Chapter 532 Find the princess as a tour guide

Chen Yi is really embarrassed now.

After all, having an affair with a married woman is ultimately stained in people’s morals.

Even if Chen Yi doesn’t care about this, humans are social animals and need to be accepted by society. If you make a mistake, you will naturally be at a disadvantage in the confrontation between the two sides.

At this time, Chen Yi was finally Ming Wu, why Grace was not surprised at the fluent French she spoke before.

If he is really familiar with Marion and he has heard of himself from Marion, then she will naturally know some basic information about herself.

Normally, this kind of unequal information between the two parties suffers from communication.

But the only good news is that the princess of Monaco is a public figure, she has very little privacy, and a lot of news about her can be found on the Internet.

The space inside the Rolls-Royce is spacious, and Shan Zeng Puncuo, who sits opposite Chen Yi and Grace, also pricked his ears at this time.

After seeing the embarrassment on Chen Yi’s face, he was also curious about Marion in the two populations. Everyone has the heart of gossip.

Noting Chen Yi’s expression, Grace smiled elegantly. The princess of Monaco gathered a pair of tight skin, slender and beautiful legs without any fat, and her arches were stretched, showing her deep inner joy now.

“Don’t worry about this, Ryan… I am convinced at this time that you are really an Oriental, so shy.”

“…For those of us in the French cultural circle, if the relationship is gone, then this marriage is already dispensable.”

“Marriage without feelings is just a proof of legal recognition, which is an extreme pain for the French.”

“…After all, once love is gone, it is impossible to come back.”

Chen Yi turned his head and looked at the princess of Monaco with profound features and a cold and noble temperament beside him.

In just a few words, he could see Grace’s character.

It’s strong, but it’s not the kind of annoying, to command others’ strength.

It is a kind of strength that always likes to take the initiative and dominate the topic.

Because Chen Yi had been taking the topic away before, she might be a little unaccustomed to it, so she suddenly mentioned Mary En to get her initiative back.

“Once love is gone, it is impossible to come back. Is this also a French proverb?”

Chen Yi started to talk in French because he discovered that Shan Zeng Puncuo, an old man, was eavesdropping.

Sure enough, as soon as he spoke French, Shan ZengPinchao couldn’t understand it, and his face was depressed.

“Yes, this is also a French proverb.”(Read more @

Grace nodded gracefully, with a warm smile in her eyes, and said, “…So Ryan, you don’t have to care too much about this, even if Marion’s husband knows, he won’t care.”

“…The two of them now only have the status of husband and wife, but they are living their own lives, and no one will disturb.”

“If it hadn’t been for the child, the two might have divorced a long time ago.”

“…Ryan, you may not know that Marion was actually pregnant before she got married.”

“But she is a member of the entertainment industry. For the entertainment industry in Europe and America, this kind of thing is very common.”

Chen Yi shrugged and said with a smile: “…Star chasers in Europe and the United States are really open to this aspect.”

“I do not regret the relationship with Mary, nor do I have any shame. Since I have done these things, I have to admit it generously.”

“…It’s just that the culture of the Orientals is different from that of France after all. As a man, I can’t allow my wife and other people to happen, even if the relationship between the two parties is in name only.”

To put it simply, Chen Yi is a double-standard dog.

He can be a Cao thief and have something interesting with his wife, but he will never allow a woman to cuckold himself, even if he does not have the marriage certificate.

Grace pursed her lips and said with a smile: “…You are very honest, Ryan! But please don’t treat us French women as slutty.”

“…The premise that I don’t care about is that the feelings are gone, the two sides have no contact, you must know that cheating in France will also be shameless and cursed.”

“So, the most important thing is to maintain the relationship between the two sides and keep loving, right?”

Chen Yi nodded slightly and said, “…you are right, Grace.”

During the conversation between the two, it didn’t take long for the Rolls Royce to arrive at the Marriott Hotel.

Although Monaco is small in size, its territory is long and narrow. There are several luxury hotels near the sea.

Since it is a paradise for the rich and a holiday destination for many, it has excellent natural service facilities.

After arriving at the Marriott Hotel, Chen Yi did not get off the car, but said to Grace:

“…Beautiful Grace, I wonder if you are free, can you take me, the first time visitor to Monaco from afar, to visit this rich country?”

“Of course, we can also talk about buying the horses you own.”

Chen Yi Bing politely invited.

In case the princess refused, he also directly moved out of the horse-related matters. This kind of business is a good excuse.

Grace smiled happily when she heard the words, and said: “…Of course there is no problem. Please let me be a tour guide and show you around Monaco.”

“…It’s not big, but it’s very beautiful. It will definitely make you feel at home. When I was a kid, I actually wanted to be a tour guide, taking tourists from all over the world to visit my country.”

“But that’s not today. I came to Monaco from country c and had to transit in France. Such a long flight has already made you very tired.” 793

“…I still ask you to take a good rest today, and I will come back to you tomorrow.”

The princess is quite elegant and generous, speaks decently, and has a care for Chen Yi, a visitor from afar.

Although Chen Yi is not tired at all, but the other party’s kindness is not easy to refuse, smiled and nodded in response, and exchanged contact information with Grace.

A princess can be a tour guide to tour the country, even if the deal is not reached this time, Chen Yi feels that it is worth the fare.

Before getting off the bus, he said to Shan ZengPuncuo who was sitting opposite, “…Where do you live, teacher?”

“Just live in a hotel not far from here.”

Shan Zengping responded.

“It’s not big here, no matter which hotel it is, it’s not far away.”

Chen Yi vomited, and then said: “…Teacher, don’t go back. Let’s live here today. I will directly ask them to open a room for you here.”

“…You returned the hotel over there and asked them to bring the luggage over.”

Although Monaco has several good hotels, this Marriott can be said to be the best hotel in the country.

Shan Zeng Puncuo didn’t think much about it, and said directly: “…Okay, then I’ll just rub you off and live in a good place.”

“See you tomorrow, Grace!”

Before getting off the car, Chen Yi said to Grace.

The princess of Monaco also waved to him gracefully. .

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