Chapter 520 Uncrowned King Chen Dashao

A crowd of excited second generations raised their glasses and clinked them to drink.

Liang Chengwei said at this time: “…Should we change the place? Drinking just hurts the stomach, let’s find a place where we can eat.”

Of course, there are some food, fruits and the like in the nightclub, but this thing is not up to the stomach.

Hearing about the sales, he quickly said: “…Younger Liang, you are going to have something to eat. We will ask someone to buy it for you. It is so troublesome to change the land.”

He can’t bear to leave this group of second generations, and can’t wait for these second generations to open a few more bottles of wine.

Unlike those who pretend to be X pickers, these second generations really drink and consume.

Many people come to nightclubs to ask for a bottle of expensive wine and put it on the table to catch the girl, and then store the wine when they leave, and they don’t drink it at all.

It’s like these really rich second generations drink these wines as water.

The second generation also said: “…That’s right, Brother Liang! What kind of place to change? How troublesome it would be to walk.”

All of them drank alcohol and couldn’t drive at all.

Liang Chengwei ignored the person, but looked at Chen Yi and said, “…what did Chen Shao say?”

Chen Yi looked at Nan Jiyue next to her, and saw that she was already dizzy from drinking, and just smiled: “…Don’t change the ground, let them buy something to eat.”

Then Chen Yi looked at the seller and said, “…find us a good skewers shop and send us some skewers.”

When everyone else heard it, they all laughed. It’s okay for Shao Chen to use the nightclub as a food stall and eat skewers here.

Of course not under normal circumstances, but this group of second generations suggested that it is OK. The salesman quickly asked two younger brothers to give instructions and urge them to buy them as soon as possible.

Although flattering enough, I have to say that it makes people feel good.

Liang Chengwei pretended to be serious at this time and said: “…Bring us some more big waists to Chen Shao, or what if we don’t have enough energy at night.”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Everyone laughed, looking at Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue ambiguously.

Fortunately, Nanda drank a little anxiously. At this time, he leaned on Chen Yi’s shoulder and closed his eyes to rest.

“Fuck off, you Brother Chen, I can fight till tomorrow night, believe it or not!”

Chen Yi laughed and cursed, everyone slapped the table and teased and laughed.

“Hey, who knows what happened to Hao Yuanning’s stupid x?”

At this time, someone mentioned Hao Yuanning and brought the topic to Chen Yi again, which was quite flattering.

Everyone was also interested, pricked their ears to listen.

Binzi said at this time: “…I met someone in southern Henan, and heard from him that Hao Yuanning is hiding in his own home and dare not come out. The bank comes to collect debts every day.”

“…I see, he just became the Lao Lai, but one day when the enforcement is enforced, it is estimated that he will have to finish playing.”

“It’s still Chen Shaoniu, who has no 30 billion property overnight. I heard that Chen Shao has collected 2 billion from it?”

Everyone looked at Chen Yi, each with admiration, interest, and even fear.

The girls also had bright eyes, but looking at Nan Jiyue who was leaning on his shoulder, they felt regretful.

“It’s not as exaggerated as 2 billion. After deducting various taxes, intermediary, and management fees, it’s only about 1.8 billion.”

“…The Hao family is their own problem, it is full of flaws, but I found the flaws, if his family runs normally, I can’t help it.”

Chen Yi spread his hands and said calmly.

“Grass, Shao Chen, you can also Versailles!”

A group of people hissed, jokingly.(Read more @

1.8 billion, if you let their second-generation family take 1.8 billion in cash, if you don’t sell assets or go to the bank for loans, few can get it out.

Even to put it awkwardly, even if the 1.8 billion is for the second generation of them, as long as you don’t play any private jets, you can still have a lifetime.

“What about Versailles, that 1.8 billion will almost be spent by me.”

Chen Yi smiled again.

“Look at it, this is not Versailles! Hey, I heard that Shao Chen, you spent more than one billion dollars on a luxury yacht? You must let the brothers see and see then.”

“It must be, I must ask my brothers to be happy.”

Chen Yi picked up the wine glass and toasted.

“Xiao Wang is over. The pants that lost the gambling agreement can be sold, let alone the two billion owed.”

“It depends on whether he can pay it back as soon as possible. If it doesn’t, several companies will have to sue him.”

“Just his stupid x, I believe in any loss.”

A group of people are gloating, and Xiao Wang’s reputation among the second generations is not very good. He thinks that his person pretends to be a lover of jumping, but he is not capable of himself.

Compared with these people bragging and bullshit, Liang Chengwei is more concerned about the railway. He directly asked his doubts: “…what is the meaning of it, Shao Neng Chen can say no?”

He is afraid that things are too secret, Chen Yi can’t tell.

Chen Yi shook his head and said, “…I can’t say much in front of others, but there is nothing I can’t say in front of you.”

Chen Yi briefly talked about the capital operation behind the high-speed rail.

Liang Chengwei’s family is engaged in private equity, and he just heard it: “…Chen Shao, how much do you think the valuation of that branch company can be listed?”

“I expect the valuation of the listing to be 60 to 70 billion. As for how much it can rise in the future, I can’t estimate it, but the valuation is something…”

Chen Yi didn’t finish speaking, Liang Chengwei just said: “…you can fake your bid!”

When everyone else heard it, their hearts were horrified.

Of course, ordinary companies can’t do this, but the railway department is the lifeblood of the country. To put it bluntly, everyone is a pair of pants. A slightly higher valuation is completely fine.

These are all unspoken rules that everyone understands.

“How many did Chen Shao say before?”

“One billion, take 10% of the shares.”

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

Chen Yi said with a chuckle.


Everyone took a breath.

If this ipo is listed on the basis of 70 billion, then this billion will directly become 7 billion!

Everyone was even more apprehensive, raising Chen Yi’s position in their hearts.

If the 1.8 billion he obtained from the Hong Kong stock market before is the ability, then this one billion has become seven billion in a blink of an eye, which is the real background.

Most of them, the second generation of Shanghai City, are in the business field, and some of them are involved in politics at home and can’t reach the core part.

But Chen Yi can easily do this, the energy behind him is unimaginable.

Of course there are noble children at the core of the imperial capital, but Chen Yi can take over these things at such a young age. What does this mean? It shows that in the eyes of those old people, they trust his ability and are optimistic about him.

A group of second generations suddenly felt ashamed.

We are still spending a lot of time and wine every day, looking at Chen Shao, this has already reached the sky.

……. ……… 0

At this moment, Nan Jiyue seemed to wake up suddenly, she narrowed her eyes and muttered: “…Xiao Yizi, what did I hear you say about the Li family?”

“…It’s not Li Shiman’s house, right?”

Chen Yi said in a bad mood: “…Sleep your sleep, you will have a lot of energy when you listen to this.”


Nanda was really out of drink, and squinted on Chen Yi’s shoulder again.

Everyone is roaring with laughter again. Women are sensitive to other women’s affairs.

“Shao Chen, if you have any money-making work in the future, don’t forget my brothers.”

Liang Chengwei said half jokingly.

Chen Yi changed his mind and said, “…Yes, it depends on whether you want to vote.”

If you know that you can earn 100 billion in the future, are you willing to spend billions to attract more people?

Greedy people will definitely feel that those billions are their own and will not give it to others.

But smart people will use the money to maintain their network of relationships.

Only by knowing how to show something to others through your fingers can you become a leader.

These second generations may be useless for the time being, but they all have a parental relationship network behind them, and they will inherit part of the family’s resources in the future.

Chen Yi doesn’t care about using one percent of the income to win over these people.

After all, if there is a problem with the small ones, Laozi behind him will definitely come out to help solve them. Chen Yi wants to tie them up.

This is equivalent to a huge spider web. The spider web with Chen Yi as the core forms a huge chain of interests.

Let him Chen Yi can have countless people doing things for him, countless people support him.

Ability and majesty can be awe-inspiring, but only interest is the best link between the two parties.

Chen Yi understands this truth.

When he becomes the best spokesperson for everyone’s interests, he is the uncrowned king. zero.

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