Chapter 539 The world is about to focus on me

“Publicity is the top priority. I don’t want to lose the market because of publicity when I own a good hardware.”

“…I will focus on the next propaganda work, and you should also have snacks.”

“Go and inform the company’s publicity department and all the senior management. Tomorrow night in Monaco, that is, in the afternoon on your side, I will hold a video conference and focus on my thoughts.”

Chen Yi attaches great importance to publicity. Although the quality of a product is the most basic, whether this product can occupy a large number of markets depends on publicity and advertising.

“Okay, Mr. Chen, I wrote it all down! Tomorrow we will be in the office on time to listen to your guidance.”

Han Yifan said flatly.

Chen Yi has long been immune to such compliments. He just hummed and said after thinking about it:

“…How can we be regarded as one of the shareholders of the railway company? When the time comes, we will ask the railway department if it can give us a price per person and place an advertisement on the entire railway line and high-speed trains.”

“There is a lot of train traffic in country c. I hope that everyone who rides on the train can see our product advertisement 797.”

“…It’s a pity that this year’s Spring Festival travel season has ended, otherwise this advertisement could be more magnificent.”

Chen Yi sighed and sighed.

After chatting with Han Yifan, Chen Yi hung up the phone.

Whether it is Chen Yi or Grace, their daily work is very busy, even if Chen Yi is traveling, they still have to deal with some troublesome tasks every day.

The next day, Grace happened to be busy during the day, so Chen Yi directly advanced the meeting time.

For the boss to change the meeting time without authorization, the staff of his staff certainly did not dare to say anything. Every high-level person sat in the meeting room honestly, listening to Chen Yi’s teaching with his notebook.

In this video conference, Chen Yi first thanked all employees for their efforts in the listing of this app and praised their speed at work.

At the same time, Chen Yi asked the propaganda department to make every effort to increase propaganda, and strive to make Douyin app ads visible to the entire network.

Chen Yi’s goal is to reach 10 million users one month after the app is released. This is his small goal.

In Chen Yi’s view, with the advanced level of the core algorithm of his own app and the money burned by the strong publicity, this is not difficult. If this is not possible, the publicity department can collectively resign.

The initial user growth of short videos is the most difficult, and as long as they become famous, the number of users will increase exponentially. It is very likely that the number of users will reach 100 million in half a year.

“The R&D department must continue to update the research and development of the core algorithm, keep the app updated, and gradually give users higher viscosity and ease of use.”(Read more @

Even if Chen Yi has a complete app in his mind, he will never do it overnight.

What software this kind of thing needs is to update slowly, a little bit of improvement.

If you directly come up with a perfect work, users will not only not approve it, but they may also think that you have poor skills. As long as the subsequent update is not a qualitative change, the user will be dissatisfied.

People are like this, you can’t make them full and well eaten all at once.

If you want to feed them the sifted chaff first, and then replace it with rice, they will be grateful, and finally they will kneel and pray when they are replaced with meat.

“Secondly, the R&D department needs to develop another app. In China, only 7% of the population is in first-tier cities, and 93% of the population is in other cities.”

“… Douyin is a very novel product suitable for young people, but it is only suitable for young people in first-tier or second-tier cities.”

“Pinduoduo is sinking into the market, and short videos can’t let go of that market. Douyin is suitable for going international. It is fashionable enough and enough for young people to like it.”

“… But in China, it is not enough earth and grounded, which will make us lose most of our users and give other short videos a chance.”

Chen Yi is planning to bring out Kuaishou too.

Kuaishou and Douyin target completely different user groups, one is the average person in society, and the other is fashionable young people.

The result is that there is a huge gap in the user ratio between the two sides. Regardless of Kuaishou every day old iron old iron, but his user data is huge, it is simply unimaginable.

Therefore, in the valuation, Kuaishou is much higher than Douyin.

Chen Yi is planning to take up both the high-end and low-end short video markets.

It is his strategy to enter the world with high-end and fashionable products, make oneself famous in the world, and use low-end products to retain users and make money. This is his strategy.

He doesn’t want to come up with a fast hand in the future, and then the market value is higher than his first-step Douyin, which will make Chen Yi feel ashamed.

Chen Yi hopes that in the future the short video market will be his family’s dominance, and then there are many small short video platforms circulating on the market, not to be one super-strong, but one super-many small.

He has to occupy more than 80% of the market, and the rest will be divided among others.

Many company executives listened to Chen Yi’s strategic plan and admired him.

Everyone has just stepped up to the trend of this short video, and before the competition has started, Mr. Chen is already like Longzhong Zhuge Liang, and he has started to break the world.

Zhuge Liang is one-third of the world, so Mr. Chen will directly occupy the whole country.

I occupies Kyushu, and the remaining corners are too remote and difficult to manage, so they are occupied by others. This is courage and vision.

Of course strategic planning is good, but implementation requires everyone to work together, and Chen Yi alone can’t do anything.

“Everyone, short videos are the new outlet. We have already occupied the widest and widest track, and we ran out before firing the shot.”

“… A new Internet legend is about to be born, and your name will be written in this honor.”

“Let me say something more vulgar, do you want to be a billionaire? Do you want to drive a luxury car and live in a luxury house? The opportunity lies here, and it depends on you if you can seize it!”

In a word, everyone seemed to be beaten with blood.

Honor and money are what people are after. One is the highest self-realization of Maslow’s pyramid theory, and the other is respect and life security.

At the end of the video, Chen Yi picked up a glass of wine and sat on the sofa, looking at the Mediterranean coastline through the huge French windows.

With tourists playing on the beach and dense yachts on the Mediterranean Sea, Chen Yi believes that he will soon become a world-renowned person, as well-known as Tonyma and Jack Ma.

Even he will be more famous because he is younger, more legendary, and more energetic.

The world is about to focus on me.

Chen Yi thought leisurely.

At most, it takes only half a year, Chen Yi believes that he will be known to everyone in the country, and he will have a huge reputation all over the world in one year. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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