiled and said: “…Okay, teacher! I happen to have something to do on my side. I will go over when I am done. I will tell you in advance before going over.”

“That’s it, Xiao Chen! Let’s try to get things done this month, I ask someone to transport the horse back as fast as possible, and we will start practicing next month!”

“…I also said ugly things first. I may have a bad temper during training. If you don’t practice well, I may curse people. You can bear it a little bit more.”

Shan Zeng Puncuo also smiled.

“Don’t worry, teacher, I can still endure hardship!”

Chen Yi promised.

He is not a second generation who has really been pampered since he was a child. Before he was born again, he had struggled and made small achievements, and he was able to hold on to things like hardship.

Moreover, even if it is for system upgrades, he must persist.

“Then I won’t bother you, Xiao Chen, go ahead!”

“Well, teacher, pay attention to your body too. Don’t be too busy to tire yourself.”

Chen Yi asked.

“Haha, my body understands in my heart, don’t worry, there will be no problems!”

After two casual words, the two hung up the phone.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Chen Yi noticed that Nanda next to him was staring straight at him. There was a smile on his face, and he pinched his tender face and said:

“…Look at what I’m doing, like a puppy, I don’t have bones to feed you!”

Hearing Chen Yi’s ridicule, Nan Jiyue slapped his hand and hummed, “…Go, you are the puppy!”

After speaking, she hesitated again, but still said unhappily: “…Xiao Yizi who are you calling? Why do I hear any princess?”

As soon as Chen Yi heard her, he knew what the little girl was thinking about. He straightforwardly told him about Shan Zeng Pingcuo looking for him before.

“You mean you are now a national equestrian in the Olympics?”

Nanda’s voice became louder unconsciously, and asked some incredible.

“Yes, your husband, I just need to register. After the registration is completed, it will be a real national-level remote mobilization. Why, no!”

Chen Yi raised his brows and smiled.

There are many rich and rich people, and there are many national athletes who can participate in the Olympics, but even a national athlete is also a rich man. I am afraid Chen Yi is really unique.

But this is also the sport of equestrianism. The country wanted to pay attention to it before but couldn’t take it seriously. It could only let this sport fend for itself.

Only Zeng Zeng Phuntsok, the national equestrian coach, can give Chen Yi the status of a national athlete in a word.

If it’s other sports, it really depends on your past resumes. There are so many players and the competition is so fierce. Unless you have practiced since childhood, you really won’t have your turn.

“Niu x` `.”

Nan Jiyue was stupid, and she said dazedly, “Niu X”, and Chen Yi directly amused Chen Yi with that stupidity.

Xiao Zhang couldn’t help but look at Chen Yi, his eyes full of admiration, and he felt that his boss is a cow, this is a cow plus!

“No, didn’t you just say a princess? What does this have to do with equestrianism.”

Nan Jiyue was almost fooled by Chen Yi with a few words, but sometimes a woman is Sherlock Holmes, and she immediately regained her consciousness and asked.

“Our domestic equestrianism is lagging behind, and there are no well-bred horses at all. Of course, we can only find horses abroad…”(Read more @

“…My equestrian teacher found a royal princess from the European side and plans to buy a horse from her. Why, girl, do you want to meet that princess too? An old aunt in her forties might like you. .”

Chen Yi said with a smile but a smile, his eyes seemed to tell Nan Jiyue that I already knew what you were thinking.

Of course, Chen Yi was lying. The Princess of Monaco was not an aunt, but a beautiful girl who was two years older than Chen Yi.

But Chen Yi is not stupid. Of course, he wouldn’t tell Nan Jiyue that I will cross half of the world to meet my princess sister.

Chen Yi saw through her careful thoughts, Nan Jiyue was a little bit sad, her eyes dodged, and pretending not to care: “…why does the forty-year-old aunt like me or not?”

Seeing Chen Yi directly broke the matter, she was a little embarrassed and didn’t dare to continue to mention it.

Chen Yi chuckled secretly, little girl, still wanting to fight with me, you are still a little tender!

“Go, it’s still a bit cold outside, I’ll take you back to the dormitory.”

Chen Yi said so, and directly raised Nan Jiyue Subai’s little hand, and walked to the Japanese dormitory.

Xiao Zhang followed the two with the box.

During the reporting period, boys were allowed to enter the girls’ dormitory, but they had to register. Standing at the door of the girls’ dormitory, Chen Yi said to Xiao Zhang: “…put her luggage here, and I will bring it up for her.”

“…Do you know where my dormitory is? Send my luggage back to my dormitory, and then you will go straight home. It’s almost time for get off work now.”

Xiao Zhang nodded and replied, “…Okay President Chen, then I will send your luggage back first!”

The appearance of Chen Yi’s boss ordering his subordinates caused a crowd of people to watch at the entrance of the lively girls’ dormitory.

The girls looked at Chen Yi with wolves and tigers, and they couldn’t wait to eat him.

The eyes of the girls looking at Nan Jiyue were also extremely sharp.

Nanda turned a blind eye to these gazes, but raised her beautiful neck like a proud phoenix. , The look is sore.

Such a good man is my boyfriend, you little slut, just keep away from this fairy!

Carrying Nan Jiyue’s box, Chen Yi sent her back to the dormitory. At the door of the dormitory, Chen Yi said warmly: “…remember to come out for a run every morning from now on.”

“…If I am free in the evening, I can also accompany you to stroll around or read a book, and on weekends we will go home to live.”

“But sometimes I may be very busy at work. I may not take care of you. If I don’t take care of you, don’t be angry.”

Nan Jiyue was moved by Chen Yi’s warm words, and her loud voice was softened: “…I am not headstrong, knowing that your men are busy in business.”

“…I’m very happy that you can spare time to accompany me every day. Anyway, I will play games when you are busy. How can my boyfriend have games for fun!”

Nanda said something wrong.

“Haha, you are not willful, if you are not willful, then no one will be willful!”

Chen Yi laughed, “¨〃…I won’t enter your dormitory, I will go back first!”

“Well, that…Don’t be too tired, Xiao Yizi, and you are not short of money. My dad and mom are just me, and the tens of billions of wealth in the family will eventually belong to me.”

“…Anyway, if we are together in the end, the money will be yours.”

“So don’t exhaust your body just to make money!”

Nan Jiyue said distressedly.

Sometimes she is contradictory.

Chen Yi’s character, ability, etc. are what she likes and what she admires.

But her boyfriend is too strong and always busy with his career, so her girlfriend always feels that the time he spends with him is too short. But if Chen Yi becomes the second generation of trash who only knows to rely on the family, then she may dislike it again.

After all, it is impossible to have both fish and bear’s paws.

Listening to Da’s words, Chen Yi felt silent for Nan Jiyue’s parents.

Well, your daughter is already thinking about how to give her boyfriend the tens of billions of wealth in her family.

But I have to say that whoever marries Nan Jiyue will not have to fight for the rest of his life.

Not to mention the tens of billions of wealth in her family, just the contacts her family has operated for so many years are a huge hidden wealth.

Chen Yi left the female dormitory, while Nan Jiyue pushed the luggage into the house.

In the dormitory, all three of her roommates were there. The girl who didn’t deal with her saw Nan Jiyue come back and asked curiously: “…Is there a man talking at the door of Gangcai?”

“Well, that’s my boyfriend.”

For my roommate, I am too lazy to take care of it.

If she was planning to spend four years in university in the past, then Nam Jiyue now has expectations for university life.

“Your boyfriend? Did you find a boyfriend?”

Nan Jiyue’s roommate’s voice increased in vain and asked incredulously.

“Yeah, what’s wrong with my boyfriend? Isn’t it surprising? By the way, you all know my boyfriend, Chen Yi is the demon.”

Nan Jiyue’s tone was very aggressive, but her words were also full of pride.

“You, you and Chen Yi are reunited?”

The girl stunned.

Nan Jiyue was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered the rumor that she didn’t know who had spread in the school, saying that she was Chen Yi’s ex-girlfriend.

In the past, Nan Jiyue thought that the person who spread the rumor was a bit crazy, but now, she really likes the rumor.

“Yes, we got back together.”

After finishing talking, Nam Jiyue didn’t care about her roommate, and took out the computer when she put things away.

I have to say that Da is really reassuring. She doesn’t like to play around, and she doesn’t like any nightclubs or bars. Her only hobby is to surf the Internet as an otaku.

Her life can be described as monotonous. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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