Chapter 517 The Internet is not a place outside the law

“Heartache, shock!”

“After seeing the news released by the official blog of the railway department, I was inexplicably sad after seeing the following recovery comments!”

“Singing praises and cheering for the arrival of capitalists makes it hard for me not to doubt the accusations under the official blog.”

“Today, I will show those filial sons and grandchildren, lack of running dogs, spiritual capitalists and little bourgeois, and tell you how this inexplicable thing that makes you cheer will deprive you of your rights.”

“…Now that 996 is rampant, the blessings are very rampant, but there are still people defending the capitalists.”

“But now capital has already invaded our interior, corroding the interior like a moth.”

“…The railway sector conducts capital operations and attracts capital? In my opinion, this is simply a joke, a betrayal to the people!”

“Military industry and national defense, power grids, petroleum and petrochemicals, telecommunications, coal, civil industry, shipping, etc., are the lifeblood of the country. In my opinion, it should not be and must not allow any capital to enter.”

“…For example, the xx line and xx line two railway lines in the Great Western Region are expensive to build, and the later operation and maintenance costs are too high. From the perspective of capital, this is definitely not worth the investment.”

“But there are still poor people living in those areas. There is a saying that if you want to get rich, you must first build roads, but capital will not build this road. The short-term benefits that capital wants are naked. money!”

“…Only the country can vigorously develop those poor areas regardless of cost, and they will also build these lines when they know that the losses are serious. Only in this way can these areas get out of poverty in the foreseeable years.”

“Will capitalists do these kind things? They won’t, they only have money in their eyes!”

“…Now that capital is allowed to enter the critical point of the railway, the end result is not that under the coercion of capital, people in these poor areas will never be able to get rid of poverty anymore.”

“For the medical industry, it is precisely because there are public hospitals and state subsidies that we can use the cheapest price for medical treatment.”

“…Look at the problems of difficult medical treatment in foreign countries. You may have to make an appointment to see a doctor until a month later, and the person with the problem died early. Looking at the medical expenses of the United States that cost tens of thousands of dollars at every turn, this is what capital brings. the result of!”

“In the north and south, even in sparsely populated areas, our mobile phones have signals. This is the result of base stations spreading all over the country, but how many base stations are not profitable, it is a pure loss.”

“…If capital is allowed to enter the telecommunications industry, can these base stations still exist? Can the welfare of our people’s lives still exist?”


“I hope that one day, I can go to work on time at 9 in the morning and leave work on time at 5 in the afternoon. I don’t have to think about work fatigue, and I don’t have to worry about whether my boss will call me to get up to work in the evening.”

“…I can turn off my mobile phone and go home, cook a meal with my wife, and watch TV with my children on the sofa. A family of three can take a leisurely stroll outside.”

“Instead of being like this, I was called by my boss at midnight to turn on the computer and work.”


Thousands of words were eloquent, and the capitalists were criticized for nothing with a kiss of the exploited workers, which was extremely agitating.

Good guy, Chen Yi calls good guys!

If he was also an employee of 996, he would probably feel the same at this time, and blamed all the sins on the capitalists, and felt that the behavior of the railway sector to carry out capital movements was treason.

And Chen Yi, the capitalist who made the proposal, is the enemy of the people of the whole country.

Although Chen Yi is rich now, he who has worked hard in the past also hates capitalists and thinks they are exploiting too hard.

But sometimes things still have to look more comprehensive.

For example, in this railway capital operation, if the debt is too high, the risk factor will be too high. This is also a headache for the country.(Read more @

In order to reduce the pressure, capital operation had to be carried out.

Secondly, in the medical industry, Chen Yi knows many ordinary doctors. Those doctors actually want the hospital to operate with capital. Why? Because it is the only way to make money.

Don’t see a doctor as a great profession, but to be honest, they earn really little.

I don’t know how many years I have studied medicine, and I ended up earning a dead salary. If I have been a director or deputy director for more than ten years, this situation will be slightly better. In fact, Chen Yi is somewhat worthless for those doctors.

This is why there are so many cases of “flying knives” nowadays, and why people are persuading people to learn medicine from the sky.

Chen Yi didn’t want to talk about more in-depth medical insurance issues.

But in any case, this big v aroused the emotions of all Weibo users. He caught the most important contradiction and directly detonated it.

“The original poster is right, these capitalists are all damned!”

“The capitalists knock on the bones and suck the marrow, and take away all the fruits of our labor.”

“Also 996 is a blessing, go to tmd’s blessing!”

“Isn’t the wish that the host said a long time ago? It was not like this when I was a child, but with more and more blood-sucking capitalists, our lives will become like this.”

“This young man named Chen Yi is also good at sucking blood.”

“Yeah, this Chen Yi is more ruthless, and he directly reached into the vital department.”


Chen Yi opened the big v and looked at it. There were more than three million fans. As soon as this Weibo was posted, it immediately reposted more than 10,000 posts, which drew huge topic traffic.

Then Chen Yi saw that there were thousands of rumors on his Weibo, and he knew what the content was if he didn’t open it. It was nothing more than cursing him.

“The essence of a capitalist is to suck blood!”

“The capitalist of everything!”

“It’s nothing but squeezing!”

“Evil capitalists in the world, how many good-hearted people are like their fathers? All use of fraud and abduction, treacherous deceit!”

“The accumulation of capital starts from sucking blood, and the expansion of capital is ruthless. The hardships of the people at the bottom have always been the relish jokes of capitalists after a meal.”

“This person seems to have a mobile game company. Resolutely resist!”


Good guy, Chen Yi called the good guy again, he is about to become the enemy of the people.

Although he also knows that the things on Weibo are actually finished with a smile, he doesn’t need to bother about those people at all.

As long as you understand that the undergraduate rate is less than 5%, and then look at the daily traffic on Weibo, you will know what education level most people who play Weibo have and why they are easy to be followed by others.

These self-media public accounts are best at doing this, and Chen Yi also has similar groups.

Of course, there are some arguments that Chen Yi still agrees with. For example, capitalists are not good things.

In the past, people thought that foreign countries were good, and foreign moons were round, and these self-media lavishly compared foreign countries with domestic ones, and brought traffic.

In the past two years, everyone has come to realize that, in fact, domestically, it is better than foreign countries, and then these self-media have changed the trend and began to compare the tragic situation of foreign countries with the excellent 787 in China.

Let them talk about the good and the bad anyway.

Although these things will not affect Chen Yi too much, there will still be some effects.

If the ipo loses or earns less, then Chen Yi can’t do it.

“Oh, the Internet is not a place outside the law. Before you guys danced from the media, no one wants to talk to you and don’t want to make a commotion, but you want to earn traffic on me?”

Chen Yi sneered.

As long as you can motivate the topic of Weibo, as long as you recover more and repost more, Weibo will send you money. Weibo also makes money from this traffic.

This is why so many people want to become a big v with a huge fan group.

Only those who have no self-thinking will feel that these big v have spoken their own heartfelt words, and these big v are all just.

As everyone knows, these are all businesses.

Those who know a little bit will refute, and then argue with those brain-dead people, making themselves angry.

But I don’t know if you are scolding him or scolding each other in the comments, it is all about bringing traffic to him and making money for him.

Weibo is a capital. This group of people never understand this. They think they have found an outlet on Weibo and express their political views. They even think that these online groups can force others to submit.

So Chen Yi never reposted or commented on these things. If you didn’t repost it, I didn’t repost it. If you didn’t comment, I didn’t comment. If there is no traffic, these big v will be useless.

In the past, Chen Yi couldn’t do much, but now he is capable, and these people also provoke him.

Then he has to let these people know who can’t provoke them, let them fight these days, the real culprit of contradictions, and feel the justice and ruthlessness of the law. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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