Chapter 538 Net profit of 6 billion

In the next few days, Chen Yi, accompanied by this princess, visited several scenic spots in Monaco.

Standing on the cliffs on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea, in the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco with a mountain back and the sea.

Chen Yi saw all the fishing boat models from ancient times to the present, as well as various specimens of sea beasts and marine fish, not to mention the many ornamental fishes.

This maritime museum enjoys a reputation even internationally. If you do not come here after you come to Monaco, something is missing from this trip.

Grace said that she once had the dream of being a tour guide. Chen Yi felt that this was not a lie.

She is familiar with all the facilities and buildings in Monaco. With her clear voice and beautiful explanations, Chen Yi has a deeper understanding of the country.

The Monaco Cathedral is also a place where Chen Yi went to play. Almost all members of Monaco believe in Christianity.

This Roman Byzantine building also witnessed the wedding and funeral of Grace’s grandmother, the Princess of Monaco.

For a few days, Chen Yi did not mention the horse, and Grace seemed to have forgotten it.

Chen Yi just played with her in Monaco every day, and even took a helicopter into France to visit some interesting places.

Chen Yi decided to spend two weeks in Monaco for himself. First, Chen Yi has spent money like water since he has the system, but he is busy most of the time and has no time to travel.

This time, he was planning to play in a foreign country because of the purchase of a horse, so he was going to travel.

Don’t worry too much about academics. His grade point is still quite high, and as long as his grades don’t fall, the school won’t care about him.

Secondly, Chen Yi feels that his work may be busier in the future, especially when his career is completely on the right track, the more people he needs to be responsible for.

It is said that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. At that time, even if it is for the brothers who follow him, he must be more serious.

It’s good to rely on the system’s salary all day long to eat and wait to die.

But Chen Yi feels that since he has a systemic possession, since he is reborn once and walked in this world, if he does not stand on the top and see the beautiful scenery, then his life will be really useless.

During the half-month of Chen Yi’s’business trip’, several major events also happened.

In the Marriott Hotel, Chen Yi is following a call from Han Yifan.

“President Chen, it should be night in your place? Are you free ` `?”

Han Yifan asked cautiously.

“Well, I’m at the hotel, just tell me what you want.”

Chen Yi shook a glass of champagne in his hand, took a sip, and said.

“Mr. Chen, the railway branch you invested in has already been listed on the domestic ipo.”

Chen Yi was taken aback by Han Yifan’s words. He has been in Monaco for the past two weeks and has not paid much attention to domestic affairs.

In addition to reading the company briefing every day, he also said to Han Yifan that he should not be called for anything that is not particularly important. This is considered a holiday given to him by Chen Yi.

And obviously the railway ipo is a very important thing.(Read more @

“Good guy, it hasn’t been a month since the proposal was put forward to the direct listing? This is the fastest ipo speed in the history of the country.”

Chen Yi calculated the time. It is April, and it is really less than a month since the original Li family head asked him.

Normally, it takes a lot of time for a company to go public, not to mention the messy things.

The listing of this railway branch company was completed within a month, and it was a real high-speed rail speed.

“The railway, the Ministry of Commerce and the China Securities Regulatory Commission all wear a pair of trousers…”

Han Yifan murmured a few words.

Chen Yi chuckled softly when he heard the words. There is no need to elaborate on the things in it, everyone understands it.

The listing of ipo requires the approval of the Ministry of Commerce and the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

“Okay, I won’t check the data, just tell me what the closing price is.”

Chen Yi knew that Han Yifan could not call him just because of the railway ipo.

“The total valuation was 10 billion yuan higher than the original valuation, and after the listing, the closing price on the first day was finally fixed at 85 billion yuan in soft sister coins.”

“… Although the stock price will fluctuate in the future, it must not fluctuate too much, and the lowest cannot be less than 75 billion yuan. Even if this stock is optimistic about many people, it may not be impossible to break the 100 billion mark in the future.”

Han Yifan’s tone was faintly excited. He barely maintained his composure and reported the numbers to Chen Yi.

“85 billion…”

Chen Yi sighed.

Prior to this, he bought 10% of the shares with one billion soft sister coins. According to the financial situation of the railway branch at that time, Chen Yi was actually at a loss.

However, this backhand ipo went public, and this 10% of the shares immediately skyrocketed. Although Chen Yi’s own shares will also shrink, he also made a net profit of 6 billion at the current stock price!

6 billion, Xiao Wang claimed to have 6 billion assets at the beginning, but they were all valuations of investment companies, and they were not actually listed.

And now the six billion that Chen Yi holds in his hand is the real stock value!

Of course, as an original shareholder, Chen Yi cannot cash out within three years, and because of the regulations of the railway department, other people who purchase this stock cannot cash out within one year.

In other words, this stock can only be bought but not sold within a year.

If you can’t cash out, you can’t exchange it for money, but there are other ways.

“Yifan, you go to every bank and ask to see how much money this part of my stock can use as a mortgage.”

“¨ 〃…I have a very good relationship with President Lu of the Minhang Bank. You can focus on asking him, but you don’t have to really borrow money from the Minhang Bank. You have to shop around.”

“Whoever can lend me more money, and whose interest is low, we choose whoever!”

The six billion came at the right time.

When Chen Yi’s Pinduoduo and Douyin were on the right track, he discovered that the money given by the system was really not enough to burn.

What about one billion a year? This system makes money faster than it is realistic to make money in business. Look at this, using the identity of the nobleman to cut leeks directly, and make six billion in one go.

According to the current level of the system, it would take Chen Yi not to eat or drink for six years to wait for the system to send so much money.

The current Chen Yi is really grateful to the Li family, and can’t wait to give Li Shiman a promise. The money came too timely. It was when Chen Yi was short of money and burned the most.

With these six billion, Chen Yi can flex his muscles, knowing that his time is finally coming.

Of course, the bank cannot really lend so much money, but as long as there is four billion, Chen Yi will be content.

The main reason is that railways are high-quality assets, and other companies’ stock mortgages may be risky, but the risk of the railway sector is very low.

If even the railway department has problems, then the matter may be a big deal.

Therefore, such high-quality assets are the easiest to mortgage loans, and banks like such customers so that they can earn interest.

What Chen Yi has to do is to lend as much money as possible under the premise of lowering bank interest rates.

“Okay, President Chen, I will go to the presidents of the major banks for inquiries tomorrow… One more thing, the company told me that Douyin is ready to enter the market.”

Han Yifan nodded heavily and said.

“In other words, the next step is to announce the work.”

Chen Yi groaned after hearing the words, pressing his forehead with his hand.

Because of the core algorithm, the development of the app doesn’t cost much money. What really burns money is propaganda, which is what really needs to be spent.

The only good news is that there are currently no opponents on the market that can be beaten, and the announced money can be burned less, but burning more than one billion is also a basic operation.

Still the same sentence, thank the Li family, thank you for this timely rain of money! .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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