Chapter 527 Ruan Zhuyi stayed tonight

(I went to get a vaccine today. I queued for a long time. When I came back, I was a little tired and just fell asleep. There may be a little update today.)

Chen Yi’s hands are wrapped around Ruan Zhuyi’s white neck, and both hands are overlapped on her soft heart.

Sniffing the fragrance of the girl’s hair, Chen Yi’s chin rested on Ruan Zhuyi’s shoulder.

The tip of the nose rubbed against her earballs and the sensitive skin between her neck, causing Ruan Zhuyi’s delicate body to tremble, clenching her teeth tightly.

Ruan Zhuyi was held in her arms by Chen Yi, she struggled subconsciously, but the strength was very small.

Leaning against Chen Yi’s warm Huong, Ruan Zhuyi only felt like a cat in a cardboard box, squinting his eyes slightly, feeling truly safe.

What women desire most is the sense of security that men can bring to themselves, and only a strong, stable and mature man can have that reassuring feeling.

If a woman is exhausted for her own man, and is afraid that her job, career, etc. will encounter problems, then this means that the man is not strong enough, and he cannot bring a sense of security.

And Chen Yi gave Ruan Zhuyi a 25 sense of security, even stronger than her father.

When Ruan Zhuyi was at home, she would always hear her mother’s worries.

Regardless of whether her father is a rich man, he can earn ten million yuan a year.

But his father’s wealth was earned by himself. Even at this age, he would go out to socialize and drink with people instead of sitting in his office as a capitalist.

Sometimes her father would complain at home, saying that his company is totally eating by looking at others’ faces.

If the upstream gets stuck and does not give him the power of agency, then the entire company will fall apart immediately.

By coincidence, that upstream company happened to be a Southern company.

This may be why Ruan Zhuyi felt inferior to Nan Jiyue when he saw Nan Jiyue and did not dare to argue with her.

Because the Nan family is stuck with her family’s economic lifeline.

The occasional complaints from parents about work at home also worried Ruan Zhuyi and made her feel insecure.

She is not the kind of unfilial child who doesn’t care about her parents at all, as long as she leads a good life.

On the contrary, she is a girl who is very filial to her parents and caring about her family.

If it were in ancient times, she would be a lady who would sacrifice everything for her family.

Ruan Zhuyi is afraid of making his parents suffer because of her own reasons.

“What are you thinking about, Xiao Gongju?”

Chen Yi felt Ruan Zhuyi’s tender body soften, leaning weakly and bonelessly in his arms.

When he kissed her cold and pretty face, he saw that her eyes were a little erratic, and he didn’t know what was thinking.(Read more @

He breathed into Ruan Zhuyi’s ear and asked softly.

Ruan Zhuyi’s ear beads trembled, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she finally recovered.

She didn’t dare to look at Chen Yi. She looked at the painting called “The Milky Way” painted by Master Zhao Wuji, pretending to say: “…I am admiring this painting.”

Of course Chen Yi knew that he was telling lies, but he didn’t break it either. Instead, he hugged the girl’s delicate body like this, also looked at the painting, and said softly:

“… Do you look like a small star in this painting? We walk through the universe just to meet each other.”

Ruan Zhuyi snorted with a wrinkled nose: “…you can say this kind of earthy love story, is it disgusting?”

“I don’t feel sick as long as I tell you.”

Chen Yi said shamelessly, “…Because I have never been a person who can hide my favorite, I can’t hide my eyes, nor my mouth.”

“…I like someone, just want to tell her these sweet love words.”

Chen Yi did not name and surname, but this can be substituted for all women.

But in the current environment, for Ruan Zhuyi, Chen Yi is undoubtedly saying this love story to her.

She gritted her teeth, a little stubborn, and didn’t want to be moved by Chen Yi’s words.

“I bought a small studio in the 798 Cultural District of the Imperial Capital. You can check it out when you have time or during the summer vacation, and arrange it in the way you like.”

“…I will paint a painting that I am satisfied with in the future, and put the painting in the studio, and let people visit it for free every day.”

“For those of you who are engaged in art, it should be the happiest for your work to be appreciated by others.”

“…I don’t have the ability to promise anything, but I hope that Xiao Gongju will always be happy and happy forever.”

Slowly Chen Yi sat on the mat, so that Ruan Zhuyi also leaned in his arms and sat down.

Ruan Zhuyi curled up a pair of slender and beautiful legs in jeans, with tight toes, tacitly acquiescing Chen Yi’s patrolling with both hands.

“I am a freshman now, and opening a studio or something seems a bit overwhelming.”

Ruan Zhuyi’s breathing was a little short, she gritted her teeth and said stubbornly.

“You are a freshman now, but you will be a sophomore next year.”

“…You may be just an unfamiliar student now, but you dare to say that you will not be famous in the future?”

“I believe that you can make a career of your own based on your hobbies, Xiao Gongju.”

Chen Yi’s very affirmative, encouraging words to her gave Ruan Zhuyi a great sense of security.

Although Chen Yi can also use pua’s method to make Ruan Zhuyi feel inferior, and then can’t do without him.

But Chen Yi didn’t like that method. He even felt that it would overshadow the most beautiful shining point of a girl’s character.

Confident girls and talented girls are their most beautiful places. Those women from pua ​​have nothing but a beautiful body.

And this is where Ruan Zhuyi is most fascinated by Chen Yi.

The sense of security Chen Yi brought to her is really too strong. He is young, he is talented, he is capable, his character is stable, and he has a deep background. It seems that he can solve everything with ease.

Except that Ruan Zhuyi lacked a sense of security because of his handsome appearance, everything else made Ruan Zhuyi’s heart beat.

Chen Yi held her ankle and sole of foot 790, tightening her instep wearing white socks, making the atmosphere a little ambiguous.

At this moment, the bedroom door was suddenly pushed open, and the bitch stood at the door and shouted inside, “…Daddy of the golden master, Xiao Gongju, come over for dinner.”

Ruan Zhuyi, who was sinking into the atmosphere, was suddenly surprised at this time. He quickly jumped out of Chen Yi’s arms, put on his slippers and walked quickly to the restaurant.

No one noticed the blush on Ruan Zhuyi’s white face. She doubted that if Yu Jinyu hadn’t come just now, she would be afraid of what would happen to Chen Yi before the meal.

But there is one thing that Ruan Zhuyi didn’t realize by herself. She actually had no resistance to Chen Yi and Yu Jinyu together.

Chen Yi also stood up and put on slippers. Seeing Yu Jinyu standing at the door of the bedroom, smiling sweetly, listening to the sound of Ruan Zhuyi’s ‘Da Da Da’ slippers stepping on the floor, he raised his brows:

“…What’s wrong with the good thing that disturbs the father of the gold master!”

The bitch winked, and smiled softly: “…Then it depends on what the gold master’s father wants.”

After speaking, she blinked at Chen Yi.

Chen Yi gave a big smile.

In fact, when Ruan Zhuyi agreed to come to her home with Yu Jinyu, Chen Yi knew that she had actually acquiesced.

It’s just that Ruan Zhuyi’s last heart hurdle is a bit difficult to pass. Chen Yi is helping her to cross that hurdle.

This is the same as a girl who promises to travel to other places or foreign countries with you. The other party is already prepared. As for whether you can succeed, it depends on whether you are bold enough and whether you have a routine. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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