Chapter 522 This is really amazing

Nan Jiyue woke up in a daze.

When she found out that the place she was sleeping was not in the dormitory, and the bed under her was not the soft mattress she was familiar with, she cleared her head and sat up directly on the bed.

The soft velvet quilt slipped from the delicate body, revealing the bamboo-like collarbone and snow-white scented shoulders.

The slightly rising clavicle between the neck and shoulders is exactly the area that shows the woman’s figure and sexiness.

When Nan Jiyue noticed the famous painter’s painting hanging on the wall and smelled the familiar smell of Chen Yi in her nasal cavity, she was relieved.

Because it hasn’t been long since school started, she and Chen Yi lived in this house for a short time, so Nan Jiyue is not particularly familiar with it.

That’s why she didn’t notice that she was at Chen Yi’s house in the muddle when she just woke up.

After letting go of her heart, she just felt a little pain in her head and aching all over her body, which made her secretly warn herself that she would never drink so much in the future.

In fact, Nan Jiyue didn’t drink a lot of wine. The reason why she got confused was only because the large amount of alcohol was too poor and she drank too eagerly.

Of course, the group of sisters’ persuasion was also to blame.

She looked around and saw Chen Yi’s clothes and pants thrown randomly on the chair in the bedroom, but there was no Chen Yi in the room. He should be outside in the living room if he wants to come.

Nan Jiyue and Chen Yi have been together for some time. I know that Chen Yi’s personal life habits are very good. He rarely sleeps in and exercises every day.

To tell the truth, this healthy lifestyle is very attractive to girls, because that kind of persistence year after year is the perseverance that makes a man’s heart bewitching.

A pair of white and tender jade feet stepped on the soft carpet under her feet, Nan Jiyue picked up her pajamas and put them on her body. She bent down to look for slippers, but found that there were no slippers in the house.

I guess she came in yesterday without wearing slippers.

Since there are no slippers, then forget it. She sighed softly and stepped on the carpet to leave the bedroom. She just stood up, she frowned and felt something wrong.

Lifting his wrists, he found a circle of faint marks on his Haobai wrists. Although the color was not dark, it was indeed strangled red, and there was a necklace on his neck.

I walked to the mirror and looked at it. The icon above undoubtedly told her that this is a Cartier necklace.

The workmanship of this necklace is fairly exquisite, but the design is average, and there are no precious jewels and jade. I can guess that the price of this necklace is tens of thousands of dollars from the experience of sending a month to the south.

Although it was strange why Chen Yi bought such a ‘cheap’ necklace, Nan Jiyue didn’t care.

Before walking out of the bedroom, she also saw a metal lady’s bag chain placed on the bedroom table, and she didn’t know where it came from.

Walking through the corridor of the big flat floor, Nan Jiyue soon saw Chen Yi sitting on the sofa in the living room.

He is wearing a white shirt, handsome and clean, looking at the laptop in his hand.

Noting someone coming, Chen Yi raised his head and glanced at the shadow in front of him, just smiled and said, “…woke up?”

“Well, I woke up.”

Nan Jiyue murmured, and then couldn’t help but said, “…Why don’t you work in the bedroom and run to the living room.”

Chen Yi looked at her and said warmly: “…You drank so much yesterday. It’s not that I’m afraid you don’t have a good rest and let you sleep a little longer.”

Nan Jiyue felt sweet when she heard the words. She felt that Chen Yi was really gentle and always thought of herself, but she still walked to Chen Yi’s side, squeezed into his arms, and said crookedly:

“…Next time you wake up early to work, just do it in your bedroom. I can’t see you will be scared when I open my eyes.”(Read more @

She raised her jade hand and stroked Chen Yi’s chin, feeling the faint scum, rubbing her head like a little cat.

Seeing how capricious became a cat acting like a baby, Chen Yi felt very fulfilled. He patted Nan Jiyue on the head and said, “…Okay, I see, next time I will sit next to you and work.”

“…You didn’t eat anything last night. You just drank. I guess your stomach is upset. There is porridge I cooked for you on the table. Go and have a drink.”

Nan Jiyue was startled when she heard the words, her eyes lit up, and she said in surprise: “…You cooked it?”

“I didn’t invite Auntie here. It wasn’t me who cooked it, but who else did it.”

“You can cook.”

Nan Jiyue put her hands on Chen Yi’s shoulders, her chin resting on the back of her hands, her big charming eyes widened.

“Well, it’s not difficult to cook porridge, but don’t think about how delicious it is.”

Before rebirth, Chen Yi also lived by himself for a period of time. Although most of the time he ordered takeout, he occasionally cooked by himself.

“As long as you cook, I love it.”

Nanda said with joy that she didn’t care about the taste of Chen Yi’s cooking. She was delighted by Chen Yi’s meticulous care of her.

Such a warm man is so handsome and outstanding, just ask which woman doesn’t like it.

Well, it would be nice if he was only warm to himself.

Women are most afraid of central air conditioning.

Standing up from Chen Yi’s arms, Nan Jiyue walked to the side table and said, “…Next time I will cook for you.”

“can you cook?”

Chen Yi was really surprised.

“I just learned it with my aunt at home some time ago. I can still cook ordinary home-cooked dishes, but I can also cook average.”

Nan Jiyue’s tone was a little guilty.

Chen Yi thought for a while. Some time ago, wasn’t it when they just confirmed the relationship.

From this point of view, does Nantah learn to cook for themselves?

Of course, it is impossible for Nan Jiyue to learn to cook because of the chai, rice, oil and salt, who may live together in the future. With Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue’s net worth, they can’t reach the point where they need to cook by themselves.

It is estimated that I want to give him a surprise, so I will learn to cook.

But the big-skinned and thin-skinned, I am embarrassed to say these words.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi’s heart is also warm. Although Nan Jiyue seems to be willful, she is actually a gentle girl by nature, and she takes this relationship seriously.

A wealthy family with five fingers that do not touch the sun and spring water, a long and beautiful girl who is not short of people to chase, it is not easy for her to do this step.

Don’t say that it is the white and rich beauty of the rich. Even if it is a long and beautiful girl who is always chased by people, she may not be able to learn how to cook for her boyfriend.

When I saw Nan Jiyue, I was going to have porridge. Chen Yi just smiled and said, “…You haven’t washed it yet, so you just have to eat?”

Nan Jiyue blushed when she heard this, and said embarrassedly: “…I know.”

With that said, she stood up and was ready to go to the bathroom at 790, and then she might be afraid that Chen Yi would feel like her usual life is sloppy, and then explained, “…I am happy to see your cooking, forget Go to wash up.”

After speaking, without waiting for Chen Yi to speak, she just trot to the bathroom.

About twenty minutes later, Chen Yi smelled a scent, Nan Jiyue took a shower and came out of the bathroom with her hair in her arms.

She didn’t wear slippers either, just like that, with her bare feet and loose pajamas, she couldn’t wait to sit at the dining table.

When Chen Yi saw this, he said, “…Is the porridge cold, do you want me to warm it up?”

“It’s okay to eat, no trouble.”

Nan Jiyue said this, she remembered something again, took out the necklace and asked: “…Is this the necklace you gave me? Is it a surprise?”

“Uh… Yeah…”

Chen Yi saw the necklace and immediately felt a little guilty.

Nan Jiyue noticed that Chen Yi’s tone was wrong. She embroidered her eyebrows and asked in confusion: “…what’s wrong with you, is there anything wrong with this necklace?”

“Well, it was the last time I went to Cartier’s shop to buy things, and took this necklace easily, but the salesperson’s words surprised me a lot.”

Chen Yi knew that he couldn’t hide it, and was ready to tell the truth.

“What did the salesperson say?”

Nanda is still asking in cooperation.

“The salesperson told me that this is actually a collar for dogs.”

Those luxury stores also sell pet supplies, but even a collar costs 500,000 yuan, which most people can’t afford.

When Nan Jiyue heard it, her cheeks flushed immediately.

This is really surprising! .

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