Chapter 506 Please call me Dad Chen from now on!

An entire floor of the commercial office building of the Shanghai Jinhongqiao International Center has been renovated to be extremely concise and beautiful. This is the Pinduoduo headquarters established by Chen Yi in Shanghai.

Today the company is inaugurated and the number of employees is still small, but Chen Yi is confident that in a short period of time, the total number of employees in the company will reach thousands.

In the spacious conference room, many people were sitting in formal attire.

The people here include talents recruited by headhunting companies, as well as experienced middle and senior managers recruited by Chen Yi from platforms such as Ali and Jingd.

These people are the initial team of this Pinduoduo company.

It is different from another time-space Pinduoduo company, because Chen Yi is too rich and the employees he recruits are experienced seniors. They don’t need to start from scratch, and don’t need to stumble like a startup company.

In addition, he has the strategy of the whole company’s big plan in his mind, and he has sufficient funds. Therefore, Chen Yi’s goal is to use the impression of Pinduo for three to five years, and he will finish it in one year.

Han Yifan was a real assistant at this time, helping Chen Yi to adjust the projector and other equipment.

In the corner of the conference room, there are also special photos. When Jack Ma founded Ali, there were eighteen arhats, and all the images of him while fooling the employees were also recorded.

After Dad Ma made his home, these ancient images became his capital for pretending to be x.

Chen Yi also wants to learn Dad Ma once. He also needs to record all the words he told the employees when the company was founded. After Pinduoduo succeeds, he will post it on the Internet, and immediately pretend to be a big post.

This allows people to know his Chen Yi’s far-sightedness. When the company just started operating, he saw the end, and it would definitely make this a good story in the market.

After Han Yifan adjusted all the equipment, he whispered to Chen Yi.

At this time Chen Yi stood up from the top, and the meeting room where there were some whispers before was immediately quiet.

Chen Yi looked around. The youngest people present were in their thirties. There was a huge gap between the ages of these people and Chen Yi. Chen Yi stood here completely out of the ordinary.

He scrutinized it carefully. Some people looked at him with suspicion, some were excited, and some were curious. There were various emotions.

Although Chen Yi is a small success in the commercial field, the game “Tomorrow’s Ark” developed by the company is bringing him a lot of turnover.

However, this achievement is not worth mentioning compared to the elites who have worked in major companies. As for the situation that Chen Yi once swept the Hong Kong stock market, that matter is only known in certain interpersonal circles. .

Therefore, Chen Yi’s success does not mean that he can continue to succeed in the future, especially in the field of e-commerce. Ali and Jingd are already in the front, leaving other e-commerce platforms no longer enough.

The reason why these elites resigned and came to Chen Yi’s company was actually because Chen Yi gave too much money.

Of course Chen Yi knows that his young self cannot completely convince these proud elites, but it doesn’t matter, he will hold such a middle-level and high-level meeting just to make them change their minds.

Therefore, when he opened his mouth, it was a moving sentence, “…Since Ali and Jingd went online, the market share of these two platforms has now exceeded 80%.”

“…At this time, someone will definitely ask, if this is the case, where is the share left to us? Is it very stupid to enter the e-commerce field at this time!”(Read more @

As soon as Chen Yi’s voice fell, all the senior employees present straightened up and leaned forward.

They thought Chen Yi would say something in the air, but they didn’t expect Chen Yi to put down the blockbuster when he opened his mouth, and uttered the most curious problem for these social elites.

Now that Ali and Jingd occupy such a share of e-commerce, many people think that the field of e-commerce is close to saturation, and these elites also think so.

The projector shows the market share of the two companies, but in a large area, it is painted dark.

“But many people haven’t noticed. In fact, in the field of e-commerce, under the two giants, there is a large enough gap!”

“…There is a theory called the “upper right corner migration” theory. I wonder who has heard of it?”

Chen Yi looked around again. Two of them hesitated and raised their hands tremblingly. The rest were a little embarrassed. They had never heard of this theory.

When Chen Yi saw this, he smiled slightly and said, “…It doesn’t matter if you don’t know, I will give you a brief overview.”

“…Users’ needs are always improving, just like the curve that I’m drawing now that rises over time.”

“A few years ago, we thought that the 3g network was fast, but now people are too slow for 4g and need the arrival of 5g, so companies will compare with each other to improve their technical capabilities.”

“…Only by improving technical capabilities, can we produce higher-end products and get more profit.”

Everyone who listened to the lecture nodded their heads. This was a simple matter.

At this time, Chen Yi drew a curve of technological improvement, but this curve migrated to the upper right corner!

“But the speed of technological improvement will far exceed the speed we need.”

“…At this time, the company will produce some very cool but useless things, just like this curve. This is the upper right corner migration theory, that is, excessive performance!”

“For example, we are going to buy a mobile phone now. The performance of the new mobile phone is very powerful, with a storage space of 10 terabytes, a camera with up to 100 million pixels, and a built-in smart voice girlfriend.”

“…Even its outer shell can resemble the hair of the heroine of Mary Su’s novel, which can change color according to the user’s mood.”

As soon as Chen Yi’s voice fell, it caused the people present to burst into laughter.

“This phone is priced at 30,000 yuan.”

“…But actually, all these fancy functions are useless to you.

“There is too much memory space, you can’t use it. The camera has too high pixels, but it can’t be used as an astronomical telescope. If you are single, what you really need is the built-in voice girlfriend function that the five thousand yuan mobile phone has… …..”


Chen Yi’s words made many people laugh again, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Seeing this, Chen Yi also smiled slightly, and continued: “…This mobile phone company is actually completely out of the needs of users, and his mobile phone is completely over-performance.”

“…And now, Ali is entering the over-performance stage, that is, entering the upper right corner offset theory.”

“Everyone here has employees who used to be ali, even if they are not employees, they must have used Taob. You will find that individuals are spending more and more on Taob, and Taob’s various preferential rules are becoming more and more complicated. .”

“… The cost of more represents an increase in the level of consumption, which depends on the rapid development of our country’s economy, but at the same time, the level of goods on Taob is also improving.”

“Taob is now cooperating with big brands to fight counterfeit in stores, and the prices of goods on Taob are also increasing. There are no more cheap things in the past.”

“…Those fancy preferential rules even young people don’t necessarily understand, let alone those middle-aged and elderly people with shopping needs, those who are not well-educated in the sinking market?”

Chen Yi stood up, pressed his hands on the table, his eyes were burning, and his tone was high, and he said confidently:

“…For users in the sinking market, the current Taob is over-performance, and the upper right corner is offset. Many of them have no requirements for the so-called brand, as long as they can use it, they only care about the price! ”

“Think about the example of buying a mobile phone I just mentioned.”

“…Whether it’s Taob or Beijingd, their 0.0 is now getting more and more high-end, getting higher and higher. This has caused excessive performance, which left such a big shadow and formed a large blank market! ”

Chen Yi once again pointed at the huge shadow on the graph on the screen, and immediately all the people present looked serious.

They found that they couldn’t underestimate Chen Yi, and they also knew that this was not a rich second generation who had money to play with.

He has really conducted research, conducted research on e-commerce platforms, and found a huge blank market in a market where Ali and Jingd occupy 80% of the market.

Of course, to find this market can only be said that Chen Yi has a vision, and how to grasp this market and hold it in his hands depends on Chen Yi’s ability.

In an instant, everyone admired Chen Yi, and a flame of joy suddenly appeared in their hearts, as if they were watching a big business man rising up.

If Chen Yi has both vision and ability, then the next horse dad might be him.

Well, at that time Chen Yi will be called Dad Chen, and of course he may also be ‘Brother Love’. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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