Chapter 503 Billions of water a year

“Brother Chen, what are you doing? It took a long time to come here!”

“Brother Chen is busy, what are you doing, eat yours!”

“Haha, come, Brother Chen, I will toast you a glass!”


When Chen Yi came back, a group of people were toasting him.

Chen Yi smiled and responded one by one, without any pretensions.

After drinking three rounds, because they were all a group of students and there were counselors, they didn’t drink much today. After Li Tianwang greeted them, everyone returned to school in groups of three or five.

Chen Yi did not go back, but went to his milk tea shop and sat in the office listening to Zhang Hongchao’s report.

Many part-time students in the milk tea shop are still working. After seeing Chen Yi, they all say hello one by one. Everyone respects and appreciates him very much.

They are all children from poor families. While taking care of their studies, they have to find ways to work-study to reduce the burden on the family.

Although Chen Yi’s milk tea shop does not offer five social insurance and one housing fund for part-time students, for those students who are still in school, they would rather ask for cash than you would like to insure them.

The hourly salary is not low, the school is close to the school, or the boss, these poor students can not only take the salary of the Shanghai service staff, but also do not delay their studies. It is already a dream job.

These poor students were originally hard-working students selected by the school, but they managed this milk tea shop in an orderly manner. Chen Yi has never worried about anything.

“Boss, this is the report for this month. There are also some problems I encountered at work. I also tried to think of some solutions.”

In the office, Zhang Hongchao respectfully handed the paper report to Chen Yi, and at the same time handed him the computer, which contained a document.

Chen Yi first took a look at the financial statements.

Although Zhang Hongchao uploads data every day, Chen Yi’s entire team of think tank assistants will streamline it for him.

But since he is here now, Chen Yi will take a closer look.

From this look, oh, the monthly flow of this store is actually quite a lot, reaching a little over one million.

Although Chen Yi has positioned his Yicha high-end, each cup of milk tea costs 20 yuan and 30 yuan, but it still can’t resist the enthusiasm of many customers.

For a milk tea shop, the monthly turnover can reach one million is already a good figure, especially this shop is still relatively biased.

Although it is in a university town, for high-end stores, students have never been the main consumers. The petty bourgeoisie white-collar workers are the important consumer groups.

The monthly flow of a store is in one million, which is ten million a year. If twenty or thirty stores are opened in Shencheng, the flow of a city alone can reach two to three billion.(Read more @

And the million turnover is still low. If it’s in some important commercial areas, maybe some stores can reach two million, three million or even higher, so this figure may double.

When the store expands to the whole country, if hundreds of stores are opened, the annual turnover can reach billions.

This data is already very good for a milk tea shop.

In this regard, Chen Yi is very satisfied.

Zhang Hongchao nodded when Chen Yi saw Chen Yi, and said excitedly: “…Boss, there are some reports written by me in that document. If you have time, you can take a look at ` `.”

Chen Yi just opened the document when he heard it. There were a lot of densely written things in it, but it was very neat.

This is all about Zhang Hongchao’s problems as a store manager and suggestions for the future development of the store, as well as some questionnaires he took the initiative to do.

Chen Yi flipped it over, and he could see that the main reason why many people became repeat customers of this store was that the taste was too good. I have to say that the recipes produced by the system are really high-quality products.

“Thanks a lot.”

Chen Yi nodded slowly.

These tasks are not what Zhang Hongchao should do, but he took the initiative to do some seemingly ‘superfluous’ tasks, which are actually very important to the company’s future development plans.

Zhang Hongchao’s work has long been exceeded. It is no problem to say that it is a regional manager. From this, we can also see Zhang Hongchao’s ambition and enthusiasm for work.

“This is the job I should do!”

Zhang Hongchao’s modest way.

Your own efforts are seen by the boss, this is the most important thing.

Chen Yi pondered for a moment, and said: “…The loans approved by the People’s Bank of China have been in place long ago, and most of the shops in some prosperous areas of Shanghai have also been renovated and almost opened for trial operation.”

“…You have work experience, I decided to temporarily hand over the management of these stores to you, and of course I will give you a salary increase accordingly.”

“You may be very busy next. Senior, your studies are fine, right?”

Zhang Hongchao nodded excitedly, and he said again and again: “…It’s okay, boss! I won’t delay my studies.”

Zhang Hongchao is not stupid. After a period of time as a store manager and research on Chen Yi’s Yicha shop, he can already see that it is a rising brand.

And being able to enter the company at the earliest time will certainly not be too low in the company in the future.

What’s the use of the school’s graduation certificate? After graduating, the purpose is to work for people. Compared with the current job opportunities, Zhang Hongchao even feels that going to school has become meaningless.

Of course he also knew that it was because he had studied hard before that he got this opportunity in his studies.

“¨〃Well, seniors, come on, if you do well, after the brand expands to the whole country, you will be the regional general manager of Shencheng.”

Chen Yi smiled and drew a pie for him.

And Zhang Hongchao was excited again and again, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm.

“The factory that I have acquired has also started to produce only its own products, and the raw materials for milk tea are now self-produced and sold. In this way, the cost can be reduced.”

Chen Yi said slowly.

In the past, because there were few stores, the factory returned to other people’s OEM, but now it is no longer needed. All the production from the production to the sales can be done by yourself, connecting the upstream to the downstream, which truly saves costs.

“That’s it for the time being. The main task in the first half of the year is to make the brand stand firm in Shanghai and strive to bring a wave of trends.”

“…If you do well, you can start to expand nationwide in the second half of the year. You should always contact my assistant team. They are true elite professionals and will provide you with accurate advice.”

Chen Yi said so.

The turnover of several billions a year is not too much for Chen Yi’s big business, but it is not too little, just as a pocket money.

“Understand, boss, I won’t go my own way!”

Back to the dormitory for a break, the next day is the beginning of school.

Because they are not freshmen, there are not so many things to do. Everyone is the same as in the first half of the semester. A group of people wandered into the classroom, and they just found a seat to prepare for class.

After Chen Yi walked into the classroom, ignoring the three roommates who came with him, he walked directly to Yu Zixi and sat down, attracting frequent attention.

Although today Yu Zixi is not as famous as Chen Yi, he is already a celebrity in Shenyu.

Seeing Chen Yi sitting directly next to her, she was a little nervous and a little shy, but she was also happy. She mustered up the courage to raise her head and look at him, then smiled slightly, revealing two pear vortices. strength.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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