Chapter 528 Jinwu Cangjiao is imminent

The spring sun shines through the slightly thin curtains, bringing some light to the dim bedroom.

Yu Jinyu and Begonia fall asleep in spring, and sleep soundly.

She has a face as pure as a school flower next door, which makes people feel pity.

But only after contacting Yu Jinyu will I know that her pure appearance is all fake, and the real she is charming and charming.

Ruan Zhuyi was shrinking her body, her back slightly bent.

She has a beautiful back and a slender back, a slightly jagged but not thin spine, a very exaggerated curvature of the waist, and a sexy body.

Unlike Yu Jinyu, Ruan Zhuyi has a glamorous face, which makes people only dare to look far away and think that she is arrogant.

But in fact, Ruan Zhuyi is not cold at all. Although he has a little arrogance, he is more of a kind of arrogance.

Her heart is also very delicate and soft. If Yu Jinyu looks pitiful on the outside, then Ruan Zhuyi is the girl who will pity her sentimental feelings after getting to know her.

If it weren’t for going to the airport to catch a plane today, Chen Yi would rather just spend the day lazily.

After struggling for a while, Chen Yi sighed, got up and shouted: “…get up!”

In an instant, there was a flutter in the whole bedroom. Ruan Zhuyi opened his eyes and ran to the bathroom as if shyly. He could hear the bitch’s giggles and the teasing of Xiao Gongju in his ears.

Chen Yi chuckled secretly and told them to tidy up. After a while, they were going to have lunch outside.

Boys wash up very quickly. Although Chen Yi said he was going to Monaco, he didn’t bring anything other than essential items such as passports.

Monaco has a small population and a small land area, but it attracts many rich people to go there. It can be described as an extremely developed country.

You can buy everything there. Of course, Chen Yi would not let himself go out with a suitcase.

Standing on the balcony is blowing the breeze of spring, and the warm sunshine is very comfortable on the body. Looking ahead is the Huangpu River, and the city is the core economic district, standing here for a panoramic view.

Chen Yi asked for 200 million yuan for such a large flat. In his opinion, the most valuable place for these two billion yuan is to stand on the large balcony outside the floor-to-ceiling windows and overlook the entire city of Shanghai.

Before long, both Yu Jinyu and Ruan Zhuyi finished washing.

Ruan Zhuyi is still in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, with long hair and a shawl, and is very refreshing.

And Yu Jinyu is wearing a long skirt with high-heeled sandals on her feet. The lace and lotus leaves of the top make her petite look like a little bit of young teeth, and her big transparent eyes make her look pure.

Chen Yi’s eyes lit up and he smiled and greeted the two girls to go to lunch together.

Walking in the aisle and elevator, Yu Jinyu hugged Chen Yi’s arm with great courage, and scorned and acted like a baby there.

But Ruan Zhuyi was thin-skinned, she didn’t dare to hold Chen Yi’s other hand, two women each held one, which made people see it without thinking about it.

But at the beginning Ruan Zhuyi was still half a meter away from Chen Yi, but she watched Chen Yi and Yu Jinyu interacting with joy, not knowing whether it was out of jealousy or something else, and in the end she almost stuck to Chen Yi.(Read more @

The driver Xiao Zhang had been waiting in the underground parking lot for a long time. After seeing Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu, he only took a look and then took his gaze back.

“Xiaogongju, what are your strengths there, you weren’t like this yesterday.”

The three of them came to an appointment restaurant box to enjoy the food. During the meal, the bitch watched Xiao Gongju and kept silent, just teasing her.

“Eat your meal, no one will treat you as dumb if you don’t speak!”

Ruan Zhuyi glared at Yu Jinyu, and then she quickly glanced at Chen Yi, with a guilty conscience withdrawing her gaze.

Yesterday she didn’t know why she stayed in a muddle-headed manner, and she fulfilled Chen Yi’s wish and was fiddled with by him.

This time I drank a bit more than that time, and my head was not sober. This time Ruan Zhuyi was sober all the time, seeing everything in his eyes.

She thought she would be ashamed of herself, but who would have thought that she would actively participate in such a situation.

That’s why the bitch made fun of her just now.

Seeing Ruan Zhuyi’s guilty conscience, Chen Yi knew what she was thinking.

He grinned inwardly. The so-called one rebirth and two ripening will become a habit at the third time. From now on, he will think ‘my teacher must be there’ and I don’t have to try to coax Ruan Zhuyi.

As long as she just coaxed a few words, it is estimated that she will be half pushing.

People are most afraid of habit, which can even change people’s three views.

“Papa, please go to Monaco to pay attention to your safety. By the way, don’t steal fishy there. When the time comes, I and Xiao Gongju will check you together to see if you are looking for those blond European girls.”

Yu Jinyu’s character is very relaxed, and said with a smile there.

Ruan Zhuyi blushed and sipped her, and quickly looked around, for fear that Yu Jinyu’s words would be heard by others.

Fortunately, this is a box, no outsiders are here.

“I’m going to do business, I don’t have the time to find a woman, your little witch is full of colors…”

Chen Yi gave the bitch a white look, and grasped her tickling flesh amidst the other’s begging laughter.

“In the afternoon, if you are all right, just go shopping in the mall, just buy anything, and I will reimburse you when I come back.”

As soon as Chen Yi’s voice fell, Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu both brightened their eyes, but Ruan Zhuyi was a little embarrassed soon.

Most girls will be moved when they hear about shopping in the mall.

“¨〃 Isn’t this… bad?”

Ruan Zhuyi still couldn’t get out of that hurdle, and felt that it was not good to spend Chen Yi’s money.

Chen Yi said warmly when he saw this: “…Because I like you, I will spend money on you.”

“…My work is a bit busy and I can’t stay with you all the time. The only thing I can do is to hope that I can give you something more. This makes me feel at ease. Xiao Gong advises you to relax your mind.”

Chen Yi knows the characters of Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu very well, knowing that they are not the kind of girls who don’t know what is good or bad. If you don’t reimburse them, they will really spend millions.

Although Chen Yi is not short of those millions now, such a woman will only make him feel annoying.

For wealthy people like Chen Yi, I can buy you millions of jewels as gifts, and even buy you a car and a house.

But the prerequisite for everything is that I take the lead, I send you to you, but you can’t take the initiative to ask for it.

The initiative must be in oneself, this is the strength of men.

Seeing Chen Yi said this, and Yu Jinyu was accustomed to it again, Ruan Zhuyi nodded gently.

In terms of family conditions like her, sometimes she will be fascinated by such a life of drunkenness and gold.

Chen Yi will give her extravagant clothes, bags and the most expensive jewellery every three to five, and those things, even Ruan Zhuyi, will be thrilled.

This is not money worship, it is human nature.

If you want to be a goddess, you want to be surrounded by many outstanding women, giving time, feelings and energy is the second thing, and the most important thing is to be willing to spend money.

Chen Yi has always been very willing on this point.

After eating at noon, Yu Jinyu drove her Porsche 718 with Ruan Zhuyi to the shopping mall, while Chen Yi got in the company car and went to the airport.

On the way to the airport, he called the cleaning company:

“…Yes, it’s the same house. Clean it up for me, especially the bedroom. Make sure you don’t leave any smell to play.”

Chen Yi has always been cautious in doing things. He doesn’t want to let Nanda live there and find that the smell is not right in the bedroom.

It seems that buying another house in Shanghai is imminent! .

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