Chapter 515 I also like prostitutes!

Not long after, Han Yifan answered the call.

Chen Yi was sitting at the table eating white fungus and lotus seed soup, while pressing the answer button.

“Mr. Chen, I have checked the information you want!”

“…There are four railway lines under the name of this company, and the most famous railway line from the Imperial Capital to Shanghai is also in this company.”

“But the other three railway lines do not have many passengers, and they are in a state of loss all year round. Even if there is the Imperial Capital-Shencheng Railway line, it still cannot make up for it.”

“… But in the past few years, as railway services have been improved, and other revenues such as advertising have been added, the overall loss rate of this railway branch is decreasing.”

“But even so, it lost 900 million yuan last year.”

Han Yifan did not dare to delay, looking for important information from the data he found to report to Chen Yi.

Don’t look at the 900 billion yuan loss compared to the five trillion yuan that is a negligible figure, but the five trillion yuan is not a loss but a debt, because of the high debt left by the construction of the high-speed rail.

But this 900 million yuan is the loss in the subsequent operation stage.

The only good news is that the annual loss is decreasing. If the railway finds more profit points, it is very likely that it will turn losses into profits in the future.

What Chen Yi didn’t expect was that the Imperial Capital Shencheng line was also in this branch.

Chen Yi groaned for a while, thinking about what the Li Patriarch had said before.

This branch is the company that the head of the Li family intends to carry out capital operations. Among them is the most famous imperial capital Shencheng line, which is almost the most profitable of all railways.

The other three lines are sold in a bundle, which is a typical method in Wall Street financial business.

The good and the bad are mixed together and sold to you, so that you can throw away those negative assets that are too burdensome, thereby reducing your own pressure.

Chen Yi also secretly praised the plan of the Li family owner. This kind of bundled sales and listing can be said to be the best method.

If the excellent lines are listed on the market alone, the market value may be higher, but those loss-making lines will not be cared about, and they will become a burden from the end.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi said to Han Yifan: “…Yifan, you will contact the leaders of the Construction Bank in Shanghai tomorrow and use the assets in my name to borrow one billion yuan.”

“… Then go to this company and use the 1 billion as capital injection in exchange for 10% of the shares.”

Han Yifan was stunned, he said cautiously: “…Mr. Chen, there is nothing wrong with this loan.”

“… But if this is a shareholding, this railway branch is not a private enterprise. Unless there is a policy, it is impossible for individuals to inject capital.”

Chen Yi laughed and said, “…When the loan comes down, the rules should be issued, and you can just follow it.”

Han Yifan immediately thought of Chen Yi’s mysterious background identity, and guessed some of the ways to make money for the noble children, and immediately felt stunned, and said respectfully: “…I understand, Mr. Chen!”

At the same time, Han Yifan also had some careful thoughts in his mind.

As if he knew what he was thinking, Chen Yi took a spoonful of lotus soup with a spoon, swallowed it and said faintly through the phone: “…Don’t think too much, not everyone is eligible to enter.”

Han Yifan was shocked suddenly, knowing that he was greedy, and quickly said: “…I was thinking about it, sorry, Mr. Chen!”

When you know some information that others don’t know, smart people can use the information to make a lot of money.

That’s how the Rothschild family started.

Just like if you know in advance that a stock will rise sharply, as long as you are not stupid, you will buy this stock in advance when it is low.

Just as Chen Yi said, not everyone is qualified to eat the fat of this railway. Even if Jack Ma and Tony Ma are here, they are not qualified to intervene.(Read more @

After giving orders to Han Yifan, Chen Yi just hung up the phone.

He put the finished bowl on the table, and went to the lavage room to wash up, just lying on the bed and fell asleep.

The Li family brought the meat to his mouth. Of course, Chen Yi would eat it unceremoniously. I am afraid Grandpa thinks so too. Who doesn’t like prostitutes?

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Chen Yi said goodbye to the Li family.

The head of the Li family has a very high position, and naturally, he is also very busy at work. It was already in the morning. Uncle Li and his wife Chen Yi had a chill and asked Li Shiman to take him to the airport.

Chen Yi didn’t reject this, and got on the Audi again with Li Shiman, and Li’s driver took him to the Imperial Capital International Airport.

The car was driving on the road in the imperial capital. Li Shiman was sitting next to Chen Yi. Her clothes today are the same as yesterday, and they have not been changed.

The faint fragrance escapes from the young girl’s body on the end of Chen Yi’s nose, like a passionate red lily.

The car was a little quieter, Chen Yi thought for a while, and said, “…Where does Li Damei go to school?”

“At Peking University, this year’s junior year, I am two years older than you.”

Li Shiman heard Chen Yi’s words, she turned her head to look at Chen Yi, a few strands of hair were hidden in front of her eyes, and she smiled brightly.

“Then I should call you Senior Sister Li.”

“You can actually call me by name, so that I am closer.”

Li Shiman leaned against Chen Yi, his words suddenly became very oppressive, and his bright eyes seemed to have stubbornness and a smile.

Chen Yi hesitated, “…Sister Shiman?”

It is a little too intimate to call Shiman directly, and it will make Chen Yi feel that the topic is under the guidance of the other person.

Li Shiman smiled brightly, and she was very satisfied with this name.

“Although I am from the Imperial Capital, I really haven’t been to Peking University.”

Chen Yi continued to find the topic and said.

“Then I can take you handsome Chen to the Peking University campus if you have a chance… No, you can’t say that if you have a chance, just next time, you must tell me next time you return to the imperial capital.”

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

Li Shiman suddenly became a bit stronger.

“OK, no problem!”

This is a trivial matter, Chen Yi directly smiled and agreed.

He is not an infatuated man who really doesn’t talk to other women when he has a girlfriend. Li Shiman seems to be a little bit interesting to himself, so Chen Yi doesn’t mind playing some ambiguous games with her.

Of course, this game should be played a little more cautiously. If you accidentally make your belly bigger, then Chen Yi might really want to get married in place.

After all, Li Shiman’s background is there. In ancient times, this was also a princess-level character.

“By the way, Gao Yuan is almost recovering, and his family has allowed him to go out, and Cai Mao also wants to thank you. I don’t know what he is preparing recently.”

Li Shiman gathered her hair.

She is in the circle of the Imperial Capital and is familiar with many noble children of the same age in the Imperial Capital. In this regard, her circle is more central than Nan Jiyue.

……. …….. …….

“That kid Gao Yuan is fine. As for Cai Mao…Although I am not familiar with him, he is a little jumpy.”

Han Gaoyuan is the descendant of the Han family who was stabbed in Shencheng, while Cai Mao’s family is related to aviation, and he felt particularly popular in Shencheng at the time.

“Well, Cai Mao is indeed a bit of a gangster, but his person is quite loyal. Since he says he wants to thank you, he will definitely be very concerned.”

After a pause, Li Shiman said intentionally or unintentionally: “…Cai Mao still loves to play, don’t learn from him.”

Chen Yi laughed secretly, and suddenly felt that Li Shiman, like Nan Jiyue, could speak in this girlfriend’s tone.

Chen Yi pretended to respond, saying that he was a man of integrity and was not ignorant of collecting money. He was a good young man in the new century and would never learn from that kind of second-rate.

Seeing Chen Yi’s tone a bit exaggerated, Li Shiman was amused by him and laughed.

The more they talked, the happier they were, but time waited for no one, and it didn’t take long before they arrived at the airport.

Li Shiman was still in the mood, but still smiled, and said to Chen Yi: “…The handsome guy Chen, I will send you here!”

“…Next time you return to the Imperial City, you must contact me. If I find you when I go to Shencheng, don’t pretend you don’t know me.”

She said half jokingly.

“It must be, next time!”

Chen Yi smiled and waved, and walked directly into the terminal building.

Li Shiman just watched Chen Yi’s back and left. Her eyes were a little lost. After a long time, she recovered and said to the driver: “…Send me back to school too!”

I have to say that the Li family is vigorous and resolute in doing things. That night, on an official Weibo of the railway, a message was released——

“Recommendations and Implementation of Departmental Reforms”, in this Weibo, this official blog turned out to be @了 Chen Yi.

In an instant, as Chen Yi expected, he became a target of public criticism. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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