Chapter 531 Had I been discovered as a thief Cao?

Chen Yi’s French is very good. It’s even as good as a native of France. Even Shan Zeng Puncuo looked at Chen Yi in surprise and looked at him up and down, a little bit unbelievable.

You just need to speak English well. There are too many people learning English now.

However, there are much fewer people learning French, especially at Chen Yi’s age. It is rare to master a foreign language to this level.

“Xiao Chen, have you lived in France before?”

Shan Zengpingcuo couldn’t help but asked.

Chen Yi smiled and shook his head and said, “…No, I taught myself all the time, except for French, I can speak English, Japanese, Russian, and Italian.”

Before the rebirth, Chen Yi was a language idiot. He couldn’t learn a foreign language. After he was reborn, he had a system and learning foreign languages ​​was much easier, so he would spend a certain amount of time learning every day.

By now, he has mastered six or seven foreign languages, and because of his systematic ability level, his foreign language does not have any strange accents, which makes people think that he has lived in the local area for many years.

Hearing Chen Yi’s words, Shan Zengping was speechless.

Good guy, this vain apprentice is really a genius. Not only is he talented in horsemanship, but also in language, and he is also quite accomplished in the business field.

How to put it, this is the real Versailles literature!

Shan Zeng Puncuo’s surprise did not surprise Chen Yi. What he was surprised was that the Princess of Monaco in front of him was not surprised at all.

It wasn’t until he said that he was self-study that the princess gave him a slightly surprised look.

This is somewhat unreasonable. If a foreigner talks about authentic Beijing movies in front of Chen Yi, he will definitely look at him in surprise.

And the princess seemed to know that Chen Yi’s French was very good, and he had already prepared for it.

This made Chen Yi think carefully, did he know the Princess of Monaco before? I don’t seem to know each other.

“Welcome to Monaco, Ryan!”

The princess of Monaco stretched out her hand. Her five fingers are slender and her nails are neatly trimmed, which is different from the fashion-loving girls who do nails. Her nails are very clean.

Chen Yi can guess at a glance, it should be that this princess often rides horses and needs to pull the reins, so she didn’t leave her nails.

Chen Yi took the opponent’s hand and touched it, very gentleman.

Although Monegasques and French are almost the same, they are very romantic and passionate, rather than English gentlemen.

But Chen Yi and the princess are just strangers and they are not familiar with each other. It is impossible to hug, kiss and other etiquette when they meet.

“Thank you, Ms. Casiraki!”

Chen Yi is tall and straight, with a slightly reserved smile.

The princess of Monaco looked a little cold and noble, which was not the glamorous impression that Ruan Zhuyi gave people because of her appearance.

It is the temperament determined by the princess’s own temperament, aura, education and identity.

There is no French passion and romance at all. Of course, it is possible that the romance is well hidden by her and will only be shown in front of acquaintances.(Read more @

The royal families of European countries still pay great attention to the quality education of their children, and European culture can be considered to have a long history, unlike the United States, which likes to be independent.

The members of the royal family here are all public figures, paying great attention to their usual behaviors and habits, and of course there are also rebellious ones.

“Just call me Grace, Ryan…Where do you live? I’ll take you to the hotel.”

“Ms. Grace, I’m staying at the Marriott Hotel. I asked the hotel to pick me up. Since I’m honored to be in the same car with Ms. Grace, I’ll let them go back.”

Chen Yi smiled and said without being polite, calling her Grace directly. .

There is no Ritz-Carlton, where Chen Yi often lives, but Ritz-Carlton is also a brand of Marriott, where he is still the most distinguished cobalt member.

“I always thought that Orientals are very subtle, but I have not seen this subtlety in Ryan you at all. Has anyone told you that you have a French passion?”

Grace’s bright eyes revealed elegance, and she glanced at Chen Yi.

It can be seen that although the princess of Monaco is a bit noble and cold, she is not indifferent. On the contrary, she is very talkative, but in that talkative she seems to be at a distance from you, making you unable to approach.

“Someone really said this to me, but I’m actually very reserved, but sometimes I’m too reserved and miss a lot of things, right?”

Chen Yi blinked at Grace and smiled.

Even in the face of the Princess of Monaco, Chen Yi’s imposing manner did not succumb to the wind, and even faintly his style and temperament suppressed this true golden branch and green leaf.

No way, only you are a princess, born with a golden key.

At any rate, we are also a child of the nobles of country c, and the owner of the system!

Princess Grace smiled and said: “…You are right, Ryan, sometimes you will miss a lot of things if you are too reserved.”

“… But there is a French proverb that patience and persistence are better than fierceness and fanaticism. Compared with the enthusiasm of the past, persistence is more admirable, are you right?”

It can be seen that the princess has a bit of a strong personality and has always wanted to take the initiative in discourse.

But Chen Yi always feels that she is engaged in hs. Don’t worry, my princess, my long-lasting has always been very good. I have won praises from many girls!

Chen Yi slandered, and at the same time walked to the parking lot with the Princess of Monaco and her bodyguard…

Shan Zengcuo actually wants to leave on his own, leaving the topic space for two young people, it is easier for young people to get acquainted with each other.

It was just a sentence from Grace that made him helpless to keep up:

“Teacher, what are you doing here? I’ll take you back, too.”

When heading to the parking place, Chen Yi called the Marriott Hotel and asked the driver who came to pick him up to go back by himself.

Monaco is so big, it won’t take a few minutes to get there anyway.

Not long after, the two walked to the parking lot.

It was a heavy Rolls-Royce, which looked like a courtesy car. It can be seen that Grace also took care to welcome Chen Yi.

Under the gaze of the two bodyguards, Chen Yi followed Grace into the car. The two of them had just sat down when they heard the princess of Monaco smile and said:

“…Just as Marion said, you are a unique and reluctant oriental boy.”

Hearing her words, Chen Yi was shocked, because of course she knew Marion Chen Yi, and it was the romantic French lady she met at the Chanel exhibition last year.

At that time, Chen Yi also became a Cao Thief.

“You mean Marion Wakot?”

Chen Yi was afraid that he had heard the wrong person, so he asked tentatively.

“Of course, I’m talking about her.”

The corners of Grace’s mouth curled up slightly, with an elegant smile, as if she was quite happy that she finally took the initiative in the chat with Chen Yi.

“Grace, do you know her?”

“There are very few people in France who don’t know Marion. As for Monaco, it is not very good to say from my mouth, but you can also treat it as a province of Lanci.”

Listening to the cold words of 0.0 Grace, Chen Yi was stunned.

He is a little preconceived, because Hollywood stars are famous all over the world, so Chen Yi thinks that Marion is just as famous.

But in fact, European movies and Hollywood movies are two different styles and markets. Only in France, Marion is really a household name.

At this time, just listen to Grace continue to say: “…I have a very good relationship with Marion, we can talk about everything, and we are now colleagues.”

“…At the beginning of this year, I accepted Chanel’s invitation and became their brand ambassador.”

An understatement made Chen Yi breathe.

What is talking about nothing? Did she tell you everything about her relationship with me?

Um, even though Marion has had problems with the relationship between husband and wife, she is indeed married. Did the princess know about me as a thief? .

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