Chapter 519 Chen Dashao at the core

The magic city nightclub in Shencheng, a group of demons dances, the interior decoration is full of mechanical sense, how many young men and women are jumping and jumping under the drive of dj.

Although the environment is slightly noisy, it also drives people’s adrenaline soaring.

Jack Ma said that I have nowhere else to go except nightclubs, and Chen Yi now finally feels it.

No matter how rich, life is like that. In the big evening, there is really nothing to do except to find different women.

So Chen Yi also likes to go to nightclubs. He doesn’t like to jump up, but chatting with friends on the deck is also very atmospheric.

In this environment, everyone can speak freely.

At the most expensive deck in the magic city, there were a bunch of men and women sitting around, and a few nightclub security personnel stood around, not letting anyone in.

With an enthusiastic and flattering smile, the sales staff bowed their heads and looked after the young men. Looking at the bottles of wine on the table, they were happy.

How much is the commission this night!

From time to time, various salutes sounded, and the atmosphere group in bunny girl clothes brought a bottle of expensive wine to the deck to serve.

The people around are frequently watching here, some are curious, some are envious, some are jealous, and some are more excited.

Mom x, that table has more than one million wines!

“Who is that over there? Could it be that the principal is here?”

“It’s not the principal, but they are all the second generations of Shencheng, and I know one of them.”

“Fuck, do you still know someone? Then let’s find a way to go in for a drink.”

“I know people, but they don’t know me!”

“Grass, aren’t you talking nonsense.”

A group of Yingying and Yanyan dressed up as 787s dazzled, looking for relationships, and wanted to squeeze into such a gathering of a group of rich second generations. Even the pua mother Sang, who specializes in fishing for the king of heaven, found it.

If you can enter the wine bureau and hang up a second generation, you can also try the life of a celebrity.

What, you said there are other women in the wine bureau? Oh, in this view, those big guys, and the second generation of men who are not boyfriends and girlfriends, they don’t care about this.

And if you talk about looks, these colorful people can really slap these second generations.

Some of these women are highly educated, and some are white-collar students. Not all of them are the kind of net celebrities who are ignorant and do nothing.

And there are many women who are very beautiful, the kind that will make people look at them frequently when walking on the street.

But let them do everything they can to find all kinds of relationships, but they can’t get into the wine bar.

“Chen Shao, there are so many silly x on the Internet, don’t be angry, come, brother, I will toast you a drink!”

Chen Yi in Shencheng is a familiar one. Of course, Shencheng is not young, and there are many second generations. Those who have a good relationship with Chen Yi are those people who first met.

For those people, it is also a great honor to know Chen Yi, who is now in the limelight.

Binzi raised a cup of aces of spades and bowed to Chen Yi. After seeing Chen Yi toast, he just drank it in one fell swoop.

Sitting next to Chen Yi, Nan Jiyue’s beautiful and delicate face was flushed red. She also picked up the wine glass and drank it dry. In the crisp and sweet voice, there was also a strong anger:(Read more @

“…That group of silly x will only call on the Internet. They have the ability to come to the book to see if I don’t smoke dead girls. When I spend money to find a bunch of navy soldiers to scold them, it’s best to find people out and die. Give it a beat!”

Even the swearing was swearing magnificently, and she was depressed in her heart by patting the table there.

She is self-willed and has a bad temper. When she saw Chen Yi being scolded by people on the Internet, it was more uncomfortable than scolding on her.

I’m not willing to scold my boyfriend, which round is the silly guys.

However, Nanda didn’t know what to do when faced with this situation. The first idea was to take money to solve it.

Chen Yi smiled at Nan Ji’s bulging little face, grabbed her glass, and said warmly: “…Yueyue, don’t drink like this, you will get drunk after drinking too soon.”

As soon as he finished his voice, he heard Wang Zhennan tut and say: “…yo, listen to this crooked voice, it’s still a month, my goose bumps are about to get up!”

“…Oh, Master Chen, let Yueyue drink it. Anyway, there is no outsider here. You can take it home if you drink too much.”

“When you get home, we will listen to you what you say before Yueyue. You can bully her as you want.”

When Wang Zhennan saw it, he was the person who came here, talking about the ambiguous yellow x topic there, fanning the flames.

All of a sudden, there was a roar of laughter in the entire deck.

Nan Jiyue blushed even more, she hugged Yu Xin beside her, and said coquettishly: “…Sister Xinxin, look at Sister Zhennan bullying me, you still don’t avenge me!”

“Who cares about you, you traitor, you found a boyfriend by yourself!”

Yu Xin sneered and pushed Nan Jiyue away with disgust.

Seeing Yu Xin pushing herself away, Nanda pursed her rosy lips, and then she stared at Nan An, who was sitting opposite her, and said, “…Your sister, I have been bullied, so just look at it?”

Nanan lay the gun inexplicably, and he said innocently: “…Your boyfriend is by his side, why are you looking for me.”

“Waste Mediterranean!”

Nan Jiyue cursed, and then just snorted, hugged Chen Yi’s arm, and leaned her head on his shoulder. This is my boyfriend. How are you guys proud?

Everyone was roaring with laughter again, only Nan An was smiling wryly.

But he is also used to it. His sister often bullies him. Everyone knows that the relationship is good, and no one cares.

Liang Chengwei poured a glass of wine for himself and Chen Yi, and said, “…Shao Chen, should we leave this to the brothers to solve it?”

Since the first big V posted an article with rhythm, some big Vs have seen topics and traffic, and they have also followed with a wave of rhythm.

However, things on the Internet are all in the memory of a few days, and things have faded a lot in the past two days.

If you want to talk about the impact on Chen Yi, it doesn’t have a big impact. After all, Keyboard Man only dared to type on the keyboard on the Internet. If you really asked him to come and match Chen Yi, they didn’t dare.

Even in school, those who knew Chen Yi were filled with outrage and felt unfair for him.

Of course, there may be schadenfreude, but Chen Yi doesn’t care.

Everyone likes to see those who are aloof fall into the mortal world, Chen Yi also likes it, not so much hatred of the rich, it is better to say that it is not worrying about the small and the uneven.

People don’t hate capitalists, they just hate why the capitalist is not himself.

Chen Yi smiled and wanted to say that I can solve this problem by myself and don’t need everyone’s help, but he changed his mind and felt that these second generations seemed to be able to solve the problem more perfectly.

Chen Yi has money and background, it is not difficult for him to solve this problem, and he can even send people directly into the game.

But this does not relieve Chen Yi, what he wants is to make all those who give him a rhythm to die socially.

Let them be punished not only physically, but also psychologically.

And this kind of thing cannot be done officially, but these energetic second generations are the most suitable to do it.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi just touched a cup with Liang Chengwei and said: “…I want to solve this problem myself, but since Liang brother has said so, let me ask Liang brother once?”

When Liang Chengwei heard this, his spirits immediately shocked, holding the cup and standing up to the second generations present: “… Shao Chen is in trouble, you tmd will usually brag about them one by one.”

“…Those who say they know this person, know that person, now the opportunity is here, hurry up and let me start your relationship and find out those people for me.”

“It’s not enough to find out. I can also find out the black material of those stupid people. Don’t they like to have a rhythm? Come on, let’s bring them a wave of rhythm!”

“…You guys are usually awesome, I’ll see now that I’m using you, how many of you can do it beautifully.”

After a fierce battle, the others suddenly agreed, and all of them eagerly geared their hands.

This group of second generations themselves are idle every day. Now when they heard that there was something to do, it was done for Shao Chen, and everyone did it together. Suddenly a sense of ownership emerged, and they began to think about where to find someone and from which aspect. Get started.

Mom x dared to provoke Shao Chen, really tired and crooked!

Chen Yi sat there and said nothing, did nothing, but there was a group of second generations who were defending him and supporting him.

Excessive fame and legend made him unconsciously become the core of this circle.

In the past, Chen Yi didn’t dare to think about these things, but now he takes it for granted.

I am bull x, so I am the boss. .

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