Chapter 524 Reality

Today’s Weibo is very lively, attracting many people who eat melons.

It all started from the official account of a certain security bureau.

“At 13:33 on March xx, 2018, our bureau received a report from the masses saying that a large V studio in Jiangxi Province made insulting remarks and received money from unknown organizations outside the country.”

“…After receiving the report, our bureau attached great importance to it and dispatched the local security booths to make surprise inspections.”

“According to the inspection and interrogation, the person in charge of a certain large V studio’Yan Gongzi’ (who used the screen name: pineapple jelly bean, a strawberry, etc.) confessed to the crime.”

An official micro report with white characters on a blue background detonated the start of this melon-eating drama.

“This announcement subtitles, after reading this picture, my eyes are already blind.”

“After reading this picture, my eyes are full of blue and white stripes in other places…”

“Fuck, it turns out that Young Master Yan and a strawberry are the same person?? These two people’s remarks are completely different, the difference is too far.”

“Hehe, it means that there is ism in the mouth and business in the heart.”

“On an evolution from fifty cents to well-known.”

“Don’t worry about it. For these people, as long as you give them money, you can make them change anything. They only have money in their eyes.”

“Insult first, is this illegal, right? Hurry up and get a heavy sentence!”

“And also accepting money from an unknown organization? My heart is not dead, so I quickly grabbed it and tried it. This 790 is Han X. It’s best to catch all those who instigate contradictions every day and try it again.”

“Hehe, I said that these big v marketing accounts have problems. This year’s netizens are not good, they are easily rhythmic, and these marketing accounts believe what they say.”

“…In the future, don’t believe me if you encounter any problems, let the bullet fly for a while, maybe it will be reversed soon.”

“Don’t look like everyone is drunk and you are alone upstairs.”


“But the remarks of Master Yan in the past are from two years ago? Is it really good to dig out the words two years ago?”

“This is called the French Open without leakage.”

“Don’t wash the floor for your master.”

“Open her homepage and see, oh, who is the fan of who, no wonder, they are all the same stinky.”


A public security bulletin aroused the joy of many people eating melons on vb.

In fact, many people suffer from these marketing accounts for a long time, but in order to make money, as long as these marketing accounts do not go too far, they will not be banned or punished.(Read more @

These marketing numbers are even maintained in some cases.

Although many people who eat melons in the past are unhappy with these marketing accounts, they have nothing to do, especially some people who claim to be sane and intelligent, and hate these marketing accounts.

Nowadays, a marketing account has finally been caught, and it is still a relatively famous big v. What is even more surprising is that some details reported by the Public Security Bureau allow people to see the true face of the marketing account.

People are a studio that covers everything from upstream to downstream. Many of the big V marketing accounts that everyone knows are actually operated by one studio.

In particular, the opinions of these big v marketing accounts are all different, and there are often disagreements between the two parties, and quarrels cause topic traffic.

In addition to the tens of millions of profits from these studios that have been reported, this completely beats the faces of those who follow the big v.s.

This is simply taking off the last layer of pant cover, so that people can thoroughly see the true colors of these people.

“Vb stinks, stay away from vb to make the world quiet.”

“Hehe, don’t talk about vb. Posting b is not the same as knowing h and bean b.”

“Even station b is not pure. Netizens don’t have enough IQ and academic qualifications. I really understand it.”

“Only by not surfing the Internet can you not be angry.”


If this announcement only brought the beginning of today’s eating melons, then what happened next was to make this matter completely bigger.

Someone suddenly broke the news of some shady other marketing accounts, which caused the marketing accounts to arouse public outrage.

A well-known female x marketing account always promotes not getting married, not having children, the stench of the country, etc. in her articles.

And this marketing account was quickly picked up. Not only was she married, but she also had two children. She didn’t even believe in the things she promoted.

Immediately following the revelation post, there are some comparison pictures.

It was told that the marketing account was an ordinary woman at the beginning, and the situation at home was average.

But since I found out that fighting can make money, I started to play rhythm everywhere, and now I have lived in a three-bedroom and one living room with luxurious decoration.

This is simply a naked slap in the face, telling her followers that it is you idiots who can live a good life.

Especially the last few chats broke the news, which was extremely insulting.

In a private chat with a friend, the marketing account directly scolded his fans and followers, saying that those people were stupid and had problems with their brains, and would follow her whenever he provoked them.

She also said that she hopes these fools can be more, because she feels that her home is not big enough, and she wants to go to the first-tier cities to change a house.

These revelations simply put the fans who used to clamor for her crazy support to the ground and beat them to death, and it made countless Internet eaters mock these fans.

Not very harmful, but very insulting.

And these revelations are justified and well-founded. They are all stone hammers. People who want to refute can’t refute it. Even the friend of the marketing account took the initiative to jump out and say that this matter is true, directly selling friends for glory.

And the other marketing account is also miserable. This marketing account writes in his articles every day to be independent, independent, or dependent on men.

However, she was dug out that she was actually the object of a wealthy man, and the person who broke the news was the gold master. Even the transfer records were posted and she was directly hammered to death.

All of the major marketing accounts were at risk for a while, and the Internet atmosphere was short-lived. Every marketing account began to speak cautiously, for fear of being found out about the dark history.

Not only the black history in the Internet, but also the black history in reality.

At the end of this eating melon, the Global News published another interview news. In the news, a high-level executive said that the capital operation of the railway is not privatized.

Ownership and use rights are still in the hands of the railway department, but investors can obtain shares of high-quality assets through investment, thereby obtaining investment income in the future.

The high-level officials also said that the railway line has submitted an application and that the ipo is currently entering the stock market. According to the agreement, investors who purchase this stock will not be allowed to trade for two years.

This news was self-reposted by Tuantuan, Ziguangdian, and many other state media, and it can be regarded as an understanding of the vigorous railway capital operation topic a few days ago.

The general idea is that your worries are superfluous. The people above are not stupid and have made a lot of preparations. The reason why you recognize the mistakes is all the marketing accounts that provoked.

No one would admit that he was too stupid to see the truth. As soon as this was said, all the people who had jumped with those marketing accounts immediately turned their heads on the marketing accounts again.

They can only use this way to tell others that I am not stupid, I am not stupid to get the rhythm, but these marketing accounts are too bad.

It’s like those who have been deceived will not admit that they have been deceived, and will make up an excuse to say that they are drug addicts.

Everyone wants face.

And the result of this is that those marketing accounts have completely become the target of public criticism, accepting the anger of the masses, and marketing accounts at this time are even more afraid to engage in rhythmic and diversionary behaviors.

It was the fact that the previous marketing accounts were shocked by the news.

You let these people strike hard on the Internet, and all kinds of laning can be done, and you let them really go to the real laning, and all of them are singular. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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