Chapter 536 Step into the heart of the Princess of Monaco

Grace took out a bag from her pocket.

As long as the bag is a little research on luxury goods, it can be seen that it is a Hermès bag.

However, it looks a little different from the current Hermès bag, which is very retro.

And even if it is well maintained, if you look closely, you will find that this bag is still a bag with a sense of age, less to say, it has a history of about 30 years.

Although the quality of the Hermès bag is good, it is still a bit too much to use for 30 years, but the shape of this Hermès bag is almost undamaged, which shows that it has hardly been used.

“This is… the Hermes limited edition kelly.bag from the 1980s.”

Grace gently touched the bag that was almost undamaged with her hand, completely like a work of art or collectibles, and said with a sigh.

“Yes, Grace.”

“…Three of the most famous Hermes bags, birkin, kell y, and alcyon. In the 1950s, women’s bags were not as expensive as they are today, so unattainable.”

“The bag at that time was not a luxury item, but your grandmother, Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco, gave this Hermès bag a special meaning.”

“…Even now, people who follow fashion will still remember that photo. When the princess was pregnant, the Hermes bag she was holding in front of her belly was blocked. This photo has become an eternal monument in the fashion industry. ”

Chen Yi was polite and took Grace’s grandmother as the starting point, and directly entered the heart of the princess, let her open her heart, and began to talk endlessly with Chen Yi.

The princess of Monaco showed a joyful look on her face, in high spirits, and without the cold feeling of alienation she had before, she talked freely:

“…Ryan, you are right! My father, the current Prince Rainier IV of the Principality of Monaco, was carrying in the belly of my grandmother at the time.”

“My grandmother was considered the most prominent figure in the fashion industry at the time, and many people like to imitate her dress.”

“… And when that photo became widely circulated, many people rushed to buy this Hermès bag.”

“Hermes is very smart, they are always handmade, and the annual output is limited. With the hunger marketing method, this bag has become synonymous with Hermes luxury goods, and it has become the highest pursuit of women now.”

“…The President of Hermes at that time also directly named this bag Kelly bag, named after my grandmother “Kelly”.”

“I don’t know if Hermes borrowed my grandmother’s fame, or my grandmother rubbed their light.”

Grace said cheerfully. When she talked about her grandmother, she had admiration, longing, and regret in her eyes.

Seeing this, Chen Yi knew that he was right.

Before coming, he had carefully investigated the basic information of the princess. Thanks to the current development of the Internet, the princess is a public figure.

Many of her life trajectories, travel records, etc. can be found.

As long as you conduct big data analysis through these, you can actually get an in-depth understanding of her personality, hobbies, etc.

Of course, this understanding is not 100% correct. After all, big data is just big data, not a mind-reading technique.(Read more @

But now it seems that Chen Yi has grasped the point.

Hollywood movie star Grace Kelly is very famous, she not only won the Golden Globe Award for heroine, but also won the Oscar heroine crown.

The most talked about about this Oscar queen is that she married the then Grand Duke of Monaco and became the Princess of Monaco.

It can be said that in Grace Kelly’s era, she was synonymous with the European royal family, and she was more famous than Diana in the royal family.

Because in addition to the title of Princess of Monaco, her Oscar title is too high in gold.

It’s just that the two European royal princesses finally died of the same cause, all of them died in car accidents.

“It should be said that it is mutual achievement.”

“…Hermes borrowed the reputation of the princess to make her own bag a big hit, even in this century, it is still something women are vying to get.”

“As long as Hermès does not fall, the name of the princess will continue to be passed down with this bag. She is still the spokesperson of fashion and is admired by all women.”

Chen Yi pondered his tone and said slowly.

Grace’s eyes are like a dazzling gem, staring at Chen Yi with translucent gazes, and her eyes seem to be rippling, like mist on the lake in spring.

She carefully put away the bag in her hand, and said softly, “…The bag you gave me is a custom made by Hermès for my grandmother, and there are few in the world.”

“…At that time, there was indeed one that seemed to have been bought by a buyer from the East because it was auctioned anonymously, but no one knew who the buyer was.”

“Ryan, if you can find it, it must have taken a lot of effort.”

Chen Yi raised the coffee cup and took a sip. He didn’t say anything polite, but said, “…I didn’t spend much money, but it really took a lot of effort to find it out.”

“…At that time, I found many friends to find the whereabouts of this bag, and bought it at a premium from its owner at the time.”

Chen Yi said that the cat is indifferent, but his tone reveals another helplessness that made him distressed for a while to find this bag.

“The other party will sell it to you?”

Grace blinked, holding her fragrant cheek in her hand, and asked curiously like a little girl.

“This bag is just a collection to its original owner, but to Grace, it has a very important meaning to you.”

“…The other party didn’t want to sell it at first, but I talked to the seller, and the other party quickly sold it to me. Of course, some small tricks were used.”

There is something in Chen Yi’s words. He is telling Grace that he personally went out to discuss with the seller in order to give her a gift, and he was very sincere.

It is also telling her that he is very capable, even if the other party does not sell, he still has a way to get the other party to sell.

In fact, the previous owner of this bag was a rich man in Xiangjiang, but after so many years, the other party’s family is now in a state of failure.

Chen Yi asked Yang Tiantian, a friend who has a close relationship in the Xiangjiang auction industry, to help. He went to other people to help, and found the other party.

Chen Yi directly offered a good price, and the other party sold it directly in order to get more funds back from circulation.

But you must not show that you are very relaxed, you must show that you are very caring, you have encountered a lot of troubles, and you solve them one by one, so that women will be moved.

Grace sighed lightly. Her curiosity about Chen Yi grew. 0.0: “…Ryan, you are in country c, which is more powerful than I thought.”

Just like her princess is rich, but rich is not everything. At least let her go to country c to find relationships and contacts, she will definitely not find it.

This is not something you can get by money alone.

“Yes, and I will be better.”

Chen Yi smiled slightly and said confidently.

Seeing his confident smile and feeling Chen Yi’s warmth and jade like a spring breeze, the temperament rarely seen in the United States family, Grace was slightly lost.

She quickly recovered and smiled at Chen Yi: “…Ryan, you are really not humble at all.”

“Because I believe that Grace, you don’t like overly humble people.”

Chen Yi smiled.

Grace covered her mouth and her beautiful eyes were clear.

“Let’s go, Ryan! I will take you today to visit this small country.”

“My pleasure, beautiful Ms. Grace!”.

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