Chapter 513 Chen Dashao

Billions and tens of billions of money are in sight, no matter who it is, it will be tempted.

No one would think that there is too much money, even if Jack Ma already has so much money, he does not still play financial loans, and wants to get more money.

Especially now that Chen Yi is short of money.

Before starting his own business, Chen Yi still felt that the monthly payment of more than 100 million yuan was a lot, but it was not until after starting his business that he realized that the money was not enough.

If you are just a superstar, and a rich second generation who spends extraordinarily money, the money is more than enough.

But if you want to start a business and become a real business boss, the money given by the system is simply not enough to burn.

Normal entrepreneurs need to raise funds when they have no money in order to get more money to burn.

This is indeed the most correct method, because entrepreneurs do not know whether they can succeed, and of course they will find investors to burn money.

If the business is successful, everyone will be happy. If the business fails, the investor will be more miserable than himself, so he can feel at ease.

But Chen Yi is different. He really knows that Pinduoduo and Douyin projects are bound to succeed in the future.

Greedy, he doesn’t want to raise funds when the valuation is still low, which will make him feel that he is losing a lot.

But if you want to increase the valuation, you need to burn money to expand the scale and expand operations, and burning money requires financing, which is in an endless loop.

But now, the Li Family Patriarch in front of him almost gave Chen Yi another way. Chen Yi, who was thinking about how to get more money, found a broad road.

Use power, take advantage of the status of the children of the nobles, and learn the methods of these real nobles to make money.

How did the Li family’s fortune come from? Is it really that there are any business prodigies in his family? Of course not, they used aristocratic methods to earn it.

It’s just that this kind of money can’t be stated clearly, so even if it is spent, they have to be low-key, and can’t show up in front of people like Jack Ma or Tony Ma.

The greed in his heart almost defeated Chen Yi’s reason, but he still suppressed his greed, licked his lips and asked:

“…Grandpa Li, why did you choose me ` `?”

This is what Chen Yi cares most about. There is such a good thing why the Patriarch of the Li family does not ask someone from the Li family to do it, will there be any pitfalls in this, is there a difference in political views between the Li family and his Chen family?

Is there a trap for the grandfather? This is the question that Chen Yi needs to think about first, and it is also the most basic quality of being a nobleman.

Faced with Chen Yi’s caution, Patriarch Li appreciates it even more, and he smiles relievedly:(Read more @

“…Xiao Chen, you are not a young man at all. You are mature and stable, almost the same as those old fritters who have been in the officialdom for more than ten years.”

Ordinary young people may have eaten it in front of the big pie given by their elders, and why would they ask so many “why” like Chen Yi.

The Patriarch of the Li family pondered for a moment before saying: “… Today is no better than in the past, and the current political situation is no better than 30 years ago. The world is no longer so chaotic.”

“… If it were thirty years ago, I would go to the juniors at home to do it, but now I have to try my best to get rid of the relationship.”

Listening to the words of the Li Family Patriarch, Chen Yi was thoughtful.

Today’s grandfather of the Li family has been retired from the Senate for many years, no matter how old he is after so many years, there is not much left, at best, he can only guarantee that there is no problem with the Li family.

So the real pillar is actually the current head of the Li family.

However, his status as a member of the national parliament and the Minister of Transportation Zuo is actually not a good thing. With the energy of the Li family, it is fully capable of taking another step or two.

In addition, the current environment is relatively clear and the Li family does not have the power of thirty years ago. If the Li family’s own people are used regardless of nepotism, they will be left behind in future promotions or in battles with political enemies.

If there is a problem with the Patriarch, it will be a heavy blow to the Li family.

Seeing Chen Yi’s contemplation, the head of the Li family laughed again: “…what I want to do is a reform, the times are different, we old guys must always keep up with the times.”

“…But there are some people who are just too stubborn. They don’t have the vigor of young people. They dare not change or change.”

“Xiao Chen, you are a young man, you are also our own, and you are the best young man in this circle I have ever seen. You are very talented in the business field.”

“…It’s like these things you are doing now. I am very optimistic. You must have your place in the Internet field in the future.”

Sure enough, these things I did were simply not hidden from these senior old people, and the Patriarch of the Li family was a businessman before entering politics and had a high position in the business field.

He has a high degree of education, and now he is in a high position. He can see things farther, and he can see that Chen Yi is working on the Internet with good prospects, and he can see that its business talent is not low.

But what does this mean? Is this mentioning me? Is it because of my business talents?

Chen Yi pondered carefully.

While giving me enough benefits, it also requires me to pay something, such as bringing their Li family with them when financing in the future, so that they can contribute a part of the capital to a stock?

Who knows the meaning behind what these senior old people say? Chen Yi thinks that his head hurts. Sure enough, the political field is not easy to do, and there is always something in the words.

If the Li family really intends to invest, then Chen Yi welcomes it.

This will not only give yourself money, but also pull your company into a giant political system like the Li family.

With the Chen family and the Li family escorting them, it really is that any off-board means are useless to them. If you want to defeat yourself, you can only stand upright against yourself in the market.

For Chen Yi, who has a system, he is not afraid of face-to-face duels. The most annoying thing is that a villain will give you tricks.

Just like the protagonists in many novels, they will always encounter some enemies, and what elders’ policy or other means will be used to deal with you.

But in Chen Yi’s view, that is the weak, the real strong should be like him, backed by a huge background, so that no one would even dare to think about him, so that it would be an instant death. .

The level of the enemy is also proving your own level. When your enemy dares to use off-board means against you, it means that you are nothing terrible, and you do not have enough power.

Seeing Chen Yi still thinking, the head of the Li family did not rush and said: “¨〃…Your old Chen knows about this. Don’t worry, Grandpa Li, I have nothing to cheat you.”

“… But there are some minor troubles. There may be some die-hards who are dissatisfied with this kind of reform, and they will criticize you quite a bit.”

“But it’s just a little trouble at best, Xiao Chen can solve it by yourself.”

Chen Yi just heard this. This is because some people want to put themselves on the forefront as a benchmark for this group of noble descendants.

It seems that his excellence has made many people notice him.

Do you want to do this?

Of course, since Grandpa agreed, it means there are no traps.

And this kind of good thing is hard to find. When the time comes, the reputation will be taken by oneself, and the money will be earned by oneself, and there will be no such shop after passing the village.

As for why he chose Chen Yi, he actually has a rough estimate, that is because he is young and capable, and young people are most suitable to be the target of public criticism!

This is an opportunity for one’s own people to appear before him! .

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