Chapter 535 The thought of giving a gift to a woman

Monaco is long and narrow, with the Mediterranean coastline.

Almost all hotels in this country are by the sea.

To the southeast of the Marriott Hotel is the private Mediterranean beach belonging to the hotel, which can only be visited by guests staying in this hotel.

The sea breeze blows in the early morning, and there are no tourists on the beach. Sitting by the window, you can overlook the style of the Mediterranean.

Chen Yi sat across from Grace.

The princess of Monaco beckoned, and the waiter immediately stepped forward and filled their tables with a luxurious breakfast.

Breakfast is pure French style, with various grilled vegetables, vegetable soup, vegetable puree, fruit shortbread, poached egg, salmon and so on.

Of course, butter and bread are indispensable, and a few delicate strawberries embellishment, making this breakfast just look like a visual feast.

“I hope this breakfast will satisfy you, Ms. Casiraki, our hotel will serve you wholeheartedly!”

After the waiters put the rich breakfast on the table, they bowed slightly and said warmly.

When the waiter left, Chen Yi smiled and said, “…you are very famous, Grace!”

The elegant Princess of Monaco smiled, and a waitress put a napkin on her. She said in a rather cold and lazy tone: “… Monaco is not very big.”

“… The entire permanent population of Monaco is only more than 30,000, and there are only more than 8,000 and less than 10,000 people holding Monaco citizenship. The public figures here are truly well known by the whole people.”

“I am very fortunate to be born in the royal family of Monaco. I have been able to become a favorite royal figure since I was a child. Of course, I have been working hard for this.”

Grace seemed a little humble and reserved, but it was not the implicitness of the Orientals, but a kind of aristocratic introspection, not allowing herself to be too arrogant.

“Even if Grace you were not born in the royal family, you must be a remarkable and outstanding lady.”

Chen Yi said flatly.

Anyway, say something nice and don’t need money.

Grace shook her head and smiled, and said, “…I don’t deny this. I believe my efforts and talents will succeed.”

“… But if I were not born in the royal family, this success may come later. I know very well that the resources I get from education and other resources since I was young are far more generous than ordinary people.”

This is a woman who can see herself very clearly, knowing how everything about her comes from, not the descendants of nobles who don’t eat meat and don’t understand the suffering of ordinary people.

She doesn’t want to enjoy everything about herself with peace of mind, but she won’t stupidly refuse these. It can be said that she is a very clear and smart person.

In this regard, Chen Yi feels that she is very similar to herself.

“I’m sorry I have already ordered breakfast. If Ryan, you don’t like to eat, or if you have anything else you want to eat, let the waiter bring another one.”

Grace made a please gesture and picked up the tableware.

In just one sentence, you can see that Grace is a very assertive woman who likes to make her own decisions.

Chen Yi is not that kind of pure male chauvinism, and he doesn’t think that men are necessarily superior to women.(Read more @

In addition, Grace is indeed a few years older than him. This kind of imperial sister-like strength Chen Yi does not hate.

On the contrary, this kind of sister-style care can make men more comfortable.

Well, it’s probably like being taken care of.

“As long as French cuisine is not cheese, I have nothing to avoid.”

Chen Yi frowned when he thought of the task the system gave him when he first acquired the system.

French people’s favorite cheese, Chen Yi, is totally uncomfortable. In his opinion, it is simply stinky socks. Why do French people like to eat stinky socks!

Seeing the tangled expression on Chen Yi’s face, Grace also covered her mouth and smiled:

“It seems that Ryan, you have eaten authentic cheese. Indeed, many people can’t stand French cheese, just like many people can’t accept canned herring.”

Chen Yi also picked up the tableware, with an elegant posture and aristocratic temperament, and the princess of Monaco with excellent education in front of him was enjoying breakfast.

From a distance, the eating posture of the two of them is refreshing, like a beautiful landscape painting.

It didn’t take long for the two of them to be wind-rolled clouds, and they wiped out the breakfast at a very fast speed according to their own appetite.

Chen Yi ordered a cup of coffee, and Grace ordered a cup of fruit tea to relieve the greasiness after the meal.

The princess of Monaco sipped the fruit tea in the cup and looked at Chen Yi who was sitting opposite her without a trace, looking sideways at the Mediterranean coast, her eyes filled with splendor.

European aristocrats always need to attend various banquets, and those banquets are very wasteful of energy.

But you can’t feast at the banquet, so every nobleman must learn how to be elegant and finish the meal extremely quickly.

Only when you are full, you will have strength when you go to the banquet.

And this kind of noble etiquette, even in Europe, there are not many people who will follow and learn.

Only some ancient families and royal families of various countries would teach their children these things from an early age.

After all, the current royal family is more like a mascot. Everyone is a public figure, representing the image of the entire royal family and the country, so the requirements for etiquette are very strict.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

If any royal family had a rebellious child, it would be laughed at by others.

But Grace didn’t expect that a man from an ancient country in the East would actually do these aristocratic etiquettes in Europe to a very standard.

The standard of this posture seems to have been nurtured since childhood, which made Grace so curious about Chen Yi.

If Chen Yi knew what she thought, he would definitely say that it was all the credit of the system. He didn’t learn these from an early age, but used the system to quickly master it.

Feeling that the time is almost right, Chen Yi just mailed it to Monaco and asked Shan Zeng Puncuo to pass the package that he had given him yesterday.

Looking at the beautifully packaged bag that Chen Yi handed over, Grace raised her slender brow lightly and asked, “…is this?”

“Because I knew I was coming to Monaco to meet Grace, I prepared a gift specially.”

……. ……… …….

Chen Yi said with a smile.

Grace was very elegant and generous, did not refuse, took the gift bag, and nodded her lips: “…Thank you, Ryan!”

“… I even prepared a gift for me, which makes me a little bit distressed. I don’t know how to return the gift or what to give you.”

After a pause, she smiled again: “…Can I open it for a look?”

“Of course, I hope you like it!”

Chen Yi raised his hand and made a “please” gesture.

Grace’s slender fingers shook the delicate bag. After opening the bag, she opened her mouth slightly after seeing the contents, her eyes were surprised, and there was a hint of joy.

Her cold and elegant eyes retracted from the gift and looked at Chen Yi. There was complexity and joy in her eyes, if it were a gem shining with stars.

“Ryan, I really like this gift.”

Her tone was slightly agitated, and the hand holding the gift bag was clenched unconsciously, revealing the blue veins on the back of her white hand.

“You like it, Grace.”

Chen Yi smiled politely.

For women like Grace, giving gifts is very particular, and the price of gifts is not a measure of preciousness.

Even if you give her the most beautiful jewels, she will only be happy for a while.

Because she was born in the royal family of Monaco and has a career in her own right, she is not short of money. The simple expensiveness cannot penetrate her heart.

So it takes a lot of effort to give gifts to this kind of woman.

“I like it very much, really, very much, Ryan!”

Grace used a few “very” in a row, showing the joy in her heart, she took out the contents of the gift bag. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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