Chapter 521 Nan Jiyue: I promise you everything!

It was around one o’clock in the morning when everyone was full and ready to go.

During this period, Nanji Yuejiu woke up once, but perhaps Yu Xin and Wang Zhennan felt too angry, and continued to tease her to drink while they were so dizzy. In a few minutes, they were confused again after being too drunk.

Chen Yi didn’t stop him from seeing this. Anyway, as long as you don’t drink and eat cephalosporin, it’s okay to drink too much. If you drink too much, what you want to do at night?

With this thought in mind, Chen Yi is happy to let Yu Xin and Wang Zhennan’s group of women continue to drink. Anyway, Nanjiyue’s drink volume is very poor, and she will drink too much after a few glasses.

When the group broke up, many people had already drunk and had cheeks, and screamed there.

“Young Master Chen, leave it to the brothers to take care of it. I will definitely give you a pretty…hiccup…If those silly x can’t handle things, I’ll teach them to you.”

Liang Chengwei put his arms around Chen Yi’s neck, burped alcohol, and said excitedly.

“Okay, okay, I see… Brother Liang, slow down your way back.”

Chen Yi drinks a lot. Although he drinks a lot, there is nothing at all. He patted Liang Chengwei on the shoulder and said.

“It’s okay, I called someone to come over and drive me… and I’m not drunk, so I don’t need to slow down!”

Liang Chengwei waved his hand and said one of the favorite words of drunk people-I’m not drunk!

“Check out.”

Chen Yi beckoned to the sales, and the salesman trot over, bowing quickly.

“Don’t, Chen Shao, how can this let you treat…I’m coming…I’m coming…”

Liang Chengwei wanted to pay, and some other second generations nearby had to settle the bill. At this time, regardless of how much they drank, the mentality of saving face burst out, and a group of people clamored to rush to settle the bill.

“Okay, what do you grab for that little money…how much?”

Chen Yi asked the salesperson.

“Young Master Chen, it’s one hundred and three hundred and two hundred thousand, so you don’t need the fraction. You can just give one hundred and three hundred thousand.”

The salesperson quickly said, and at the same time he was envious, Mom x more than 1 million, just called for such a small amount of money, I don’t know how long it will take me to make a million.

However, this wine commission was really a lot, and he was one step closer to earning a million.

The favorite customers of the sales of these nightclubs are those second-generation and celebrities. These people spend money like money. Therefore, when sales face these people, they are all like grandchildren, and they do whatever they want.

It’s normal to spend a million to go to a nightclub like the principal.

“Well, come over and swipe your card. The rest of the unopened wine will be collected. You can take care of it yourself if you open it and finish drinking it.”

If you have money, you have money, but Chen Yi doesn’t want to be a big dog. He can give away tens of thousands of things. You can give it away, but it depends on who it is.


The sales staff went happily. Those who had waited all night before they had a chance to enter the wine bureau, a group of gorgeous girls looked very disappointed.

But there is also a good thing, that is, this group of girls have at least seen what this group of second generations look like. Next time you meet one of these people in a nightclub, you may have a romantic encounter.

“I won’t go back with you. Take Yueyue with you. I don’t want to live with my parents.”

At the entrance of the nightclub, Nanan said to Chen Yi.

He doesn’t drink too much, so he is in good spirits.

“Okay, the uncle will be slower on the road.”

Chen Yi smiled and said goodbye.

Listening to Chen Yi calling his eldest uncle, Nan’an was also happy. He put his arm around Chen Yi’s shoulder and said: “…Brother-in-law, I will also look for a relationship with this matter, and I will definitely do it to your satisfaction.”(Read more @

“A little thing, I don’t really mind.”

Chen Yi shook his head and smiled.

“Haha, I know, all right, don’t disturb the nightlife of you and my sister.”

Nan’an blinked at Chen Yi, and smiled ambiguously: “…Just pay attention, don’t let me go to the hospital to see you both tomorrow.”

“Hurry up!”

Chen Yi pushed Nanan and told him to get out.

Xiao Zhang, the driver, was waiting at the door at this time. As a driver, he naturally had to be on standby for 24 hours.

“Back to OCT.”

“Okay, President Chen!”

Xiao Zhang didn’t say everything, he just drove away.

On the way, Nan Jiyue leaned on Chen Yi’s shoulder and mumbled. Although she can’t drink enough, she sobers up quickly because she drinks less. At least she is still a little conscious at this time.

Chen Yi took care of her while chatting with other girls with her mobile phone in his hand.

“Chen Yi, those things on the Internet have no effect on you, right.”

This was the news from Han Bingbing before, but Chen Yi was drinking with someone and did not notice.

He only then replied: “…oh, sister Bingbing, your information is too late. This happened two days ago.”

Before, Yu Jinyu, Ruan Zhuyi, Chu Qiang and even Li Shiman had come to care about Chen Yi. Two days later, I finally waited for the reporter sister. As for the police officer Chen, he did not send a message to Chen Yi.

Without him, people don’t play Weibo, and they don’t know what happened. This shows that the influence of Weibo is just like that.

Chen Yi thought that the reporter sister was already asleep, but she didn’t expect her to reply in seconds, “…I am so busy at work, how can I pay attention to Weibo.”

“Sister Bingbing hasn’t slept so late?”

Chen Yi was a little surprised.

“I said I’m busy at work, I’m still rushing to write, don’t change the subject, those things on Weibo have no effect on you, right?”

“Relax, it won’t matter!”

Chen Yi replied with his hands.

Han Bingbing seemed to heaved a sigh of relief and said, “…It’s fine if it doesn’t affect it, but it’s also true. As long as it doesn’t appear on CTV, it won’t have a big impact.”

“…I also said that if something happens, I will try to interview you again to give you some positive effects.”

Chen Yi said when he saw this, “…Thank you, Sister Bingbing, you are kind enough. When will Sister Bingbing rise up, come and interview me every day.”

“…Now, it’s better to listen to the leader honestly. Whoever the leader asks you to interview, who are you interviewing, hahaha! [Shiba Inu.jpg]”

When Han Bingbing saw the emoticon package sent by Chen Yi, he didn’t have a good air: “…I treat it as a donkey’s liver and lungs with good intentions. You didn’t even contact me during this period of time when I returned to the capital.”

“Hey, sister Bingbing, aren’t you busy? How dare I delay your work.”

Seeing Chen Yi’s shameless words, Han Bing smiled straightly. Okay, this is what he said just now, and it can be regarded as shooting himself in the foot.

“To tell you something, I’m not quite famous at station b recently. Our leader asked me to directly open an account there and be the upmaster, and also conduct some publicity.”

Han Bingbing told Chen Yi about the matter in a reserved manner.

“Isn’t this very good? It shows that your leaders are advancing with the times and knowing that you are entering the young group. At that time, Bingbing sister, you can cooperate with some famous ups at station b to make some videos. Next year, the top 100 will be you! ”

“…If Sister Bingbing doesn’t know those up masters, I’ll introduce them to you.”

Chen Yi thinks this is a good thing. Now that he is famous, make good use of traffic.

In the past, it was just because she was a reporter from China Television and could not do these private affairs without authorization, but since the leaders above agreed, it would be a fool not to do it.

“Use your introduction, they don’t rush to make a video with me!”

Han Bingbing snorted, “…Okay, I have to catch up with the manuscript. I’m not too poor with you, don’t you sleep at night?”

“So much entertainment, just finished socializing with friends, this is 0.0 and I am going to go back to sleep.”

“Then you rest early.”

“Sister Bingbing, too, don’t tire yourself.”

The two comforted each other good night.

At this moment, Nan Jiyue, who was leaning on Chen Yi’s shoulder, said in a daze: “…Who are you talking to?”

“No chat, check Weibo to see how those people scold me.”

Chen Yi opened his eyes and said nonsense.

“Hey? You are still angry, don’t get angry with those people, it’s not worth it…or, or I will promise you what you ask me to do, don’t be angry, okay.”

Said dazedly, acting like a baby.

Chen Yi’s eyes lit up, approaching Nan Jiyue’s jade-like ear beads, and whispered: “…really promise everything?”

After drinking too much, he didn’t notice Chen Yi’s unkind intentions at all, and nodded stupidly at that.

“Okay, this is what you said. I just bought a beautiful necklace from Cartier before. Let’s try it tonight?”


Nan Jiyue, who was dizzy, responded. .

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