Chapter 504 Do you want to agree with your body?

The first class of this new semester is thinking.

However, in the first class of the new semester, everyone may have not found the mind to learn after the holiday, and each one is a little loose, and most of the attention is not in the class.

Of course, the main reason is that this class may be an open-book exam, and the students will seem very relaxed.

Teacher Si Xiu also turned a blind eye to this situation. As long as it is not too noisy to affect the classroom, she generally wouldn’t say anything.

Chen Yi sat beside Yu Zixi, attracting an ambiguous gaze.

There are hidden jealousy of the girls in the class, and the teasing expressions of the boys.

Yu Zixi’s cheeks are reddish, and her shallow and gentle beautiful eyes seem to be paying attention to the blackboard in the classroom, but the black and white eyes are shaking a little, and she looks to her side from time to time.

Only the smile at the corner of her mouth is telling others the joy hidden in her heart.

“Zi Xi, how does it feel to be a celebrity?”

Chen Yi took out the highlighter and divided his mind into two uses. While listening to the teacher’s lecture, Chen Yi whispered to Yu Zixi beside him.

Whenever the teacher talked about the important points, he took the pen to color the line, which might be needed during the exam.

Yu Zixi did the same action as him.

“Yes, a little bad.”

Yu Zixi pursed her lower lip, and said timidly: “…The classmates are too enthusiastic, no matter where they go, people will look at me, and sometimes a group of 777 boys will be downstairs and let me A little scared.”

Chen Yi frowned when he heard this: “…those boys didn’t do anything extraordinary, right?”

“That’s not true.”

Yu Zixi shook his head gently.

After all, it is a 211 college, and most of the people are of high quality. Unless there are some brain-dead fans here, Yu Zixi will never change the danger of encountering abnormalities.

There are many young and famous people who can spend their student life in school. Even if Chen Yi is a celebrity, the school life is more onlookers than ordinary people.

“This is also the price of fame. It’s easy to lose privacy, Zixi, just pay attention to it and get used to it.”

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight. Chen Yi did not give too much comfort.

Since she is famous for making a lot of money, she naturally has to pay something, and Yu Zixi is a girl with an extremely strong heart, and comfort is just an insult to her.

“I am ready, and I am getting used to it.”

Yu Zixi took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

“Well, it is estimated that there will be some men who don’t take pictures of themselves with soaking urine to harass you. If you want to get to know you, you should be careful not to be fooled by others.”

Chen Yi said seriously.

“Puff……”(Read more @

Yu Zixi was amused by Chen Yi, laughing loudly.

She was used to sitting in the front row, a little closer to the teacher. This smile immediately caught the teacher’s attention and made the teacher stare here.

Yu Zixi quickly calmed his emotions and sat down in a precarious manner.

The teacher glanced at Yu Zixi, then at Chen Yi, and shook his head slightly.

Hey, last semester, this was a girl who listened very well. Once this semester, she also broke down. This young man named Chen Yi is very harmful!

“What do you mean by not taking a pee and taking pictures of yourself…”

After seeing the teacher not paying attention here, Yu Zixi whispered softly, but her tone was still smiling and annoying.

Chen Yi shook his head and said, “…I’m talking serious, please listen carefully to me.”

“…Although some men are self-aware and know that they are not worthy of you, they won’t harass you by looking at you secretly in the end.”

“But some men are so ordinary but so self-confident, maybe they want to hook you up, what if your pure and careful thinking is deceived? I’m doing it for your good.”

Chen Yi is also the old double standard dog.

If it’s himself, he would say it’s the pursuit of true love, even if I’m ordinary, I have to try to chase the goddess,

And putting it on others is obviously so ordinary but so confident, which is simply the standard language of female boxing.

“Oh, Chen Yi, don’t say that. What does it mean to be unworthy of me? I am also very ordinary…”

Yu Zixi said in a shallow voice.

“How can you be called ordinary, except for a good man like me, no one else is worthy.”

Chen Yi said again without blushing and heartbeat.

The roots of Yu Zixi’s ears were flushed, she pursed her lips, her voice was small but crisp, “…then, then I will be deceived by you, and will not be deceived by others.”

After speaking, she just kept looking at the blackboard with shame flashing across her face, not knowing why she boldly said this.

Chen Yi smiled and didn’t say a word. He put his right hand on his side and moved aside, his fingertips touched the back of Yu Zixi’s hand intentionally or unintentionally.

Yu Zixi first dodged subconsciously, and then relaxed his muscles, letting Chen Yi continue to touch her fingers as if there was nothing or something.

Suddenly, Chen Yi shook her backhand and held her hand in his hand.

The girl’s hands were delicate, weak and boneless, but there were also some roughness in her fingertips, which were traces of Yu Zixi’s work all year round.

Yu Zixi didn’t have any intention to dodge, she just turned scarlet on her neck, her mind was dizzy, and she didn’t know what the teacher was talking about.

The sun is shining outside the window, it is the season when the grass grows up, it is like a young student life, the boy who is liked holds his hand, like a drunk person, forgetting to think and breathe.

Holding the girl’s hand and feeling her nervousness, Chen Yi was lost in thought.

Trouble, Yu Zixi and Nan Jiyue belong to the same school. As a good man, he can’t be too blatant and can only engage in underground romances.

It would be great if Nan Jiyue and Yu Zixi were in different schools, and she would be able to grab any girl’s hand generously and walk in a pure campus.

“How many videos are in stock?”

Yu Zixi, whose mind was all on her left hand, was startled. After a moment of inactivity, she remembered to answer Chen Yi’s question: “…not a lot. If you release it slowly, it will take about two months. .”

“In this way, you are now in a period of rising popularity. The stability of the video is very important. For holidays such as Tomb-sweeping Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, if you can, you should go back as much as possible and record more videos during the holiday. ”

“…In your spare time at school, you can think about new themes and ideas, and you can quickly record them when you record them.”

“I know this may be a bit tiring for you, but Zixi, if you think about your grandma and your sister, have their lives improved a lot now?”

“…This is the result of your hard work. Even for your grandmother and sister, you have to work hard until your fan base stabilizes, then you won’t be so tired.”

Chen Yi felt that he was very bad. It was like using his grandma and younger sister as a threat to force Yu Zixi.

But Chen Yi really did it for the good of Yu Zixi. He didn’t covet whether Yu Zixi would make hundreds of thousands or even millions of money for himself. He really hopes that this girl can have a happy life of her own.

Yu Zixi thought of the house Chen Yi helped her family find in a big city, and thought that her sister had gone to school in the big city, and her grandma had lived in a high-rise apartment.

Thinking that her younger sister might be able to go to a larger city in the future high school to receive a better education, she gritted her teeth and nodded: “…I see, I’m not afraid of getting tired!”

After a pause, Yu Zixi turned her head to look at Chen Yi, earnestly, and moved very much and said, “…It’s not my hard work that made my grandma and sister live a good life.”

“…Yes, it’s because of your help that grandma and sister will have a good life.”

Her eyes were so smart that they could speak, and they were as clear as a lake like a blue satin lake.

Chen Yi joked: “…Would you like to repay me with the promise of your body?”


Yu Zixi answered in a very small voice, like a mosquito and flies, and whispered.

Chen Yi almost didn’t hear what she was talking about. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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