Chapter 533 Traveling for the rich

Chen Yi did not live in the presidential suite. It was not that he didn’t want to, but that too many rich people came to Monaco to play. The presidential suite of this hotel was booked a long time ago.

However, it is precisely because there are too many rich people here, and the hotel has a lot of superior rooms, Chen Yi just booked a sub-level executive suite.

As for his cheap teacher, Chen Yi did not treat him badly, and booked him the same suite.

“This suite is not cheap for one night, right?”

Shan Zeng Puncuo followed Chen Yi into his room, tusk.

Even the administrative package is more than 200 square meters, which is a luxury for the average family.

“I didn’t pay attention to the amount of money. It should be more than half cheaper than the presidential package. It costs 30,000 or 40,000 per night.”

Chen Yi said casually.

To him now, thirty or forty thousand a night is really not considered money. He no longer needs to spend ten million carefully to calculate his own room bill when he just had a system.

“Thirty to four thousand a night, it’s really exaggerated, I can also be regarded as borrowing your light to enjoy a blessing.”

Shan Zengping sighed.

Although he is the vice president of equestrianism and the national equestrian coach, he is not a rich man.

After all, domestic equestrianism is relatively backward. He is the most typical Qingshui Yamen. The salary paid by the country in one year plus some of his own other income is hundreds of thousands to millions.

For the working class, this income is already very high, but if Shan Zengpuncuo is asked to stay in a hotel that costs 30,000 or 40,000 a night, he will not live by himself.

Monaco’s consumption level is already high. Before Shan Zeng Puncog said that he was going to spend it bankrupt, it was not a pure joke.

“Xiao Chen, I won’t delay your rest. I’ll just say anything if I have something.”

“… Didn’t you make an appointment with Grace to play in Monaco tomorrow, old man, I won’t go with you young people, just stay in the hotel.”

Shan Zeng Puncuo sat on the chair beside the sofa and said to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi rolled his eyes when he heard this and said, “…Teacher, it is not easy for me to find a princess on a date. Do you really want to be a light bulb?”

“…Even if you want to follow us, I have to ask the hotel attendant to lock you in the room ` `. ”

Shan Zeng Puncuo laughed, he was a cheerful old man.

Chen Yi is also easy-going and down-to-earth. Although the two are more than 20 years old, they are not separated from each other.

“Then Xiao Chen, you have to be more diligent. If you can catch people, then you don’t have to fight for the rest of your life. The girls in France are enthusiastic!”

Shan Zeng Pingcuo tweeted, “…At that time, Xiao Chen, you have a girlfriend in China and one abroad. This is called a happy life.”

“You really don’t teach me well, and how do you know that French girls are passionate?”(Read more @

Chen Yi said with a smile. I didn’t notice it before, but it turned out that my teacher was quite funny.

“That’s all when I was young. When I was young, I was handsome, good at equestrianism, and won the championship of the tour. At that time, there was France at one of the stations, and I was warmly welcomed by the French girls.”

Shan Zeng Puncuo recalled that year with emotion again and again.

“Don’t mention that you were brave back then. I remember these words. When I go back, I will tell my mother and sister that you remember the lush days in Monaco and want to regain your youth.”

Chen Yi teased.

Shan Zeng Puncuo’s old face blushed, he coughed pretendingly, and immediately asked: “…what’s the matter with Marion?”

Chen Yi didn’t speak anymore.

The old and the young stared with big eyes, and after a long while, they all laughed.

“Tomorrow, when you play with Grace, take a closer look and see if you can buy it from her horse. If it doesn’t work, you can use a beautiful boy.”

Shan Zeng Puncuo joked.

Chen Yi casually took out a bottle of champagne from the wine cabinet, poured a glass for himself and Shan Zeng Puncuo, and replied: “…buying a horse is so troublesome, it’s not that you don’t give money.”

Shan Zengpingcuo took the wine glass and shook his head:

“A good horse is hard to find. Look at the ancient BMWs dedicated to the emperor, they are all famous horses in a million.”

“…Unless it is the kind of family business that specializes in cultivating horses, if they bred an excellent horse, someone will rush to ask for it.”

“In the case of similar prices, they will only sell to those acquaintances and acquaintances. This is also the default unspoken rule of this industry chain.”

“…Different breeding families buy and sell fine varieties to each other, and then breed them, so as to ensure the diversity of the gene pool, in order to breed better horses.”

“And the rest are usually rich people like Grace. Some of them really love horses, and some of them feel that they are rare goods. They will not sell the horses when they are idle, but keep them in their hands.”

“…They don’t lack the money, and there is a good horse in the upper class of Europe, which is also talked about by people, just as it was a hundred years ago.”

“That’s why equestrianism is a noble game.”

Shan Zeng Puncuo was a little sigh, he is also a horse lover, but unfortunately he is not a nobleman, he has a skill, but he has nowhere to use it.

“But Xiao Chen, don’t worry too much about it. If you really can’t buy it, I have another home and I can find it for you. Although it’s not as good as Grace’s horse, it’s not bad.”

Shan Zeng Puncuo quickly comforted.

Chen Yi laughed and said: “…I have nothing to care about, this time I came to Monaco with a princess to accompany him to play, even if it is just for tourism, that is what I earned.”

“…Besides, business is not righteous, and it would be nice to be friends with Grace.”

Shan Zeng Puncuo laughed, drank the champagne in the glass, stood up and said, “¨〃…Then I will go back to the room first. You may be tired after flying for so long. Let’s rest first.”

Chen Yi said at this time: “…By the way, teacher, I’m going to send the things here, right?”

This kind of transnational mailing is generally very slow, but Chen Yi directly uses the top German service. Although the cost is high, the speed is absolutely fast.

“What you sent before has already arrived. At the hotel I stayed at before, I will send it to the hotel over there in a while.”

Shan Zeng Puncuo was very impressed with what Chen Yi sent. He curiously said: “…what did you send?”

Chen Yi shook his hand and smiled: “…secret!”

“You’re still hiding it.”

Shan Zeng Puncuo laughed and cursed, but he didn’t get to the bottom of it.

“By the way, teacher! These executive suites all have free catering services in the morning, lunch and evening, and each meal costs hundreds of dollars. Don’t waste it or go out to eat by yourself.”

Chen Yi reminded at this moment.

In fact, there is no lunch and dinner, only breakfast, but Chen Yi informed the hotel in advance, so that Shan Zeng Pingcuo stayed here for a few days, the hotel will take care of the meals. The cost is deducted from him.

Let Shan Zeng Puncuo waited three days for himself in Monaco, Chen Yi actually survived, and spends a lot of money here every day.

But Chen Yi doesn’t think it’s good to give money directly, so he takes care of food and housing, and it’s the best service.

In this way, the next few days in Monaco alone will cost Puntsok almost no expenses.

Of course, Shan Zeng Puncuo knew what Chen Yi meant. He smiled and felt that Chen Yi was very warm-hearted and thoughtful.

Such a careful, handsome and rich man is probably very good at making girls like to play.

He greeted Chen Yi, thanked him, and left Chen Yi’s room and returned to his own room.

Chen Yi is not tired. He didn’t go to rest. He directly picked up the phone and called the only Hermès store in Monaco, asking them to bring the necessary daily necessities.

This time Chen Yi didn’t bring anything with him. Naturally, those daily necessities need to be bought now. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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