Chapter 523 Let the eldest lady become what i want

“Is this a collar for dogs?!”

Nan Jiyue’s voice suddenly increased, and her tone was still embarrassed. Her fair and pretty face was slightly flushed, and she became angry because of her shame.

You even put the collar of the dog as a necklace for me to wear!

Nan Jiyue was directly amused by Chen Yi’s operation, but to be honest, the Cartier collar really looked like a necklace.

If Chen Yi doesn’t say it, Nan Jiyue can’t tell what it is. It can only be said that Cartier has made this pet collar too exquisite.

Then Nan Jiyue thought of the metal chain of the lady’s bag placed on the table in the bedroom, and she immediately guessed what it was for.

I lowered my head again to see the faint red marks on Haobai’s wrist. Well, yesterday Chen Yi played a lot of tricks when he was not aware.

I also blamed her for drinking too much wine yesterday, and she was groggy. To be honest, she has no memory at all. Nan Jiyue has no impression of what Chen Yi did.

Seeing the big expression, Chen Yi immediately spread his hands and said: “…Isn’t this what you promised me in the car yesterday, saying that you are willing to do whatever I do.”

“I, did I say?”

Nan Jiyue’s face blushed, and she thought about Ai Ai for some period of time. She probably, maybe, seemed to have said this in the back seat of that Mercedes-Benz at that time.

Thinking that this was what she had promised, Nan Jiyue suddenly ignored it.

In fact, she doesn’t really care about Chen Yi’s possible xp. As a modern ‘home girl’ who often plays games on the Internet and surfs the Internet, Nanda is innocent, but not pure in thought.

The internet is a big dyeing vat, so Nan Jiyue knows a lot of bells and whistles. Because of her ears and eyes, her acceptance level is relatively high.

Of course, if Chen Yi were to be replaced by another man, she would feel disgusting and even contemptuous.

But if it’s Chen Yi, it’s just Chen Dashao’s xp, and it won’t affect others, so it’s normal!

The double-standard dog Nanda himself found various reasons for Chen Yi.

Feeling moved, and when you love to the depths, you can ignore the other’s shortcomings. Even if you don’t like the other’s hobbies, you will try to accept it.

Love is not tolerant. If you can’t tolerate the shortcomings of a person, how can you have a future.

Of course, I don’t care in my heart, but we must show some care, otherwise Chen Yi will misunderstand that she is a dirty girl, and it will be more than worthwhile.

Nan Jiyue pretended to be angry and sat at the dining table, eating the porridge Chen Yi cooked for her.

Swallowing a mouthful of white porridge, Nan Jiyue’s heart is more of a kind of anxiety and worry, and she began to wonder whether she pretended to be angry like this would make Chen Yi feel that she was too headstrong.

It was Chen Yi who was violating her dignity, but Nan Jiyue started to reflect on her waywardness. It can only be said that whether it is a man or a woman, as long as they are emotional, their IQ will plummet.

Even Nan Jiyue’s wayward person has become a little giving personality.

Chen Yi couldn’t fully see what Nan Jiyue thought in her heart. After all, he didn’t know how to read minds.

But from the face of Nanda, it can be seen that she is not really angry.

He put down the computer, walked to the back of Nan Jiyue, put his arms around the girl’s neck, and put his entire face on, and said softly:(Read more @

“…Don’t be angry, girl, can’t I apologize to you? `.”

Nan Jiyue was not really angry, she pursed her moist lips, and snorted: “…If an apology is useful, then what is the police doing? You have to do something practical.”

Chen Yi smiled when he heard this, “…Will I cook for you two days later?”

“Three days!”

Nan Jiyue raised three fingers, as if you would continue to be angry if you didn’t agree.

“Two and a half days!”

Chen Yi just sits on the ground and pays back the money, which is completely a bargaining habit.

Nanda immediately pushed him happily, hitting him with a small fist, giggling, and said, “…how do you bargain with your girlfriend!”

“Good good, three days to three days, I will listen to you.”

Chen Yi coaxed her and kissed her on the cheek.

Nan Jiyue was so happy all at once, she scooped up a spoonful of rice porridge again and put it into her mouth.

Seeing Nan Jiyue’s eyebrows opened and smiled, Chen Yi immediately revealed his wolf tail, and said in a persuasive way:

“…Girl, you said yesterday that you can do whatever you want, but you didn’t say the time limit.”

When Nan Jiyue heard this, she immediately looked at him warily, “…what are you going to do?”

Chen Yi said with a smile: “…you drank too much yesterday without being aware of it at all. It’s really meaningless.”

“…Since you have agreed to what I want you to do, let’s calculate it according to the one-day time limit. It hasn’t been a day yet.”

Nan Jiyue’s heart was beating, she pretended not to speak, and continued to lower her head to drink porridge, but the reddish neck had already exposed her thoughts.

“Between boy and girl friends, the most feared thing is not to admit what you have promised, girl, don’t you want to break your promise?”

Chen Yi wilted and directly suppressed people with righteousness.

Nan Jiyue was utterly inconsistent by him, she lowered her head and dared not look at him, and said with a whisper: “…Hmph, just do what you want, I’ll take care of you!”

Seeing that she was still stiff, Chen Yi picked up the necklace she had put on the table and slowly put it on Nan Jiyue’s neck.

During the whole process, she did not resist at all.

Oh, little girl, I still can’t cure you!

Chen Yi confided in his heart.

He wanted to turn Nantah a little bit into what he wanted, and some XP games are most suitable for crushing that dignity.

Well, Bai Fumei like Nanda should be the most coveted existence in an English circle.

In a studio in Jiangxi Province, a certain veteran with the online name of ‘Yan Gongzi’ continues his daily life.

Searching for material and breaking news on the Internet, and then using the method of citation or criticism to arouse the approval of others is to induce the opposition of different groups of people, in order to make money.

On the topic of railway capital operation a few days ago, four days later, the current traffic has almost eaten up.

Especially when he found that even if he used the method of cueing to stir up the topic, he would not bring too much traffic, and he knew that someone had already taken action behind it.

Vb is a social platform for making money. Since you can detonate topics to bring traffic, or spend money to buy traffic, naturally someone can spend money to suppress topics and traffic.

Since I can’t bring up the flow, I know that the capital behind the previous incident is already operating.

Master Yan is not stupid, of course knowing that he really can’t fight with the capital behind him.

He knows what it means to stop when you see it, and what it means to take it when you see it, and now is the time to close it when you see it.

Anyway, as he said before, people on vb are all seven seconds of memory. In fact, there is not much traffic on this topic. What he needs to do now is to find new traffic points.

Just when Yan Gongzi and his employees were searching online for news that would provoke public anger, suddenly the door of the studio was opened from the outside, and several people in the security pavilion suddenly walked into it.

Seeing these people in the security pavilion, Master Yan panicked. He quickly stood up and asked, “¨〃…Comrade security, what’s wrong?”

The security officer at the head did not answer him, but walked up to him and asked: “…You are Li Di, and the name used on the Internet is ‘Master Yan’?”

“Master Yan” had a sudden heart, but he didn’t dare not admit it, because it would be useless to admit it. He quickly smiled and said, “…Yes, I am Li Di, are you looking for me?”

The security officer didn’t say much, just said: “…If you have something to tell us beforehand, take them away, take away the computers, and remember to seal up the information in the donkey!”

Without giving Master Yan the time to explain, the security officer waved his hand, and the other security officers who came with him acted quickly.

Where did the employees of the studio dared to resist, and honestly followed these people to the security pavilion. .

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